The Writing Ministry of Shelly Wilson
The Sharp Shooters
You know, some of us can't hit "like" on a post because the truth of it scares us to death. It's just more comfortable to keep on scrolling and pretend we didn't see it. Kind of like when we're reading
Jesus Lives
Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. There have certainly been seasons where I thought I might not make it
Don’t Settle
I know you’ve been waiting on someone to notice you. But you’ve gotta die to that dear one. This life in Christ is about obedience to Him alone. Loyalty to Him alone. He must be your first love. He
Partnering with Injustice
When you partner with injustices you become a recipient of it’s fruit and it’s just judgement. Reaping and sowing is a very real biblical principle. God takes much time to tell us in advance. Often we are unaware
A Flame of Fire
I ran into a scripture yesterday in the Psalm that peaked my interest. However, I soon forgot about it until I ran into it again this morning except I was in Hebrews. I’ve learned not to miss such a
The Help Bringer
For when he arrived in Rome, he searched and searched for me until he found out where I was being held, so that he could minister to me. (2 Timothy 1:17) This passage in 2 Timothy wrecked me this morning.
Captivity often looks normal if it’s all you’ve ever known. It’s not always evident until you’re freed from that bondage. You’ll also likely not see when the enemy is at work if you’re unwise to the devil’s schemes. Captivity
A Song on My Heart (Video)
Sometimes you praise your way through and it’s been a long time since God pulled this song out of my heart. I hope it ministers to you as well today. Click to listen/watch the video.
Seal the Door
I think very often God’s heart is broken at the unnecessary pain inflicted on His children. The never-ending wounding in His name that resembles nothing of His nature. Love is kind after all. Not cruel. Sometimes God will have you
What Does It Matter
This phrase sang out of my heart during worship this morning and I knew that our sweet Jesus wanted to speak into this tender place for some wondering hearts… What does it matter If you’re rejected by men You’ve
I Still Believe
Listen. Don’t give up on redemption. God can still change things. He is still redeeming lives and lifting up the least likely into royal positions. Don’t become callous to grace. It’s important to remember where you came from lest you
The Hard is Getting Harder
This morning while in worship the Lord and I were talking about this coming season. I’ve felt a shift for many months and while much breakthrough has already happened this past Monday evening I could see more of God’s movement,
Humility in Endings
For a few days I’ve had it on my heart about another kind of working out of humility. Lately, humility is a focus for the Lord it seems. It’s the humility required of us when a season is
Love Them Back
I am so grateful that the women I get to serve know that I love full disclosure and transparency with them. They hear me say these things alot in our rooms. This week I feel it heavy in my Spirit
Some of you are beginning to feel a little something trying to bubble up in your heart. It’s been so long since you’ve felt it, you’re not sure what it is. You may not have even realized it left.
Hidden in Christ
Colossians 3:3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Once born again you come into a safe place in Christ. A place where you become a new creation and you are now hidden.
More Than This
I am passionate about women stepping into their royal positions in Christ. Many are bound by “unspoken” narratives that dangerously silence them. Lurking theologies still twist the scriptures in their lives and they become less than they were designed to
Irreplaceable You
Within you is something special. Like a secret sauce. Uniquely you. I can’t take credit for this phrase but I saw it on another devotional and thought, “That is good!” It’s this phrase, “What leaves when you leave a room.
Jesus is Coming Out of the Box
Christ is coming out of the box we, the people, have placed Him in. Never was He meant to be confined to our way of thinking. The way He begins to move now and birth spiritual assignments will look so
Humility in Healing
Sometimes it’s hard to bring hearts into healing. It requires hard conversations. Honesty dialogues. Hopefully, listening ears. But pain has a way of clouding our hearing and throwing a veil over our eyes. It can get tricky because the enemy
The Unfolding
You often become the “thing” you were designed to be without even knowing it was happening. I began many years ago by writing blog posts that mostly shared my “moments with Jesus.” I remember when a dear pastor friend said,
A Pruning Pass
This morning I have something trying to “stand up” in me. Perhaps, someone. (Christ) This is not a season to be surrounded by people who are unable to run with you. Those who are always talking you out of
Trust is hard, isn’t it? It’s the moment you think, “I need the answer right this minute!” And suddenly God seems silent. He might answer and speak into a thousand other issues while never touching the one you feel you
What If?
What if you let go of someone you deemed unimportant who God actually sent to bless your life? What if a mere two words could reconcile hearts with a simple, “I’m Sorry?” What if you were wrong and
Sought Out
As I’ve been finishing up my reading through the book of Isaiah, my eyes stopped today to take in this verse: And they shall be called The Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord; And you shall be called
The Unsettled Place
There is an unsettled place of pain hiding within your heart. This morning the Lord shows me that His eye is gazing upon it with compassion. His counsel is ready for you if you will invite Him in.
Likely one of the cruelest things we can do to others is leaving them to their own imaginations. In our Boundaries class we’ve talked about how “truth-telling” is the kind way to go. In some seasons I was
A Little Girl’s Dream
For some women little girl dreams went undone. Life happened and pain came. Trauma terrorized and years passed. But sometimes in healing it’s important to literally fulfill some little girl dreams when possible. Last night we had the
Just Reflecting
We never seem to know what God might do in our meetings. What use to make me a little uneasy and feel out of control now makes me excited. The Holy Spirit is a joy to follow. One of
Endurance is such a gift of God. For without it we might faint. The endless trials that come might well take us under but for the staying power of Christ. I have loved this scripture deeply, But
Walk in the Light
There will be a season where God will force you into confrontations. Not to harm you but to help you. Maturing in the faith is understanding hard conversations are necessary for growth. We also have a responsibility to help
You are not Desperate
Within the beautiful confines of God’s plan for your life is security of calling. As He unfolds His heart to you, I can assure you He is working on your behalf. He is lining up millions of details
Last night during worship with some friends, a song came on with these piercing words, Make me Your vessel Make me an offering Make me whatever You want me to be. As worship continued the word, “Whatever” seemed
Time is a Tattletale
Last night I had a dream. It was a rather long one but there’s one scene that is totally worth sharing. I was sitting in a room with a few women and we were talking about “staying in your
God’s Gifts
I spent some really good time with a sweet friend this week. Her love for the broken is like mine and there are times you need a good dreaming session with like-minded people. What I love about her most
It’s Work
Healing. It’s a process. It’s laborious. Meaning, it’s work. It’s work for you and it’s work for me. Your work might consist of releasing a waterfall of tears after processing a pain that has gripped you your whole
The Window Pane
While in worship, today, Jesus seemed to visually take me to a window pane. As I looked through the glass, I could see beyond the seasons of rain and now came forth a field of buds where flowers were
Every Second
You come into a season with Christ where you’ve grown in Him in such a way that causes you to be super careful of your days. In that place you know that you only have so much time to spend and you had better make it count.
It’s Just Me
Listen friends. I see many personal delusions at work these days. I recognize it because I, too, have been there.
A Force
What happens to a people when they have become numb to the works of darkness?
When They Fly
I never knew I’d be shepherding hearts in the way God designed me for, today. It has been the hardest, yet most rewarding calling I could have ever imagined.
The Wonder of Jesus
Often I see Jesus come gently. Perhaps it’s the nature of what we are called to do but I’ve seen the kindness of God embrace a precious face with words that melt my heart.
A Coming Promise
Some of you don’t know what it’s like to have someone cheering for you on the sidelines. You’ve climbed mountains and set new divine records with Jesus, alone.
The pushing of the boundary lines is not surprising but the churches response is quite shocking.
Turn Your Eyes
While the busy bustle And the world does hustle Learn to just be still. For in the secret He whispers precious Words into your ears. No man can fathom What the Lord Has planned for your dear life.
With Every Step
As I was driving today, the Lord began to give me a new song. Later in the day it came back to me and I’ve been pondering it ever since. Lyrics: (just a snippet) With every step God is
Buy Up the Time
Today I seem to be overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord. Kind of teary-eyed too as I look at this picture my dear friend sent me. It was taken at her Mom’s precious home-going service.
Mercy’s Kiss
There’s a holy kiss that bends real low
Uncovering sins and painful woes
Tis So Easy
It’s the “Even if” saints who will endure to the end.
Trust Jesus
It’ll likely be on the other side of Heaven before I can ever share in full the personal cost of following Jesus.
The Quiet Place
There is a quiet place with God that I often must go. It’s where I sense His beckoning to come and sit so I might listen to what’s on His heart.
Sudden Endings
Many years ago while working in the hospital in middle management I had heard the rumors of pink slips going out. This meant there would be a fair amount of people being “let go.”
Jesus is the Boss of Me
Some things I’ve learned: God has a schedule all of His own.
Honoring Boundaries
We talk about boundaries a lot here. It is a particular area of struggle for many.
Alive in Christ
(I wrote this about an hour before our Monday night support group. I wanted to also share it here with you.)
The Keeper of the Prison
In Acts 16:25-34 we see a beautiful scene play out. Paul and Silas are in prison and they begin to worship.
Unexpected Exposure
Pain has many hidden purposes. I hope you’ll let it teach you. But I can’t promise that you’ll like it for a good long while.
Whew. This is gonna be a tough one. Rarely do I get two writings in one morning. So, this causes me to pay close attention to what God is saying. This writing shortly after, “Jesus is There” in the same morning.
Jesus is There
Some of you are so angry at your present circumstance. You’re silently blaming this one and that one for the place you’re in.
Shake it Off
One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned over the years is when it’s time to shake the dust off my feet.
The Bestest Best Friend
When in prayer you can find yourself entering into the very heart of the Lord. Occasionally, I can see hanging linen and my hands pry back each curtain of beauty to go yet deeper into His heart.
A Spirit of Excellence
Before Christ I was in the medical field. I tend to be a detail oriented person and still love trouble shooting problems.
Lead Well in all Things
here are definitely consequences to our decisions, our lack of obedience, and even our apathy. It can cost us our own destiny.
Become a Deliverer
As I look upon my life with Christ I see so much error in past beliefs. Sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know.
A Simple Hope Dealer
In the long hours and sometimes heavy work of healing, deliverance, and equipping I find myself getting emotional as I often look around the rooms and see such beauty of the Lord in the precious faces I get to serve.
The “Time to Heal” Season
In your zeal to fulfill your calling don’t miss-step or over-step the personal need for healing. God walks many into the Ecclesiastes 3, “time to heal” season but many jump out way too soon, try to avoid it, or circle around it.
Warring Against God
In prayer this morning I had a phrase pass through my heart, “warring against God.” I had a sense that some are following another voice and agenda.
Rebellion is knowing what God said, but choosing to not obey. Rebellion is refusing to honor what God honors. This includes people.
God’s Handmaiden
Some of you have never been given a chance to find out who you really are. Your entire life has been built by others.
The Rhythm of Grace
This phrase (rhythm is grace) is mentioned in the Message translation which is more of a paraphrased version, yet, can be lovely in wording as an additional reference. I’ve been trying to “get into a groove” or rhythm of
We Need More Jonathan’s
Sometimes we let a thing slip through our hands. Jesus was trying to bless us but we couldn’t see it.
It’s Your Job
There was a season where I thought I needed to take people with me into the ministry. Where somehow in my mind I needed help that I felt I didn’t have.
The God Step
Some hearts are bewildered and think they’re stuck in the destiny God has promised them. However, it’s a type of deception.
A Lie
A lie is a lie is a lie indeed
No matter what you think
Don’t you agree?
Peace like a River
Can it just be okay with us that God in His sovereignty allows what is best for us to grow in Him, or to grow more like Him?
The Honest Cry
Some of us are afraid to cry out to God. To tell Him how we really feel. About life. About pain. About delays. About shame. About regrets. About loneliness.
Bleeding Hearts
Perhaps today your heart might say,
“Oh Lord, do show me needs.”
The Heart
Life is full of disappointments. Heart woundings. Pained promises.
The Jealous Spirit
There is such a temptation to be something we’re not. In all of our pandering for influence we’ve lost sight of the goodness of God in our own lives.
Just Sing
In times of darkness, sing. When in despair, just sing.
Not Yet
There are still dreams stirring in my heart yet I hear a faint whisper, “Not yet.” It is a peculiar life indeed with the Lord learning daily to follow closer.
The Needling
I know. The devil is a master at needling your heart.
The Walk
There is a walk with Jesus that is utterly narrow. You’ll have to crucify every opportunity to compromise holiness and righteousness.
The Little Girl
There’s a little girl inside of some of you who is aching to get out. She’s been hiding for years herself to keep safe.
Desperation can destroy quickly a plan of God. The royal priest that is unable to wait upon the Lord will position people wrongly.
The Sharpening
Some things are simply meant to sharpen you. There was something in that dreaded place that you needed to learn.
Your Song
The poet is but a melodic mute
Without trials that stir up rhyme
The writer has nothing to say
If Jesus has not been given his time.
Pride is a terrible thing.
A stubborn bent that keeps us reeling.
That which lies in wait to ruin beautiful plans of the Lord.
The Islands
Some of you have felt alone on a deserted island. Like a castaway lost at sea.
Little Ole’ You
Woven within you are miracles waiting to happen. Special seasons already written in the book full of good works that have been stored up just for you.
Selfish Ambition
There is but only one to which I must answer. Only one who can call me out of the quiver. It is His will that I must be sure I’m surrendering to.
Carry On
As God began to move mightily in the ministry soon after we opened our local building, I began to experience major attacks from the enemy.
The Flower in Bloom
I remember when my husband handed me a book on healing my broken heart. I had no intentions of reading it and it sat on my bookshelf unread.
Exposing a Snake
Psa 141:4 – Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, To practice wicked works with men who work iniquity; And do not let me eat of their delicacies.
A Letter to Esther
This is no time to shrink back. You will have to face the giants of the day to set your people free.
The Rule of God
When God is ruling there will always be evidence of Him at work. Everywhere Jesus went was healing, deliverance, the blind seeing, hearts bound up, and truth being dispensed.
The Longing
What is it you long for?
My heart has been travailing for deepened worship.
Casualties of War
While in prayer the phrase came into my heart, “Casualties of War.” The Lord was showing me the many unnecessarily lamed hearts after a bout of war.
Obedience in Suffering
It is tempting to only praise God when we’re on the mountain and all is well. At the turn of every blessing, we rejoice. Yet when the valley is where our feet land, we disappear from the sweet honoring of our God.
Pay Attention
Lately I’ve heard come from my own mouth the whisper of God to “Pay Attention.”
Learn to Learn
It is a dangerous place to be if one thinks they’ve nothing left to learn.
The End
Sometimes you really do need to leave. For far too long we’ve created a type of loyalty to titles and churches that is not in line with Jesus.
My Treasure
Christ, He is my treasure
Through every kind of weather
Look and Listen
I am still learning how to look and listen for the wind in my rooms. How to breathe slower and allow space for the Holy Spirit to go where He wants to go. If I’m not careful I could
Leading Well
As leaders, we should look across the faces of our people and ask to see deeply into their hearts. Be careful of looking upon the outward appearance of man.
Prepared for Greatness
Listen. I promise what I’m about to tell you is true. But it’s gonna be hard to hear. However, I do think it will help you in your suffering seasons.
This Nobody
I’m more of a nobody than I’ve ever been
And I honestly love the view.
Stay in the Grace
After the turn of the year I noticed something that’s becoming precious to me. Although we were adding groups and I was still handling my normal schedule, I seemed to be able to withstand the work better.
The Mighty Defender
ne of the hardest things to work through with Jesus is the inability to defend yourself when others have wrongfully accused you. I think a lot about Joseph and all those years in prison after being falsely accused.
The Tears
It’s okay baby girl. (Or boy) I know you want to stop the crying but the faucet just won’t turn off. Your heart will need some time to recover so don’t rush this part of your healing. Jesus
Stop along the Way
You’ll have to open your eyes to the hurting if you want to follow Jesus. Even when He was headed to a destination you’d often find Him stopping to heal the sick, cast out a demon, do some teaching, or raise the dead.
Some seasons leave you singed. The fire was hot and it left some very real and long lasting scars.
The Empty Space
I’d leave that spot empty if I were you. If God hasn’t approved that move then you had best hold off.
Skimming the Surface
Until we stop skimming the surface we will not be too effective in this war on darkness. Our studying skims the surface and we are too satisfied with barely knowing a thing rendering us not able to articulate needed truth to hearts in need.
The Last Say
I will confess that there are times when it feels like the devil is winning a battle. Where those who rob you seem to get blessings. Where integrity doesn’t seem to be honored but the lack thereof is. Where alliances
The Loose Ends are Loosing YOU
For a few months God has been talking to me about “Tying up loose ends.” This past week it kept coming again and again in His Word, through prophetic devotionals, and other avenues. It was clear to me that this
The Lukewarm Lifestyle
Growth in Christ is intentional. Advancing the Kingdom is also intentional.
Jesus Delivers
Jesus wants to deliver you. But He does give you free will. You can choose not to be free, and many do.
The Golden Years
The trauma didn’t trap you, it tried you. Now it has proved you. It took you higher into the place of the Spirit of God where hinds feet in higher places was becoming your portion.
It is Well
Within your own wilderness has come a well of wisdom. Who knew pain could carry promise and valleys could birth life changing legacy.
Singing a New Song
You are never too old with Jesus to grow. I’m so thankful for this truth. Over the past few years God has been restoring worship to me. However, it has not been the same as before.
The Place of Pain
There are times when God walks you right back to the place of pain. You’ve likely run from it trying hard to get away from it.
Dear Ruth
You have not been forgotten or forsaken. As I look across the field, I see you.
Precious is the One
In worship this morning I began to sing, “Precious is the one.” I knew it was the Lord sharing His heart with me. In a world where audiences are preferred, Jesus says, “Precious is the one.”
The Wilderness is Necessary
Some of our wilderness seasons are not yet over. I know you’d like it I to be and have been praying for it all to end but there is an inner work that is still necessary to the Lord.
The Lame
God always has something on His mind in any room. Often there is a sudden shift where you realize….ahhh this is it.
The Sweetest Name I Know
Last night we were in tears seeing how faithful God was being to our women. Don’t get me wrong. I expect it. It’s who He is. But the lovely ways He uniquely does it for each heart can be so stunning.
The Next Chapter
Listen. I do have an education. A bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a MBA with a specialty in Health Services but the Lord warned me about using my old methods in the Kingdom once I stepped into running a ministry.
Shut that Door
We talked last night about how often we are called upon by people to “fill a spot” or “meet a need” but the truth is God never called us to it. So we sit empty in it while nothing of God actually happens. It’s all human will and strength.
So Be It
What are you willing to do for His presence? Let go of all the formality, the agenda, and just let Him have the room?
The Grief in the New
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
When the Door Doesn’t Open
I’ve spent a fair amount of time over my years injuring my shoulders while barreling into closed doors.
The Vision
While I was worshiping this morning I saw an open Bible begin to transform into Christ the person. All the scriptures formed His frame and His body inside and out. It was like watching an animation come to life.
God Sees the Davids
I can’t make anyone a minister. God does the choosing. There’s no shiny positions in real Kingdom work and honestly God is the only one who anoints and appoints. I’m only called to see in hearts what God
The Skylark
Though pain and sorrow come near, the skylark remains a most cheerful songbird. In circular motions the little lark ascends towards Heaven and is one of the rare birds that sings while it flies. You would never know
The Linus Blankets
When I began in ministry, I was terrified to speak in front of anyone, so I made sure my music tracks ran right together with no pause. It sounded like a good plan but the motive was fear and insecurity.
Beyond the Edge of Reason
It’ll be at the edge of reason that you find God’s higher ways. That place where you can no longer explain what He just did or make any natural sense of it all.
You are Not Forgotten
Tonight, I just feel an overwhelming heart for those who haven’t quite gotten over certain seasons of pain. No matter what right steps you’ve taken towards healing, the grief still rests deep within you.
Shadows and Secrets
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. (John 1:17)
The Eyes That See
I find it is true that the eyes of a person can tell me so much. I’ve been asking the Lord this week if He can be seen in my own eyes. Does compassion shine through as a heart
The Goodness of God
Yesterday began and ended with blessings. We were gifted a refrigerator that was delivered yesterday, and I think I stared at it for an hour.
There have been times when God gave a sudden redirection. When it happens, it can be a little wounding. Maybe you’ve experienced the same.
Get Back in the Ark
Often times God has provided for us an ark-type place meant to serve His purposes. It is the place of His anointing and His power. A place His work advances and a place where your gifts come alive because of the unique anointing you have in Christ.
The Binding of Broken Hearts
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3). I was pondering in prayer how Christ binds a broken heart.
Trained in Kindness
I’m reading another book on Corrie Ten Boom. A phrase caught my attention today: “Trained in kindness.”
A Match Made in Heaven
As I prayed this morning, the words “Match Made in Heaven” dropped in my heart. It’s so true that we must be willing to wait while God moves. His moving isn’t always seen but trust me, that He isn’t idle.
Come Clean
Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light.
Psalm 32:7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah
The Thorn
Like Paul, you’ve asked it be removed three or more times. While there has not been a “No” there has neither been a “Yes.”
Without Cause
Job 2:3
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause.”
Belonging can’t be your boss, or you will end up in circles where you’ll have to compromise who you are in Christ just to “belong.”
The Lamp
Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness.
This is your first duty, and the supernatural Holy Spirit’s job is to lead you where He is taking you, which is not always entirely where you actually want to go.
The Trees That Praise
I watched a leaf upon a tree As it came and neared to me And suddenly I realized Its beating heart had seen the Christ. I grinned as I did say, “Oh Lord All creation does praise you more
When Jesus Clears the Room
A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. (John 4:7-8)
Gone with the Wind
I had been praying for a while this morning and while in worship heard the words, “Gone with the Wind.”
Travel Light
It is often that transition brings such a change that some things seem lost. All those you carried with you before aren’t always called to move into your next season.
When the Devil Sends Help
The devil knows how to send you help, and he knows if you’re more desperate to get any ole’ help or if you’re wise enough to ask God if it’s His man or woman.
Let Them Go
If Paul had listened to the voices of his past, he would never have followed the path of Christ. He would have stayed in ignorance.
The Keys
A few years ago I had a dream, and I was preparing for a royal ball. I looked down and in my hand were 2 ornate keys. They were huge! Then suddenly in the dream I had lost the keys and was looking for them frantically.
The New Thing
Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Permission Granted
Not everyone will understand what is in you. Some simply don’t know how to use what Jesus placed in you, and some frankly would rather keep you under their heel with an authority that is nothing more than a spirit of control.
Surrender Your Sails
There are times when you have little insight into a particular direction. In these times perhaps we must let “her” drive as the scripture says because we know indeed the Master is on duty at the helm.
The Soft Whisper
Like Elijah, I’ve heard the soft whisper of God come when I’ve decided to hold up in my own darkened caves. One has to get used to stillness and quiet to allow God to speak sometimes.
Less is More
We need not create a kind of “more” for the work of God. Sometimes we add things that seem to only take away from the anointing.
Let It Pass
You better learn how to keep your eye on The Prize because Satan is unleashing hoards of distractions to get you away from The Beloved and His unique design for you.
A Living Sacrifice
And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David:
My Way or the Highway
It is a telling stance of the flesh when a heart demands its way in arrogance rather than a posture of humility.
Wait for the Lord
Waiting on God can be so difficult. If we sit still too long, we quickly get back up to work it all out for ourselves, all the while making unnecessary errors.
Renew Your Vows
While in prayer, I began to sing the words, “I renew my vows to thee.” A holy matrimony is at hand. The bride who has “been making herself ready” is being beckoned to His deep presence.
The Plot Twist
It seems like you’re the man at the pool waiting for someone to carry you into the water, but people always step over you, overlook you, and “get theirs first.”
When He Doesn’t Calm the Sea
There have been seasons where God did not calm my seas. Instead He taught me how to ride the waves.
The Windstorm
On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was.
Stand Thou Still
1Sa 9:27 – And as they were going down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Bid the servant pass on before us, (and he passed on,) but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.
Wilder Seas
For some of us we’ve not ventured out past the shallow waters of safety. Our comfortable living has carried us away from the adventures with Christ. We’re right near afraid of everything.
The Bird Nest
Pro 27:8 – Like a bird that wanders from her nest,
So is a man who wanders from his place.
The Lighthouse
There is coming on the horizon places of safe harbor from the storms and supernatural peace from the rolling waves. Places of true refuge for the hurting.
The Worshipers
The worshiper in spirit and truth will never be confined to Sunday mornings at 11 am. When the presence of God comes into a room, the heart of a worshiper responds no matter where they are and when they are.
We Need You
This is for all my little sisters in music. First, embrace your own uniqueness. In a world full of copycats, be an original.
On My Own
At some point, you’ll have to decide that “this” just isn’t working. This hurricane cycle of sweeping pain will meet you at your daily door until you open it for the King.
Detained by the Devil
In prayer this morning came out the title of this writing. I found myself praying for those that might be detained by the devil and don’t even know it.
The Breakthrough
There’s a heavenly perspective happening that looks like confusion and chaos to you, but it’s wiping away an old season and preparing for the new one.
Celebrating Women of God
Dear Woman of God, You were never an afterthought to the LORD ALMIGHTY. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. You
The Ease of the Spirit
While the Holy Spirit has authority and power, you can absolutely shut the door to Him. He will not be manhandled.
I’ve watched many a ministry place a warm body in an empty position without prayer. Often we are trying to force God to do what we want rather than waiting and perceiving what God actually wants.
Those Arrows
Some of those arrows you’ve endured were for those in your own family who needed to see somebody walk for real with Jesus. At every persecution, they saw you stand back up and be willing to take one for the team.
Why are you angry at that pained soul
Perhaps it’s a heart you should get to know
Before that judgment causes grief
For one who is already needing peace.
Sift for Gold
And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” (Zechariah 13:9)
Be Still and Know
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
(Psalm 46:10)
Lean Not
I find the Lord rarely lets me wait until I feel ready… Often I’m in a sudden catapult, “Here ya go girl.” I guess if I ever actually felt ready, maybe I’d be less apt to lean into
The Safe Place
There is such a safe place with Christ Jesus. His feathered wings (psalm 91) are the best shelter from storms I’ve ever known.
Move to It
A few days ago I thought I heard the Lord say, “Move to it.” Honestly, I brushed it off until I got to chapel that evening when one of my brothers began to pray aloud “move” in one way or another.
Grow Up
Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. (Exodus 2:11) Man I cringe just writing that title. It seems super harsh, and I’m
Acts 28 shares with us the story of a shipwreck. Paul and many others were destined to arrive at an island called Malta. In the distance, they could see a beach. (I mean if I’m going to be shipwrecked let’s make it on a beach, right?)
Dry Bones
We’ve traded the anointing
For man-made applause
Impotent of power
While quoting the clause.
I’m Sorry
I’m not sure why it’s so hard for you to receive healing from Christ just yet. I’m not sure why, but when you get close to being touched within, you run. I’m not sure why you have deemed
Onward Christian Soldier
A Reading by Shelly Wilson called Onward Christian Soldier.
The Pull of Pain
You’ve likely been in the middle of many activities yet fully aware of that simmering, deep pull of pain. You’re able to carry on full-scale conversations and busy days, but you and Jesus are acutely aware of that which lies below the surface.
I Could Have
I could have taken an easier path.
I could have walked the wider road.
I could have remained silent and got the bookings.
I could have paid for the steady applause.
I could have remained quiet under ungodly laws.
The War on Women
There has been a Great War against women since the garden. Indeed, my brothers have much of the same but not quite the same.
Day and Night
Nevertheless, we made our prayers to our God, and because of them, we set a watch against them day and night. Nehemiah 4:9 It would do us well to grow in wisdom. The discerning of spirits will be such
How Long?
How long will you stay at that table? How long until you accept God is nudging you onward?
I Have Seen
I have seen the hand of God gently grab mine when I have felt utterly alone. In the midst of the most devastating valleys, His presence was sure.
Expand Your Vision
Enlarge the site of your tent [to make room for more children]; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them; Lengthen your tent ropes And make your pegs (stakes) firm [in the ground]. Isaiah 54:2 (Amplified)
The Puzzle Piece
There’s no coincidence to the way His Kingdom puzzle works. He has in His heart a kingdom calendar and timing whereby all of His people and the gifts He has fashioned in them will now be perfectly placed.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Proverbs 22:9
The Foe of Fear
You will find a strong foe of fear as soon as you decide to step into your God-given purpose.
At the edge of the Red Sea will come to a strong voice yelling, “Turn around! Go back!”
So often you’ll find a skipping over such truths simply because one has not yet understood or experienced it, but do not for one second let someone convince you that the Holy Spirit is not still doing this beautiful and powerful work today in His people.
Dare to Risk
What is it that we dumb down the God in us? That we understand we have the power of God residing in us yet keep all our requests shallow and manageable?
It’s Time to Push
Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?” says the Lord; “shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?” says your God. (Isaiah 66:9)
Plan A
I’ve noticed that some believers are still moved very little by pain. It pains them a little when others hurt. It pains them little to see a world despondent. It pains them little to watch suffering souls struggle alone.
Thanksgiving Grief
For those waking today with heavy hearts because you’re in a season of grief, it’s ok to not want to celebrate like the rest of the world. Jesus knows full well that you are grateful, but your heart is broken.
Nothing Is Impossible
This Jesus of mine, well, we’ve been through a lot. Here are some things He has walked me through. Some things are from my early days, while others are later in my journey. Maybe some of my journeys will encourage you in yours.
The Inner Work
It is nice to discuss the dreaming with Jesus, the launching of kingdom endeavors, and the pursuit of purpose.
My Birthday Gift
It is my birthday today and I wanted a good long time with Christ this morning. This year has been full of beautifully running the race and watching Him love one heart after another to wholeness. As I’ve been
Anguish of Spirit
Exodus 6:9 So Moses spoke this to the children of Israel; but they did not heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit and cruel bondage. Anguish here means “impatience” and the root word implies “vexed” or “to be grieved.”
The Return of the Prodigals
It might surprise some religious folks who’ve been banging their gavels zealously for years when God raises up the “prodigals” to push forward the frontlines.
The Perfect Day
As I exit my car onto my walking path, I bless the Lord for such a beautiful day. I can smell the fresh scent of the tall pines as I catch a glimpse of a small tumbleweed being blown quickly by the wind.
David’s Spoil
And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all. Then David took all the flocks; herds they had driven before those other livestock, and said, “This is David’s Spoil.”
Suffering & Sacrifice
The life of Jesus was one of a surrendered life, and certainly one of great suffering.
Last night in worship a clear message was coming forward pointing to suffering and sacrifice.
The Wall
There is a wall that you will continue to come up against if you do not heal.
The Airport
Sometimes I grin as I watch one who was so broken emerge from the ashes. At any given moment tears might fill my eyes as I see joy restored, hope reinstated, and passion kicking up dust with their heels.
Think not it small to partner with Heaven on behalf of any life. It is a primary duty when it comes to a Saint of God.
The Departure
David was prepared to go to battle with Achish. Yet, the princes of the Philistines refused to allow him to fight with them.
The Kindness of the Lord
I was thinking yesterday of the kindness of the Lord. As we’ve been adjusting our rooms at the ministry per His leading, we had some needs to finish the “setting” of all that is coming.
My Crutch
If I’m found always clamoring for people, places, and things to comfort me, He will need to intervene. For He must be my primary crutch.
The Little Ballerina
There once was a little ballerina
Still only in her dreams
She watched the dancers pirouette
And wished she could be like these.
In Due Time
There have been so many successes with hearts in need over my years but if I’m honest I often feel the failures most.
The In-Between
David’s anointing for King must have been quite the highlight. Yet, years of being in-between the call and the crown were full of exhaustion, pain, and tears.
A Servant’s Heart
As I’m sitting here praying, I find myself overwhelmed with something we discussed in last night’s group meeting.
A Date with the Devil
For a number of years, I haven’t been able to travel alone in ministry much. I had some major warfare, particularly in the geographic area I was heading to, that always came hard and heavy. Strange things would happen with my health, and other things, etc. It was very frustrating.
Nothing Compares
Should every door begin to close Except the door to Heaven/s throne Into His heart I will abide Nothing compares to knowing Christ. If darkened days do fill my years And bring me still more waves of tears I’ll
The Precious Place
There’s a precious place for you to operate in all Christ has called you to be. Beware of going with those who follow worldly little gods.
Swim Upstream
Listen, little sister. You’re gonna have to learn to swim upstream, here. Just because the world says it’s ok doesn’t mean God has.
Your Gift Makes Room
You can often tell a God calling by a sheer, and unexpected, surprise. At some point, the gift begins to stir, and it shows itself. You may not be the first to even recognize it, but others will.
Patience, Grasshopper
There once was a grasshopper pining away
Wondering when God would save the day
When pain and grief rolled in like waves
“When would it surely all go away?”
The Balancing Scales
While we were in worship practice, I began to see a balancing scale. It was tipped heavier on one side. The Lord began to show me He was about to balance the scales of justice.
Make Them a King
It must have been a sad state of affairs for Samuel to see his sons not walking in the ways of the Lord. The scriptures say, “They turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.” (1 Samuel 8:3)
The Road Called Lost
There was a road called “Lost”
Which I traveled at great cost
With crooked streets and no road signs
When all seemed to be left behind.
The Sorrowing Spirit
Your pain is embedded so deep that your cries to the Lord can’t even be heard by onlookers. Your voice has been stifled and the anguish has kept you silent to the outside world.
There is tension in the atmosphere as you step into that new thing. The war can be felt, and often it feels as if your body has been beaten after a grand victory. The pushback of Hell as you move into the new territory is tangible, and the devil is hoping it will be too much for you to stay the course.
The Changing of a Season
On my walk today the wind was warm yet cool enough to stay for a while. It precariously blew every lovely weed, flower, and tree as if to make the statement, “It is the changing of a season.”
Jesus wept too because hearts were divided and what was meant to be long-lasting, divine gifts from Heaven were robbed in an instant by the devil.
You Can’t Hide
Some of you have been hiding for so long that you can’t even remember why. Hiding from others, hiding from Jesus, hiding from the possibility of pain, and hiding from yourself.
Until Then
As I share my heart with Him, and we discuss what I feel He is leading in this season, I ever so gently feel Him watch as a deep grief suddenly passes quietly through my heart.
Applying Authority
It is well to know what the scriptures say regarding authority in Christ. It is quite another matter to apply it in any given situation in real life.
The Repositioning
For many months I’ve shared with our ladies how I had seemed to be “nesting.” Like a pregnant mother preparing for a new birth, I felt the same way.
His Majesty
In the book of Job, we are often taken by Job’s sufferings. While it is certainly a good read and faith builder, we mustn’t miss an incredible glimpse of God Almighty as He reveals Himself intricately in the midst of Job’s crises.
While working this morning I heard the first line of this poem begin when I soon realized I was seeing a vision of myself rooted in a deep bed of soil in a field.
The Whole Train
It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple. Isaiah 6:1
I had the lovely joy of sowing into a ministry this morning, helping evacuate 65 people to safety from a persecuted country. I couldn’t wait to hit the donate button! What an honor to join in such beautiful work!
Grieving Leaders
Today, I have on my heart the many ministers who enter into their day serving others while carrying their own pain of grief and loss. Not everyone will, and can, understand that significant burden.
Powerless Platforms
It was around 4:30 this morning when I awoke to these words stirring in my heart and Spirit. It must be important to the Lord.
Make Room
For a few months, I have seemed to be “nesting.” I have kept telling the ladies I felt a shift coming. After a significant amount of pressure, we saw the shifts and made them quickly. Yet, this morning, the Lord lets me know He is not quite done yet.
The Tension
It’s the push and pull between the old and the new. While God is trying to bring you into the new, you have a death grip on the old. The tension of hanging onto both sides of that rope is more than you can bear.
When Grace Speaks
There are times I’ve begged out of my calling when the suffering few see is more than I can handle. I’ve been just like Elijah and pleaded for Heaven after full scale victories. Weariness and fatigue have overtaken me at times, and I have thought seriously about staying down for the count on many occasions.
My Peanut and Jesus
I was letting my 3-year-old granddaughter watch a Beckah Shae music video while I was visiting. I noticed she was more still than usual. There was an illustration of God in the lyric video, and she pointed to it and said, “Sheshy, is that your friend, God?”
Inquire of the Lord
Over the last few years God has been kind to direct me through His Word and through dreams to what He desired as His next assignments. He seems to always be on the move.
Take it or Leave it
I really believe Christ is putting out a call for our faithfulness to what He is asking us to do. We likely believe we are faithful but have often strayed to other things in our lives rather that the things He has asked us to commit to in any given season.
When the Cost Becomes Too Much
For some there is now a crossroads. The Lord whispered in my ear this morning that some have deemed the “cost as becoming too much.” I felt this was literally the financial cost although it certainly could mean beyond finances as well.
The Letter
Last night I had a dream. In the dream a man who seemed Arab walked up to me and gave me a letter. I quickly realized the letter wasn’t authentically Jesus although it looked like it from the outside.
Let Go
There comes a time when you must let go. For a number of years, I wore myself out trying to “fix” things. Nothing I did really worked but my heart kept getting more and more wounded with each attempt.
Pop Goes the Weasel
This is likely the most interesting word from the Lord I’ve ever received. As I was reading in the swimming pool I began to sing in the Spirit. I eventually recognized the tune as the old nursery rhyme, “Pop Goes
The Crushing
What is it that crushed your spirit, dear
That wrecked your heart and left it seared
That moment in time when the clock stood still
And seemed to devastate an act of goodwill?
Assigned Seating
Prayer is my hardest work and that which I labor in most. It is the drawing near to Christ and walking in the Spirit. Prayer brings divine direction so that you know when and where to, “Go.”
The End
Sitting at my computer this morning came the words, “The End.” There has been a Kingdom shift whereby an END to things is occurring.
Prepare to Move
We often scurry around creating new plans when things are not going as expected. We try a new method or marketing scheme in hopes we will see a shift.
Called to Pastor
The function of pastoring, or shepherding, means simply to tend and mend. It’s a call to care for the sheep in the way they need. To mirror the Good Shepherd in how He loved well, tended the sick, equipped the disciples, and delivered the captives.
Goodbye Shame
Gen 3:8 – And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
Demonic Divisions
While divine separations do occur, so do demonic divisions. In the end, both can happen simultaneously for God to get you where you need to be. He wastes no time to turn the tide when the enemy comes in like a flood.
Invest in Jesus
Relationships take investing in. The more you invest the closer your relationships become. When you stop investing, the relationship ceases to exist.
His Gentleness Makes Me Great
If I’ve learned anything at all from Christ Jesus it is the way of gentleness. It was never my preaching or singing that would make me great.
Weighted Wings
If you listen closely, you may actually hear the sounds of His weighted wings as He covers you with His feathers.
The Long Way Around
While some seasons seem to be a “suddenly season” in many ways, I’ve more times than not had seasons of going the long way around.
Where to Run
It’s only in the power of Christ that you, at times, can hold on. No human being can counsel you in some seasons. Only God, Himself, can make His way into a room and bring back hope to the hopeless.
Pay Attention
It’s often hard to discern some things when you’re desperate to get somewhere too quickly. After a recent experience I think it would be good to share a practical teaching that has many spiritual implications to the body of Christ.
Your Best
We enjoy God’s best given to us but quickly place Him on the back burner. Then when things start getting dire we run back. Seems like we hear of this often regarding Israel in the Bible.
When Your Give is Gone
There do come times when you just can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other any longer. When all your strength is zapped, when the sorrows of the world seem too heavy, and when you just have nothing left to give.
I admit my heart is always pondering whether I’ve done enough for the King and Kingdom. Have I obeyed quickly? Missed a moment? Pressed into His heart enough to hear more clearly? It has always been my heart’s desire
For the Weak
As one who is often weak in body and weak in strength it would appear to be a problem for the work of God at hand and a constant frustration to mankind, including myself.
A Time of Testing
Many have been in the middle of a testing time though they may not have known it. God in all His wisdom has been testing our hearts.
The Prophet with a Pen
There’s a prophet with a pen
Who God calls with His wind
To nourish hearts in need
Who hide their pain and grief.
You Have Two Choices
If I was afraid any longer of what man thought of me, I wouldn’t be preaching the gospel, today.
No More Repeats
Sometimes it was helping them obey God in ways that were hard for them. Many struggle with people-pleasing, so when God calls one to a certain “letting go” in order to fulfill their mandate from Heaven, it’s not as easy for them as it is for others.
Walking By Faith
As we move in spiritual gifting we must not become enamored with the gifts more than the Giver of the gifts. We don’t seek experience, we seek Christ.
The Sound of the Red Bird
Walking in the warmth of the sun, I can faintly hear a sound getting nearer and nearer. Soon appears a little bird clothed in red. For such a small thing, it sure knows how to get my attention.
True Story
I’m not the one to call for a hospitality event or a delicious meal for the next gathering. I have an Aunt that is the BOMB in this arena, as well as my Mom, but they know if I’m in the room it’s not how God wired me. So, expectations are low…and I’m good with that.
Running into the Fire
We are a people that often misunderstand the ways of the Lord. Not everything within the Kingdom’s rule and reign will be pleasant at times. The gospel is certainly confrontational on every front.
The Wombs of Women
In God’s kindness and Kingdom provision has been declared the wombs of women as birthing places, both in the natural and in the Spirit. Out of the womb of a woman has come every new creature, prepared by Him for a purpose planned by Heaven’s own heart.
When Jesus Doesn’t Fix It
Likely, we all have pains of the heart that are still unsettled. Regardless of faithful prayers, Jesus simply hasn’t fixed a thing.
His or Mine?
We love that what is “His” is also “mine” but I do believe we have entirely misunderstood that what is “mine” is really also “His.”
Something I’ve Learned
I spent countless years trying what everyone else was doing before I realized the Holy Spirit had certain things and ways assigned to me.
Until Repentance Comes
I’ve seen many angry at the road they now walk. I’ve also seen many blame others for consequences God is using to attempt to change them. I’ve certainly been there as well.
The Promotion
Some of us have not understood the transition we’ve been in. For some it’s had some significant pain while for others just odd happenings that seem to be random-but we’re finding out are not.
Hell’s Most Wanted
From Thursday through Saturday last week, I had several hearts that melted into my arms with such pain that I’ve kept it in my heart continuously.
My Job
My job has been to fight for the oppressed
No matter what the cause, I’m called to address.
The Old You
Some of us need to leave who we were in that grave. God has raised you anew and with that burial was who YOU thought you would be. In essence, that death brought about a new name, a new focus, a new expansion, and with it new assignments.
Words are Weapons
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” was likely taught to most of us growing up. However, it is quite untrue.
Who Has Your Ear?
There is a time and season when you need to be very cautious of who has your ear. In other words, the influence over you needs to be evaluated carefully to be sure there is worthiness for someone to be given the blessing of speaking into your life.
The Seed
I know it feels you can’t go on
But Jesus says, “You will.”
Just run into His righteous arms
To rest and just be still.
Be Silent
I find a multitude of folks with a love of quoting scripture merely to prove a point. Yet if I peer into their daily lives with Christ I see very little real ministry to hearts in need.
Will You Go?
If a hurting soul is bedridden
Can Jesus send you there?
For in the hospital you might go
To be a light to share.
For a while, many groundbreakers have been in a deep season of trial. It’s not the first one they’ve seen, but it is certainly a place of tension like never before.
Perhaps I have not yet surrendered As much as I had thought. So that the quietness of heart Can hear the Master’s call. Perhaps my love is not as deep As it needs to be. Still unable to die
Caring for the Broken
I fear many calls that come to me. They scare me to death. Sometimes I weep, afraid I’ll miss the mark. I might even ask the Lord if He got the right girl.
Get Back Up
I can assure you that when the enemy sends a full-scale assault, he is rejoicing way too quickly. His pride always gets the best of him.
It Was Pain
It was pain that pushed my pen
And released a poetic wind
The Harvesters
You won’t have to force what Jesus has called you to. It will naturally show itself because it is part of who you are. It is a place of fruit production.
Those Who Left
Some left even thinking it was God, but deception was a tool of the devil, and that religious spirit divided loyalties. They are now missing the gift that you were meant to be in their lives. The truth has a way of coming back around with Jesus.
The Weapon of Prayer
Within you is a stealth weapon out of reach of the enemy. He is unable to harness it, yet he may be able to distract you from it.
The Skewed View
It will be of no consequence to Hell if we are called by man but not by God. I’ve seen many an ordination void of God, and time sure did tell it. Pity isn’t it?
Ducks in a Row
Sometimes fear causes us to delay a thing. The anxiety of the “start” begins to push us back, and we shrink back from the call.
Our Jesus
In the quietness of the night, listen closely. For you might hear the train of the Lord brush up against items in your room as He lingers. You might catch His scent as He comes to check on you and you can rest assured He is still on duty.
The Lame
There’s a thousand wonders
Traveling my mind
Thinking of hearts
Needing someone who’s kind.
The Journey With Jesus
There will be times when you want to stay, but God says, “Go.”
When you’d like to stand down from your God-given post.
Go Get the Prophets
Listen. When a Jezebel spirit (any gender) is able to effectively remove the prophets from your midst, you’re about to be in some real trouble.
Following Jesus Only
When following Jesus, you mustn’t be moved by the opinions of others. You can’t fall to expectations or requests, and you certainly can’t do things based on how everyone else does them.
Stop Running
Aren’t you tired of running?
Trying “this” and “that” but it always comes to nothing but more heartache.
Where is Your Passion?
It is my opinion as well as a clear biblical affirmation that even when God calls us to a difficult work, we will have a divine passion behind it. No matter how we feel, there will be a “drive” in us.
First Things First
Jesus knows when we have strayed even a little from His dear heart-even when we do not realize it. When the busyness of life has taken priority, and we have left Him, often sitting in the prayer closet waiting….
Where Reuben Failed
One of the saddest parts of the story of Joseph to me is likely overlooked. There is a lot to take in regarding Joseph and his brothers.
The Rescue Team
Many of you have had long periods of hellish warfare. You’ve asked a million questions as to why and thought surely you must somehow have disappointed God. “What did I do wrong?”
The Wrestle with God
And He said, Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed. Genesis 32:28
The Leaf That Won’t Wither
You will have moments where your heart tries to quit on you. When you’ll crawl into a dark place and plead with Jesus for help.
The Power of Agreement
Let’s talk about momentary distress that can cause a giving over of our birthrights if we are not careful.
The Privilege
I have a great fear of the Lord today to handle hearts with tenderness, love, and care because each one I will be held responsible for by Him.
True Biblical Love
True love not only applauds each other as we walk this walk with Jesus, but it is also honest with each other.
The Well of Water
It sure seemed like the end of things for Hagar. Her life was not turning out I’m sure how she had planned. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t expecting to be used for someone else’s gain.
A Divine Reset
This is an hour of a divine reset. I’m not talking global things, although that may very well be true.
The Side of Suffering
After a dream, I had last night and ongoing tender experiences in ministry, I want to urge the body of Christ to remain on the side of the suffering.
The Picnic
I can walk in the woods and see the lovely bread crumbs of flower petals left for me by the precious heart of Christ. All around me is His majesty expressing Himself through creation.
The Test of Success
Listen, success will always bring you a right-hook kind of moment.
New Direction
While in prayer this morning I felt a strong unction that this holiday season is one to be deeply pondering “direction” with Jesus.
Walk Into the Room
I was preparing for what I knew might be an intense deliverance session. I had set aside time for prayer to ensure I was on the same page as the Lord.
The Single Dandelion
I saw a single dandelion
Sprouting from the ground.
The “Counted Out”
There is an army rising, friends. But they won’t look like what is “expected” in our modern-day church. They will be like those in the Bible that Jesus hand-picked.
Dethrone the Idols
What is that thing, person, place, habit, etc. that has dominance in your life? In other words, it smothers the call of God and Kingdom assignments that have been entrusted to you. He is less important. Less heard. Less loved. Hard to hear, I know. But no less true.
A Lifeline
a thing on which someone or something depends or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation.
God’s Love for Nineveh
Aren’t we just like Jonah if we’re truly honest? Our hearts love justice and Jonah was more worried about his own embarrassment than God relenting on destroying 120,000 real, live, human beings.
A God Wound
It has come to my attention the zealousness of God when He is making a heart into a steady soldier. When in all of our limited understanding we misstep, He might dearly wound us to teach us.
Goodbye Comfort
The comfort zone shall now be gone Settle into God’s called home For there was more than meets the eye That He had planned for you and I. Every step is Heaven’s pace Do not covet another’s place Everything
A Shoulder to Cry On
Psalm 81:6 – “I removed his shoulder from the burden; His hands were freed from the baskets. Women were often seen carrying water on their shoulders, walking long and potentially grueling paths to tend their families with a refreshing
The Birthing Room
In the Spirit of God is much spiritual birthing. Through prayer is a great travailing for lives to be healed and delivered.
Morning’s Glow
When sorrow comes in sheer surprise And suddenly a storm does rise Jesus still is at the helm Working good from Heaven’s realm. Rest, dear child, and deeply know I will carry it in tow Nothing is too hard
Listen; there is no darkness in Christ. He operates in the light. Preachers of the Truth, I implore you to live worthy of the calling.
The Refinery
Then the word of the Lord came to him, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.” So he arose and went to Zarephath.
I Surrender
If in thy pain is another’s gain
Then use it, Lord, for Thee.
If in my sorrowing song does draw
A heart who is suffering.
Go Get Mark
Some of you let go of a gift from God that was sent to bless your life. You let the enemy take easily what you should have fought to keep. It was yours to have and hold, but you let it go.
The More I Learn
I am so mindful of the many in battles this evening. I am so honored to get to pray for and with broken hearts almost daily. I have been stirred by the Lord in intercession for many.
Hey!!! There is a shift in the Spirit! The new has come! The land of vibrant fruit and blooming flowers! It’s been one rough plowing season, but the harvest is here!
You Are Not Forgotten
Sometimes our seasons cause us to doubt God’s plan for our lives. We begin to think He has put us on a shelf if things aren’t “moving forward” as we hoped.
He is Already There
Sometimes it may feel as if you’re walking through a maze. You may reach a sudden stop and dead-end, or you may find yourself in an unexpected battle.
The Marred Soul
As many were astonished at you—his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind. Isaiah 52:14
Plenty of Room
Do not dare you worry
If I might have some time
For in the eyes of Heaven
You’re precious to The Christ
Check on People
If you want to know how to help people, check in on them.
Works of Ministry
One of my most joyful jobs is to walk alongside others as their calling unfolds.
The Unused Gift
What good is a gift if never used? Many pray for more of God and for richer assignments.
The Empty Chair
There is an empty chair that Jesus sees
Someone is afraid to take their seat
Your Stance
There is no need to get tripped up on the semantics of it all when it’s time to fight against the enemy.
The Spider Web
Isa 59:5 – They hatch deadly snakes and weave spiders’ webs. Whoever falls into their webs will die, and there’s danger even in getting near them.
The race we run with Christ Jesus is not a sprint. You will need a spirit of endurance to finish well.
What Are You Known For?
We spent much time discussing the elements of Godly leadership in our Dream Big Group. Unpacking what we’ve seen deeply taint testimonies of leaders gone astray, and how we can avoid such pitfalls.
For the Eagles
I am not counted among the known
There have been many times
I’ve had to walk alone.
Dependence on Christ Alone
Due to some of my past insecurities, just like some of you, I leaned heavily on others for hope, encouragement, and strength. In those seasons it was necessary and allowed by the Lord.
Diamonds in the Rough
There are many lonely hearts longing secretly to be noticed. They’ll likely have trouble making eye contact. Pain has brought forth insecurity, and often past rejections will cause them to cower as they enter a room.
The Bread of Idleness
If we learned anything in the Proverbs 31 Woman Bible Study, we learned again and again how active the bride of Christ is to be for the sake of the Kingdom. She does not eat the bread of idleness.
I’m Your Girl
It has been while listening to the darkest of valley seasons in any given life that I have seen the light of Christ shine the brightest. To preach of no suffering in regard to Christ and the cross is
It’s evening now and many are getting ready for bed after long days, trials of the heart, and overwhelming circumstances that leave many pained. But not Jesus. He never slumbers or sleeps so it is well with my
Jesus Takes You Broken
Don’t mind the pieces of your heart scattered on that floor. There’s no shame.
The inside torment that keeps your addiction alive can come, too.
When He Closes the Door
For some, God has been waiting for you to move forward with Him. His open doors were given, yet you left Him “holding the bag.”
He Holds Tomorrow
In the variation of the trees and the uniqueness of each leaf, I can see the heart of our creative Lord.
His attention to unique details gives you a glimpse at His artistry and love for beauty.
Tears like Rain
Let them see the tears that fall
For then, they see permissions call
To grieve in their own unique way
Your tears are footprints for some today
When the Sun Sets
When the sun sets I ask the Lord
Did I, today, carry well Your sword
Is there a heart I overlooked
Or casually misunderstood?
An Imitation
Let me give some encouragement today, but also a warning. After years in ministry and varying industries, I’ve seen just about everything there is to see, but one thing stays so crystal clear, and it is a sad place
The Classroom
My life has proven to be a mystery to me still, very often. Chasing Jesus has brought about an exhilarating rush of wind while, often, deep caverns of unexpected pains that can surprise me around every bend. You breathe
The Ministry of Prayer
It is a supernatural pathway when one prays. A direct line to Heaven through the Son, Jesus Christ. A plateau of scenic heights not seen by any other means. Heaven can open its windows through prayer. What privilege
There is an often quiet “thing” that gives us a glimpse of God at work.
The Crown of Thorns
When considering the crown of thorns, we ponder the precious price paid by Christ Jesus for us.
Dead Weight
The Lord is now removing all dead weight from your divine assignments. Those things that have kept you locked down from advancement are being removed by the hand of Christ
When God is Silent
There have been seasons of my life that to this day are not at all understood.
Acts 8:4 is a passage of significant importance. It describes a scattered church due to persecution. “Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere, preaching the word.” Everywhere. It is a lost church if our preaching has become
Stay Tuned
Pray O’ Saints the time is near
Darkness comes with smirking sneers
When Moses Fled
I’ve wondered what might have happened should Moses have decided not to flee to the land of Midian. Exposure has a way of causing a sudden panic at times. It will make you run.
When Fear Speaks
Fear can never be a trusted reason for any decision we make. We have not been given a spirit of fear. If Paul had allowed fear to rule him, he likely would have avoided preaching the gospel.
The Woman’s Plight
This is one of those posts where I wish I were sitting across from you, so you could see the tears in my eyes as I share… but this will have to do I want to speak to professing women of God in Christ Jesus.
Meant to Flourish
You and I have the privilege and power to change a life. One single word of encouragement to a heart that has never had it has the absolute potential to catapult a heart into his, or her, purpose with Christ.
No Retreat
This is the hour when there can be no retreat from pushing back the darkness. You’ll get tired and weary, but the enemy will not.
A Moment with Jesus
I went to physical therapy today a bit bummed. I’ve had a lot of pain the past two days, and I just didn’t want to go through it all today.
We sacrifice time for work to make a better life for our children. We sacrifice weekends and weeknights for overtime for extra cash and savings.
Helping Hands
We like to believe every heart shall receive the same measure of Christ in exactly the same way. ‘Tis not true.
Grab the Hand
It is the plight of a Christ-follower to grab the hand of the suffering. Whether orphaned, imprisoned, grieving, or yet battling sin.
Whatever Jesus Says
There have been times over my years when I’ve been grossly misunderstood. The way God has called me to reach people is at times very different than others.
Finding Your Voice-Through Writing
My first piece of advice for anyone with a writing gift is to stay true to who Christ has designed you to be. You can learn and be inspired by others, but your “style” will be unique to how you were intricately created.
Who Are You?
Inside you is something precious. Whether you believe in The LORD, or not, He formed you in the womb, and He knows exactly what is in you.
It’s Decision Time
I had a dream last night where I leaned into some hearts with one loving but piercing comment, “You need to decide if you’re really serious about ministry.”
Shut the Door
Some of you have unknowingly allowed a past pattern to once again continue in the new season. It’s an old door.
Here Come the Prophets of God
Many of our churches will be shaken by a sent prophet that Christ instructs to unseat unrighteousness, hidden sin, and little foxes spoiling the vine of His dear vineyard.
The Hope of Heaven
There are some things I cannot resolve this side of Heaven, but I am learning to accept them. When eternity comes and rest is assured, many of those “wanting” conversations will be divinely enabled.
Little Girl
I have found myself over the years ministering often to the little girl in the big girl. Often, little girl wounds still exist and have not yet been healed.
I Met A Man Today
I met a man today. He sat outside under our radio station speakers, resting and listening to the music. After another sweet appointment, I decided to go introduce myself.
My Jealous God
In prayer this morning, I was so taken by the jealousy of God. I felt such an embrace and safety in this very nature of His. His heart was aching to spend time with me. It is for you as well.
Fear Must Fall
(We had many reports come in this week of a fear trying to get into the hearts of God’s people. Holy Spirit gave this poem to help in the battle.)
Mountains & Valleys
Almost 10 years ago, now, the Lord gave me a promise in Deuteronomy 11:11. I was quick to grab hold of a coming “crossing over and land that was fed by rain from Heaven.” All that has been very
A Spiritual Mothering Moment
I’ve spent some time watching many things like the X-factor, American Idol, Americas Got Talent, etc. and seeing such God-given talent that it is stunning.
Dream Bigger
To go deeper you’ll have to be stretched…
To go further you’ll have to die…
I didn’t want to walk “There.” That path was not my choosing. I wouldn’t dare accept it for some years. Then I watched as God brought me heart after heart in need and somehow I had an insight I never
Some of you entered a dark night of the soul which lasted way more years than you ever expected.
Time to Move Along
There have been many seasons of my life whereby I felt I couldn’t find a place to belong no matter how hard I tried. Maybe you understand? Yet, I’ve come to realize that I had to understand fully where I actually did belong.
Work that Gift
When the Lord, through a friend, asked me to start writing poetry for graduates in their addiction recovery program, I had no idea that God was about to give me words of knowledge and prophetic utterances through poetry. Each one is uniquely given after prayer.
Give Me the Underdogs
Since I was young, I had a tender heart for those who thought themselves the “underdogs.”
Why are you Silent?
Some of you have known for years the hand of God was upon you. He called you to wield His sword and bring Him glory.
Turn the Page
At some point I had to choose to turn that page. The one I’d been stuck on for quite some time.
Think Not It Strange
It does no one any favors to lead them into a belief system that this life is void of suffering, sorrow, or trials. It actually does not prepare well followers of Jesus on how to endure till the end.
The Pain of Healing
The journey to healing comes with a rugged terrain whereby Christ begins to uncover everything that is hidden that harms.
Ruth’s Field
Seasons come whereby God calls for an obedience that is likened to the laying down of your own life and will.
Anybody waiting on an answer from God? Funny how time seems to creep by when you have your ear bent to the wind to ensure you catch that word that flies by.
Divine Grit
Let me speak to those mercy hearts struggling with putting up strong boundaries in a season where God is desperately nudging you towards a victory with Him.
The Prayer Room Message: The Samaritan Woman-Shelly Wilson
This message was shared by Shelly Wilson during The Prayer Room time on Thursday evenings. We pray it blesses you as well.
Don’t Lose a Blessing
Relationships take much work and effort. Many have been taken for granted even in the body of Christ Jesus.
Come and Die
The world today offers us a shallow gospel whereby we can live any ole’ way and suppose we may stand untainted before a Holy God.
Who are You?
Inside of you is something precious. Whether you believe in The LORD, or not, He formed you in the womb, and He knows exactly what is in you.
Where is fear hiding in your heart and life? Is the root of that thing traced back to your past or does it rest on your thoughts of tomorrow?
The Journey of Kingdom Leadership
When we look at Joseph, we see a man heartbroken. We, rarely, talk of his emotional heart bleeding, but it was there.
Pushing Boundaries
Can we have a moment to talk candidly on a sensitive topic that needs honest dialogue?
The Target
I was watching a movie this week. One of the characters said something that is so critical to understand: (I’m paraphrasing)
Listen, this life in ministry is way less “professional” than we like to make it out to be.
Tender, Love & Care
Time, patience, and a heart of understanding, like Christ, are absolutely necessary. If I lack understanding of a heart and the path that led them to where they are, I could cause further pain and halt the healing Jesus is after.
Being Seen
I get that we live in a world that is curious about everyone’s daily life-right down to what we had for dinner last night.
Significant is the One
There must be a shift in the hearts of born again believers, today. The shift is a going back to a way that Christ showed us in His Word.
Safe in His Arms
Sometimes walking through pain takes lots of little baby steps. We are not always able to handle it all at once.
It’s Not What It Seems
This afternoon I heard, “It’s not always what it seems.” You might be experiencing a sudden twister of a storm.
The Millstone
I sat with a young person as they shared their heart fully with me. Because many had hurt them deeply who professed Christ, they now were unsure what they even believed.
Lost at Sea
Some of you feel lost in a vast ocean of fish. You’ve been swimming upstream, it seems like, and you feel like something’s missing. You’re still trying to find your kingdom space and place.
Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
Depending on what sect of our Christian faith we hail from, we find discrepancies in our belief of who God is.
No More Formulas
There is no magic formula to moving the hand of God. We must simply submit to Him and yield as He leads. He listens and He has a timing appointed to everything under the sun. (Eccl. 3)
A Risky Business
The gospel is a risky business. The problem, today, is the western church is no longer willing to risk herself for the sake of Christ.
The Heart of Jesus
I believe one of the most heartbreaking things for the LORD is to see a child of His turn down their blood bought legacy.
Lift Your Head
I see a woman who feels forgotten. Your breath is muffled and tears sting, but you are unable to just let them fall.
Seasons come where you are thrown quickly into a new work with Christ and you are rendered once again much like a new student in a new class for a new realm. It can be challenging but exhilarating.
When the Heart Won’t Heal
Until you’ve walked through a deep heart grief, you’ll likely not understand the decisions some must make in order to stay on the healing path with Christ.
Carrying Glory
It takes a deepened commitment to longevity and a constant fierce battle to stay the course with Christ Jesus.
30 Pieces of Silver
Satan is really good at painting a glamorous, yet counterfeit, landscape of false promises on the other side of that betrayal agreement.
Profaned Platforms
Much like the story of the sons of Eli, we have a hidden sin issue within leadership circles. The Bible is very clear on the weight of leadership. It is not to be taken lightly.
Where is Your Treasure
In prayer this morning I heard the words, “Some are building their own kingdoms.”
It is Done
It can take years for one to finally let go. However, in God’s appointed time He sweetly walks you through it.
The Importance of Listening
Whether in groups or one on one, I am learning the significance of “listening.”
Empty Your Hands
One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is let go of what you thought God should do in order to let Him do what He actually has planned.
Here Come the Fire-starters!
Never will there be a moment where carrying the cross assigned to us will lack weight.
The Missing Key
There was a key twas’ given me
Of deep and treasured love
A key ornate with great detail
Given by above.
Your Abundant Life
I was getting ready for the day when I heard these words come into my spirit.
“There’s nothing worse than beating a dead horse.”
Walk in your uniqueness
The way that you should go
In no other armor
But yours and yours alone.
He is Remodeling Your House
Many are in what seems to be a unique and very restless transition. Christ is now “remodeling” your house.
Put Your Blinders On
While it is wise to be alert of what is happening around you, too much attention to it can derail your calling.
Let me share with you a personal “log in the eye” and how it is something I still see as problematic in the body of Christ.
There is a Love
There is a love where water flows
You’ll never thirst when it’s your home
That broken space that’s hidden deep
Seen by Christ He tends the need.
For the Unseen
Some of you feel that you are unseen. You know what God has placed in you, but it seems like no one else seems to notice, or at least they don’t acknowledge it.
Reckon with Hell
There is nothing of greater sadness to the heart of God than a church that remains silent to their own sin, hidden from their own people’s pain, and settled into its own powerlessness.
The Stretching Season
Like you, there are some places I’ve learned to be comfortable in. As soon as I get really settled in, I find that Jesus desires another “stretching.”
Let’s Talk
There must be a putting away of the old man once The Holy Spirit comes to reside in one’s heart.
It’s Time
In this season we best be like Jesus willing to turn to the friend, Peter, and say, “Satan, get thee behind me.”
Illegitimate Authority
This morning the Lord had me in 1 Kings. We find the story of an old King David getting ready to pass the torch of his throne to another.
The Little Duckling
Born uniquely made, she couldn’t find a place to “fit in.” She spent countless hours trying “this” and trying “that” but still; she couldn’t manage to squeeze into any circles.
That Name
I remember the day a demon-possessed woman (literally) set her eyes on me in a ministry building I was working in.
When You Hide
“You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden… (Matthew 5:14)
The True Test
The true test of our faithfulness is not while we are surrounded by “yes” people.
All Aboard
I sit here as the train whistle blows and I hear faintly in my heart, “All aboard!”
The Push of Pain
There is a push to pain of sorts
Unlike the thoughts of man
Doors of new beginnings grace
Where valleys of trouble land.
The Coming Prophets
If you are in the camp that preaches the prophets are no more then you’ll have to follow suit with the pastor, teacher, and evangelist, yes? The same scriptures name them all. So let us reason…
Change Rooms
How long are you going to stay in that room and die inside? Some of you are hanging with, churching with, and yoking up with folks who will never allow you to FLOURISH in Jesus.
Jesus First
Do not say, “Yes” unless you mean it. There shall be no use for lukewarm Christians in this season.
The enemy is ruthless and he aims to take no prisoners. What I mean by that is…he really is out to kill, steal, and destroy
I saw the King of Glory come into the room. He is magnificent. Zealous for freedom-Jealous for me and you.
Die to It
That thing in your flesh driving you to take revenge into your own hands. That “hidden” part of your heart that is seething with such anger a smile can’t be had.
Storms come and go-and can be fierce. They come in many forms. Each one brings an opportunity for growth.
When the Going Gets Tough
So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you.
The Danger of Omission
I have seen many a relationship dissolve over the deception that occurs from omission.
Things I’ve Learned
I’ve learned to listen more when a heart is speaking. If I’ll wait long enough Holy Spirit will give me a glimpse at the unique need.
Abandoning the Call
Tell Archippus: See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.”
Little Girl Dreams
I have found that in the heart of many women are buried dreams. This comes and that comes and sooner or later all of our little girl dreams seem to get pushed by the wayside.
Heaven’s Cry
A few days ago in prayer I saw these words highlighted: “Heavens Cry.” I have asked for days what it meant. Today, I feel I have received His answer.
Your Tomorrows
Some of you are dreading your tomorrows. Yet, Christ is already there tending to your needs and listening to your prayers.
Keep That Bible Open
And when he (Christ) had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungry.
Laborers Are Few
Listen. We have a significant issue in the body of Christ regarding follow through.
Drink the Cup
I was in prayer taking communion while talking with the Lord about some, yet, unanswered prayers.
Grab Your Stone
To you who feels insignificant. Less than. Not gifted.
It is merely a mirage of the enemy.
My Keeper
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand. (Psalm 121:5)
Dying to “Dignity”
Years ago when I traveled often through airports for the company I worked for, I was passing through a busy terminal at Houston Intercontinental.
Change Your Clothes
Last night in worship a word came forward that some of us have been wearing clothes other people have put on us.
The Divine Release
There have been times in my walk with Christ when He has called me to remain silent in the midst of a surrounding onslaught.
Endless Love
I was driving to work this morning when I heard a word from a sermon that captured my heart.
I talk a lot about the kindness of God. I hope you never tire of it. He still amazes me daily.
When Christ is exposing a need in our hearts it can be painful. We will not always want to see it either.
He Still Reigns
Some are fighting against the sovereignty of God. We reap what we sow and in this hour He is drawing men unto Himself through calamity and distress.
Turn Around
One of the hardest things to do is to realize the path you’ve been on was never God appointed.
Return to the First Works
Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works…
They Set Their Hands
Nehemiah 2:18 gives us a glimpse into the call of God upon Nehemiah and those who joined Him in the work.
No Lack
Let not your heart be troubled, dear
For Christ, the Ancient of Days is here
A Heart to Give
One’s heart must be open to giving. At a moment’s notice, Christ will call you to bless His people.
A Counterfeit Movement
Be careful that you do not get caught up in this feminism mindset that is sweeping through our country.
Revisit the Original Vision
Many times we take what God has said and add our own personal touches. We begin to weave in our own desires, or even the desires of others.
Make the Apology
Something I’ve learned over the years is this. The longer you wait to apologize for a wrong the harder it gets.
The heart of God is peering into all of humanity to find those who might be faithful with His assignments. Those who know how to stop the noise and focus on the work at hand.
Shut In
It’s an interesting matter that it is not written that Noah shut the door of the ark before the great flood. God, Himself, shut him in.
The Easy Route
In prayer this morning the phrase came, “the easy route.” I knew instantly that Christ was speaking of those who will only engage in His work when it’s an easy route.
Your Christmas Gift
If in your heart a sorrow grows
There is a place to run
Into the arms that love you well
He’s Jesus Christ, The Son.
Preachers Without Pulpits
Some of the most effective preachers in history were likely never offered a pulpit, a stage, or a platform. They simply went about their day preaching Christ wherever they went.
There is a holding tight to one’s doctrine without actually living by it. When given the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we are too busy in our “study” of it.
When I must fight for child-like faith
When this ole’ world is full of hate
When I am hit with Satan’s blow
When I have seen where mean-ness grows.
By My Spirit
So he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6)
Trial and Error
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6
Pen and Ink
I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. 3 John 13
Buy Up the Time
Listen, it won’t be long now before Jesus returns. At the least, today is closer than yesterday.
The Hungry Heart
The hungry heart is never satisfied with what they know about Christ. Salvation secured them but they deeply hunger to know Him more.
Learning When to Stand Down
For the past 6 weeks I have been up and down in my health with one mishap after another. This past week was my final speaking engagement for the year.
It’s Time to Pray
You can back down from the daily activities albeit good ones. But do not dare back down in prayer
Sowing in Tears
There is no way to see a broken heart but to recognize its symptoms. This is why we desperately need the Holy Spirit. We must see past what is naturally seen.
The King’s Chambers
God desires to whisper His mysteries to a listening heart. There is a precious place where whispering happens between a praying saint and his, or her, God.
The Power of a Pause
Never underestimate the power in a pause. These moments often leave us feeling forgotten by God. Some loss comes our way on the heels of victory and we feel our road has been blurred.
A Thanksgiving Letter
This morning I’m thinking of the hearts we know who are struggling in this holiday season. While the world goes around, your world has been shattered.
The Art of Giving
Sometimes God called me to take a piece of jewelry off and give it away to an admiring heart. I’ve learned I really own nothing and I must hold all things loosely. I find great joy in the “art” of giving.
Shifting Seasons
It is not uncommon for Him to take a person and move them into a season that is different than they are possibly use to. This is part of our growing process.
The Silenced Sparrow
The Lord had a season with me where He spoke to me very much through creation. He still does but in this season I went and delivered a message at a women’s addiction recovery home with an arsenal of poems all about birds.
No Regrets
There have been many times that I was afraid to move into an unknown area even when I felt it was the Lord doing the pushing.
We don’t choose the kind of rain that comes, How hard it falls or when it’s all done.
Cloak of Covetousness
For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness; God is witness…(1 Thessalonians 2:4-5)
Here’s To 50
Today I turn 50 years old. Hard to believe really. When I started walking with Jesus, I was a scared little girl afraid to pray out loud or even speak in front of people.
Though He Slay Me
Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him. (Job 13:15)
So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us.
Before I Go
I have wondered often if my heart is truly bent to the Lord or merely to His work.
Found Faithful
It is not an easy thing to be found faithful in this walk with Christ. We will be tested again and again to see where our loyalty does lie.
A Beautiful Friendship
As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. (1 Samuel 18:1)
I can hear the blessed Savior Whisper to me, “Peace.” Peace I leave with you, My dear The kind that shall not cease. It’s not the world’s promised peace For it does pass away For only peace that comes
A Blessing In Disguise
How could Jesus leaving them be considered an advantage? The answer is in the waiting it seems, for them, and for us, very often.
A New Horizon
I sat in prayer to ask the Father of the meaning of such tribulations. Within several weeks of continuous bed bound praying, has been a call to reckon with devils encroaching upon the nation.
Frustrated Faith
I have full faith in His miraculous ability to pull one from a pit or rescue one from a fire. Yet, my stubborn heart anguishes to watch and wait to see what Christ might do in a given situation when I know good and well HE IS ABLE!
The Abundant Life
I’ve found from my own mouth at times an utterance of “What is Thy great lesson here, Lord?”
The Complaint
I have had to take many complaints before the King so that He could help my heart. There is no need to hide our complaints against God from Him. He knows the struggle and sees it fully.
The Longing for “Home”
Have you ever felt like you were trying to get back home? The journey with Christ has led you in directions you never expected to find that even in the joy of it all, you miss an old home?
The Buried Nugget
I must believe that there is a nugget buried for me to find in His heart in such a season. He seems to believe it is a necessary step in my faith walk with Him.
When Wounds Speak
Eventually, Christ will come to deal with the wound because it can take us into sinful patterns that dishonor Him, and others. His heart desire is for us to be fully healed.
The Just Judge
He reminds me of His just nature and that I can leave every woe in His hand. The times I would like to rise in error when He, Himself, says He will defend me, Himself.
I hear the whisper of the Lord commanding you to remove every mantle weighing you down. Some came with a flattering tongue to seduce you into fulfilling a counterfeit plan.
A Song with the Wind
Melodic refrains call my name From an ocean that’s deep and wide Where the Spirit is hovering over the waters With a lyric and tender reprise. Vast is the voice calling from far Yet, nearer than you might know
Cross Over
I bet every ounce of tear-dropped strength of all the grief and pain was driven down like a hammer as Elisha struck the water, “Where is the God of Elijah?”
Oceans & Seas
For a few days this old poem I wrote has been on my heart. Perhaps you need it today. Believe Him for more…not less.
The Life of a Psalmist
I have found such freedom in songwriting for and with Jesus. It’s been my space to hear Him and move with Him. I find He is always challenging me with a new style of music and that He handpicks perfectly
The Pursuit
The call of God will interrupt many a plan. It is often difficult to decide to follow Jesus and the path He is waving you down.
Hidden Gifts
Some reading this have yet hidden gifts within you. You actually may know what they are; however, the enemy has set your sights on other things.
Stand Up Straight
Why are you slumped over my girl
So downcast in your soul
For I have made you a royal heir
My Kingdom is your home.
Taking a Hagar
Now Sarai Abram’s wife bare him no children: and she had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.
Following Men
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
(John 10:27)
The Conduit
A conduit is something that is used for something else to flow through in order to get to a said destination.
The Layer of Lace
I have this space. A space where I tuck myself away before the Lord and pour out my heart. Every struggle, every joyful moment. They are all His.
The Vineyard
O’ daughters of mine the time has come
For you to rise and shine.
To see My hand produce a soil
Of rich and lush grapevines.
A Spiritual Cover-Up
It is no great feat to hide one’s pain. For it will come a calling eventually and spill over into every branch of ministry and relationship.
Your Mandate From Heaven
“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
When Trust Is Broken
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
The Love of Jesus
The love of Jesus is tangible and quite real. It is what causes one to rise again and again when the body is so sore from battle. It is the deep intimacy of one heart with another that draws me
Giving Your Heart Away
Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. (Proverbs 4:23)
A Holy Procession
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. (1 Corinthians 3:6)
How is Your Commitment?
It takes a fierce commitment to walk with Jesus. Every manner of distraction will pull you away from staying in the word of God, following the commands of Christ, and finishing what He has assigned to you.
The Field of Flowers
There is just something about a field of flowers. I had noticed for days these precious little flowers that were so dainty and looked almost like miniature flowers really.
When No One Listens
Yet they would not listen to Me or incline their ear, but they stiffened their necks and did more evil than their fathers.
Follow Me
Then He went out again by the sea; and all the multitude came to Him, and He taught them. As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office.
Unfulfilled Desires
There is a tender place in your heart whereby the enemy lays in wait. He is a master trap setter and he is patient enough to orchestrate all details of the fowler’s snare.
When Everyone Is Looking For You
When they found Him, they said to Him, “Everyone is looking for you.”
But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”
Just a Vessel
I began my walk with Christ with one mission-to sing for Jesus. I had no idea He had more in mind for me. I’ve had to learn to let Him fill my tool-belt with all the tools He chooses.
The Way to Promise
Then a voice came from Heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him. (Mark 1:11-12)
Dead Ahead
Then the lookout called, “O Lord, I stand continually by day on the watchtower, And I am stationed every night at my guard post. (Isaiah 21:8)
The Broken and Bruised Reeds
…a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice.
(Isaiah 42:3)
Something I’ve learned About Grief
In all of our best attempts to comfort those in grief, we often make it worse. A grieving person needs a bit more than “They are in a better place.”
The Courtship
In prayer this morning, the Lord showed me a woman walking in a field of lilies. She was touching gently each one with her right hand as she walked along. There was much sunshine and a gentle breeze.
Our decisions affect others. Often we cause others to suffer needlessly due to our own disobedience. Jonah is a good example of this.
You Are A Masterpiece
To the ladies who’ve never been loved deeply. Jesus will. I know it’s hard to believe that His love is perfect towards you. But it is. He is filled with wonder over you. He delights in
The Road
I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead… (Philippians 3:10)
When you’re weary He gives you strength
Right when you’re in need.
When you’re feeling lost and alone
He’ll bring you to His heart home.
Come Home
I have been captured by the love of Christ. His loyalty is fiercely trustworthy. He has run at light speeds to pull me from danger and I have felt His grabbing of my arms tenderly just to remind me He
The Dream of the Whirlwind
I receive an email from another ministry periodically. They shared this dream from a man I am unfamiliar with. However, I thought it would worthy of passing along also. May it speak to your own hearts today.
Walking in Faith
At this moment I desire to be sitting eye to eye so you could see the sting of tears in my eyes up close. I want to share a moment of faith that was required of me. Maybe it would encourage your own walk with Christ.
Integrity is so very important in the body of Christ. The simple definition is “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principals; moral uprightness.” It also reads, “a state of being undivided.”
Don’t Drop Your Sword
…so that we should not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes…(2 Corinthians 2:22)
The Queen’s Crown
It was a sweet day walking with the Lord…yet my heart quickly began to speak with Him about the sorrows of heart. I recalled years past and all He has taught me.
The Lemon Drop Tree
He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful. (John 15:2)
The Jacob’s
I think often we fail to realize our own naivety. We know wickedness abounds yet fail to discern that which is ever near to our own abode.
Something Has to Break
He is waiting and watching for your full surrender. There is something that has to break in you. A place withheld from His heart. A place you have kept to yourself.
Christ Calls For Bravery
For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
When the Assignment Ends
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…(Ephesians 3:20)
Little Girl
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
Again and again, I see the Lord put His finger on the Little Girl within the Big Girl.
Night Seasons
I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
The Parable of a Dandelion
To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven… (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Drop Your Nets
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
Stand Still
You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you… (2 Chronicles 20:17)
Packing Light
He told them to take nothing for their journey except a walking stick—no food, no traveler’s bag, no money. (Mark 6:8)
Your Calling is Irrevocable
For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)
The Push & Pull
But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice?
The Blood Sprinkling
And to Jesus the mediator (a go-between) of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 12:24
When God’s People Sleep
I ran across this post from 2017 and I thought it was worthy of another look in light of our current 2020 year. It's called, "When God's People Sleep." -------------- Going to Church is a lovely thing. It's a time
A Personal Exodus
I am overcome this morning with one word... Exodus. You and I will be faced with the call to a personal Exodus. It’s time to depart to freedom. Whatever chains have bound you: addiction of any
Unveiling the Heart
And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:24
When Pain Speaks
Isaiah 1:6 – From the sole of the foot even unto the head [there is] no soundness (wholesomeness) in it; [but] wounds, and bruises (black & blue marks), and putrifying (new) sores:
When The Shofar Calls
Those from among you shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundation of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairers of the Breach,The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In...Isaiah 58...12 I want to
To the “Husband-less”
The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: (John 4:17)
The Wilderness
“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.
Employ Your Gift
It is critical that you “employ” your gift from God. In other words, put it to work for the Kingdom. No thing should be buried, be it a seer anointing or a vocal gift. For in every talent or spiritual
A Dead Man
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
The Prophets
We need the prophets of God in this hour. We need them in place. They hear and see uniquely.
Let Go the Anchors
Now when it was day, they did not recognize the land, but they noticed a bay with a beach, on which they planned if possible to run the ship ashore.
The Unwanted Teacher
I have found that with every loss has come an opportunity to learn. I can recall some losses catapulting me into a deeper place with Christ so He might strip away teachings that were deeply rooted in my heart, yet
So Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. (Genesis 42:8)
Walk Away
This will be uncomfortable and likely go against many teachings from your past but I’ve found that the real truth of Gods Word offers freedom and we must return to it.
The Rebellious Spirit
Before you read the title words too quickly, understand that which is behind rebellion is a spirit. Meaning we are dealing with a demonic principality at work.
Get Back Up
When you are on the verge of the new thing and the Lord has brought you out, you can be sure the enemy is near. Don’t be surprised by a deep sucker punch right in the midst of a
The Joseph Company
Dear Joseph, The time is nearing for you to take your place in history. The roads filled with pits and prisons were merely training you to trust the heart of Christ. The deep betrayals caused a crisis
Cling to Jesus
Would you bear with me while I share the kindness of Jesus? This big girl, with a little girl heart, has weathered a few storms the last 7 years...just like you. I can hardly hold back the tears because today
The Eyes of Man
As I was praying this morning I was speaking to the Lord about a few situations. I’ve found that my daily “Father, can I ask you a question?” seems to please Him and He is eager to answer a questioning
The Hidden Snare
So Saul said, “I will give her (Michal) to him (David) that she may be a snare to him, and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.” (1 Samuel 18:21)
What Was
There is a season upon us full of miracles and wonder. Yet, many might miss the moment if we are not paying close attention to the heart of Christ. If we emerge from the quarantine simply to restart “what was”
For several days my Bible would open to the same exact passage of scripture. I didn’t mean for it to happen. Yet, it did again and again.
The River That Flows
There is a river that flows afresh. It’s full of healing for thirsty souls. A mere drink of it is never enough for it has a unique drawing ability.
The Winnower
Wind winnowing is an agricultural method developed by ancient cultures for separating grain from chaff. It is also used to remove weevils or other pests from stored grain.
The Archer & The Polished Arrow
He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me a polished arrow; in his quiver, he hid me away.
(Isaiah 49:2)
He Chose You
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit shall remain. (John 15:16)
Go Up At Once
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)
The Wait
But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Christ Will Send For You in Lo Debar!
“Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan.
Faithful With Little
There is a sifting upon the earth. The Lord is looking to and fro to find those with faith and He is also enlisting the faithful.
Left Behind
1 Samuel 30:11–13- Then they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David; and they gave him bread and he ate, and they let him drink water.
Rebuilding Trust
Jesus not only reconciles us to the Father but His heart is also to reconcile us to our brothers and sisters.
Be Not Robbed
Available to every born-again believer is the empowerment necessary to fulfill the assignments Christ has called us to. Without the empowerment, we will be sorely lacking.
Cherished Friendships
Have we learned the blessedness of friendships? How it really is worth fighting for them and not allowing the enemy to steal them away?
Taking the Low Seat
Jesus has a beautiful way of testing the motives of our hearts. We will be put in situations where we can exercise authority, gifting, and influence.
Do Not Return To Egypt
I know the wait is difficult. But I also know if we are not careful the enemy can whisper how glorious Egypt was and before long we actually believe him.
Wait on the Lord.
Open the Door
I have felt the kindness of the Lord lately. Even more than usual. If you’ll take this opportunity to hush all the noise you’ll find a gentle Savior quietly waiting you to take notice of Him. Can I tell you
Made For More
We wish to be as a “little girl” Dancing through daffodils Or playing a little hide and seek With the song of a whippoorwill. Where gloomy days do not exist And the sun is always bright Where shoes they
Pick Up Your Sword
Some of you have given in to the enemy’s plan. Teachings have stolen your voice and religious spirits have commanded you to lay down your sword. None of this is sent by Jesus Christ. Never will He remove from you
A Moment With Jesus
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good long walk with the Lord. I’ve been in a season of building with Him but despite beautiful times with Him, I missed the way I could hear and see Him in our
The Jealous Spirit
What is it within you that makes you unable to encourage another in the body of Christ? When God gives an open door to love well another and lift them higher in heart, why do you stand down? Perhaps there
The Next Big Thing
We can keep running to the ”next best thing” and ride every wave that comes our way or we can listen for instruction from the Holy Spirit. We’ve been enticed by worldly ways and convinced that we need to “get
El Shaddai – The All Sufficient One
He is the answer to every problem The key to every door The victor in every battle He is the Lord of Lords. He’s peace for every storm cloud The salve for every wound The voice that calms the
Footprints in the Sand
Sometimes,dear Lord, it’s just hard To follow Your every step Often when I look ahead Your footprint Isn’t there. I can see the wind blowing sand And soon your prints are gone And fear it often fills my soul
The Hidden Seed
Through significant fire, God has been preparing a people. A people who have seen resistance on every side -but refused to quit. A people who are sold out only to Jesus and have waved goodbye to comforts, security, and worldly
Let’s Go On An Adventure
My Father took my hand as I felt the weight of responsibility mount up. The many hearts in need who called for my help and the short hours in a day to serve them well was overwhelming. Each valuable to
I Wish
I sat with the Lord in prayer and a quiet question came to my heart: “What do you wish for, daughter?” I really didn’t recognize His Word in it but I began to pour out my heart to Him nevertheless.
Simple Faith
There are things I don’t know how to handle But I choose very simple faith. That Christ is who He says He is And in Him I lack no grace. There are people who need to be set free
Go Forward
Leave it behind won’t you? The place where bondage breaks The spirit of a man And all it does is take. The place where Egypt reigns Seduction and shady ways A place of harsh and heavy Yokes of ropes
The Drift
There is a moment where I sit with the Lord and must ask if I’ve drifted at all from His heart. Although my feet keep stepping and I continue to serve, there is a danger of drifting. We can become
The Fake Friend
Sin will always argue it’s point. It is a master storyteller that can convince the wisest of Saints to submit to it willingly. It has an alluring voice that commands ones attention and is the best of the
In His Presence
In His presence I am undone. I see myself clearly. The wavering of faith in times of hardship when I cling to promises by only a thread. My humanness is so evident and I weep because I can’t change myself.
No Gods Before Him
There is no special person that you need between you and God. Christ has fulfilled that role and it is finished. We spend much time trying to place men (mankind) as all manner of a “go-between.” The
Just Some Thoughts
When you never step outside what and where you’ve been taught You will rarely learn what and where it was wrong... The Holy Spirit in you can be trusted to alert you to errors-but do not be afraid to listen
Masters at Patchwork
Within every man and woman is a space of heart. It’s the precious hole waiting to be filled by its owner. An unseen yearning and voice occupies the endless cavern reaching up to Heaven, its homeland. The world
The Subtle Snake
There is the slithering of a subtle snake that has not only entered into our tents but he has whispered lies into the hearts of many. Subtle means it’s so delicate that it has gone unnoticed. It’s clever and
The Surrendering of Seasons
I have felt the heartbreak of leaving a place I loved. I have felt the heart being torn into as God calls you onward. I have spent much of my walk with Jesus learning to leave. Often, I
The Oil
There’s a miraculous love of Jesus I can see when the tears do fall It’s as if He’s hugging hurting hearts To tend the pain in them all. Sometimes it’s overwhelming When I glance around the room For I
Holy Spirit as Teacher
It is a dangerous thing to sit under teaching whereby the teacher no longer allows for open dialogue regarding the scriptures. One led by the Spirit will allow the Spirit to gently lead you into revelation of His heart and
The Year of Wonders
As we embark upon a brand new year, the Lord has encouraged me to encourage you. And perhaps challenge you as well. Many have been waiting promises for a long time. As I drove home from visiting my daughter this
Give Me A Drink
Oh Lord I need a drink Of your refreshing water The world and all it’s noise Has worn my heart so often. Please pour my cup so full That it is overflowing O’ give me ,Lord, a drink Of
For My Little Sisters
Be careful little sister of the enemy Who comes to destroy your path If you should choose a shining stage He’ll come rewrite your map. Don’t run to fame like a long lost friend Your heart it will be
Let Truth Rise
Buried under heaps of lies Is truth that starts to shake A volcanic mound of ash begins While Truth summons a quake. The enemy’s tactics have held us down Deceived we are in mind With theology of man-made homes
The Disciples
They had no book deals. They had no radio. They had no television programs. They had no cell phones for communication. They had no Facebook or Twitter. No LinkedIn for networking. They had no conferences. No seminars. They had no
War is Raging
There is a war raging to keep the saints quiet. There is a ploy to turn the brethren on one another in this hour. Be leery of spending time worrying who is doing what. Stay your course. If they preach
The Call
Have you ever been called to something that you tried to resist? Yet, the Spirit of God arrested you. You couldn’t turn to the right or to the left only stare deep into His heart at that desire He had?
Spirit of Repentance
We need to give in to a spirit of repentance. It’s found in the one who is willing to chase down the wrongs in order to make them right. The one no longer willing to excuse personal sin of
When Words Fail
There are times when there are no words to explain your pain. No vocabulary to use that adequately describes the anguish. Yet, the Holy Spirit groans inwardly on our behalf the much needed prayer. It is astounding to me to
When You See Me
When you see me don’t be mistaken that I am the same woman as before. Through the trial there was an expansion of my heart. The pain swelled so heavily that it enlarged me from the inside. You may look
Christmas is Near
Christmas is near The clamor has begun Shopping and hopping And tons of fun. Yet some are so lonely In need of our care I wonder what Jesus Sees from up there. The stressed single mom Just making
When Loyalty Shifts
I’ve found that a mercy heart can be an easy target for the enemy just as much as it can be used by God. When God nudges you to make a clean break in an area, your mercy heart
How Long Will You Wait?
“How long will you wait,” says the Lord? Your calling has been embedded deep into your heart and it is not dead. You can hear it’s cry to emerge. Yet, you ignore it. Your fear keeps you from
Release the Prisoner
I come to call for the release Of captives and prisoners bound By witching words sent to harm And kill your destined mount. You’re heart knows well it’s dying slow Your call has been dismissed And you will have
O’ Little Ballerina
O’ Little Ballerina O’ little ballerina Why have you lost your dance? For deep in you a sadness lives You think you’ve lost your chance. You twirled and twirled Upon those toes Your Father was so pleased But
Where He Leads
It’s taken me a long time to climb out from under the need to please people. Why it was embedded so deeply in my heart early in life I’m unsure. However, not until the last 7 years have I
We Are To Blame
I sat and looked deep into her eyes. She was being vulnerable about her confusion of heart. She was still young but in some ways her wisdom was enough to convict and grieve my own heart. Our sin was no
The Clock is Ticking
The clock is ticking and every second that passes is lost forever. Many are waiting a word from God and He is waiting a word from them. Many want to be used by Him but only how they see fit.
Fight For Her
I must fight for her. Before the world begins to tell her who she is I must help her find who Christ says she is. Before mankind strips her of her divine rights and inheritance I must root
The Unmatchable Name
There is no comparison that can be made To the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For every demon of Hell must bow His name brings power and might. Do you know what you hold in this earthen vessel Or
Fresh Eyes
We need fresh eyes. Eyes untainted by a world in sin. Eyes that see pain first, sin second. Eyes that fill with tears over the brokenness of humanity. Eyes that see little girls hidden in big girls who have
The Cliché
It’s possible I might step gently on a few toes here. It is not my intent. I am only bringing some awareness to a critical error in our teachings. In our church culture in the west, we have created many
Head on Collision
For some there is coming wreckage. You will think it is the enemy wreaking havoc but it is you colliding head on with your divine destiny. You’ve run far like Jonah. Paid the ticket to get on that ship
The Family of God
It’s possible I might step gently on a few toes here. It is not my intent. I am only bringing some awareness to a critical error in our teachings. In our church culture in the west, we have created
The Church That Doesn’t Fight
We have been deceived into a stand still. When an issue arises that one must fight for biblical justice, we choose to refrain arguing it is for the best. So we teach our children how to back down from fighting
The Revolving Door
For too long many have casually come and gone taking for granted the very presence of God. Opportunities to grow, learn, and sit with Christ have been cast aside and thought best to be left for another day. Yet this
Your Limp
The limp you walk with is where your greatest strength lies in Christ. The weaker we are, the more of His power is shown. The very place you keep trying to cover up is the very place that will lift
The Little Girl
There’s a little girl to which I gaze She stares deep into space A hue of pain around her eyes I wonder at what’s her heart shape. I catch myself and look away To Father I quietly speak To
Two Sides of the Coin
I have seen many fall into a type of deception over my years. One of the first signs is that human hearts become quickly futile to you-meaning...pointless. Doctrines begin to trump compassion and empathy wavers. The voice
The Whistling Wind
Do you hear the whistle of the wind? The King of Glory is moving among us. There is a refreshing in the breeze. It’s crisp and makes way for a new thing. His presence is circling around and
The Course Correction
I find often a death precedes a birthing of something new. The doors close suddenly and losses build and it appears the enemy is at work. Often he may be hidden in the mix of things but still the sovereign
A word does stir within my heart A warning from The Christ Be careful of nets skillfully sown A web of deceitful might. Assignments launched in flesh colored skins Sent to stall your move Patient and kind to natural
The Tattered Hearts
There is no heart that is bullet proof. The heart that takes continual blows will become severely tattered. Whether it is outwardly seen or not Christ Jesus knows intimately the wounds of one’s heart. While some have successfully built a
A Breach in the Wall
There will be not one moment that Christ misses the shunning of one of His own. For He will always defend His sheep. I see much heart rot within our body and it seems we think it’s acceptable to misuse,
Fear has a loud voice. Yet, at times it disguises itself as “wisdom and prudence.” Faith requires risk. It will often defy the natural order of things. I am not opposed to the earthy storing things up, saving finances, etc.
The Doors
Be careful of the open doors And what does lie behind For many doors are God ordained But some are just disguised. The devil knows just how to work To set a snare and trap And if you do
The Hidden Remnant
There needs to come a time when you are done with the ritual of our western church culture. How many Bible studies does one need in order to walk the thing out? We are forever learning yet never coming into
There is a place for you at the Kings table. It is an assigned seat really. It never is given away because it was designed before the foundations of the world just for you. You were made to fill the
Let Us Reason
Let us reason... We are to be a people of truth, righteousness, holiness. In my own self I see some of my past beliefs as blunders of errors due to theologies driven by mankind, rather than the Lord Jesus.
The Road Home
I long for a land full of evergreens Trees with branches begging a swing Twirling and twirling with Jesus, My King Pure, lovely, and admirable things. In a world that’s getting darker by day Drawing our eyes in sinister ways
To The Woman
To the single mother who has had to fight to stay alive, yet, pursued zealously the heart of Jesus still. He will honor you. To the woman who is married, yet, without a husband. Jesus will be your husbandman.
Any Price
I’ve felt the sting of betraying love Christ helped me to trust again. I’ve soaked my pillow in deep regrets Christ taught me to use them as friends. I’ve wailed in the night when all were gone Christ
I’ve Known
I’ve known you, Lord, to hold my heart as it shattered into a million pieces. I’ve known you also to hold my hand when the world thought I was nothing but useless. I’ve known you, Lord, to cup my
It makes you act in a way unbecoming to the Savior. It will needle you to exclude and withhold encouragement for some while praising others. It is the root of many cliques. It’s the spirit that winces when you
My King
I find that the loveliness of Jesus is never-ending. He knows when this little girl is in need of her Father and when she needs simply to be nudged firmly forward by His mighty roar. I see Him as I
God Sees
There will be times when you are misunderstood. But God sees. He sees to the heart of a matter and will tenderly stroke your hair with understanding. At times, your actions will be misconstrued and you might find yourself as
You Must Fight
I went to sleep last night awakened by the Lord writing something on my heart. There was a season-a long one- where I came into agreement with the enemy. I believed that it was “Gods will” for me to
The Gifts of God
Let us not think that our gifts, once given over to the world, will be honored by God. Success can easily be a facade of the enemy. If God has gifted you in writing, music, photography, production, or anything
Grief in the Transition
Have you ever grieved past seasons of life? I found myself this week reminiscing much. It’s not that I don’t love where Christ has me today. But I do remember vividly the times He called me onward. This always
The Harvesting Call
There is a seed planted deep Covered by the darkest of soil Hidden from view equipped as a tool The handmaidens of the Lord. With a nurturing spirit given by Christ To tend the hearts in need The mothering
The Tale of All Tales
I have found the one my soul loveth. Still-He captures my heart. He takes my breath away as His wind blows and I inhale deeply as He passes by. Sometimes He twirls me around and around to make
The Exchanged Life
It is astounding to have Christ use you as a vessel. As His joy swells in you, a fountain flows. I have had the beautiful bewilderment of Him ordering my steps when I wasn’t even looking, building my faith
The Rain
The church needs rain. But you can only take people as far as you have been. Perhaps this is why so many people are dry and thirsty. No real life is blooming. Many are frustrated because they see
Death is Near
A death is coming to the hidden place Where sin has found a home Where in the rule are principalities Cloaked with bewitching moans. Where rebellion of the heart of Christ Is rooted now as a “craft” Likened to
I See An Army
I see an army of shepherds rise They have their staffs in tow And like the beating of a drum They each do strike a blow. They’ve made a hedge protecting sheep From hirelings who’ve deceived They led with
The Wolves
I looked around to seek shelter From a storm that rolled quickly in To my surprise I was alone And could not find a friend. For when the heat had gotten hot Scattered did godly men Perhaps it’s true
A Girl Fisherman
I likely will come up short in most lofty debates on theology that requires every “T” crossed and every “I” dotted. I am still a work in progress. However, I still believe in the mystery of the Godhead and
Break Camp
Listen, we all need to grow. But in order to grow we must be willing to learn. Revelation of Christ’s Word has often come because another heart nudged me to dig deeper, sit longer, ponder more passionately, and linger
The Sunflower
Did you know the sunflower bows its head Until the morning light For it awakes with the sun At every morning sunrise Its face is full like a mirror hung Mimicking the bright sky’s sun For this was purposed by
Why Women Love Hallmark Movies
There is a reason women love Hallmark movies. It’s the ever longing for the Prince to fall in love with the ordinary girl. The deeply embedded desire to be seen and loved unconditionally. The yearning for a love affair that
The Cost
This day the Lord has stirred my heart so to make sure of something. While it can be very exciting to launch a God Dream…. please know there is a cost. I feel like the Lord placed His
The Message & The Messenger
There is a season where Christ will wrought a message within you. You will no longer need notes or preparation. You will carry the message in every fiber of your being. Every moment you crawled upon your knees trying
A Wave of Justice
There’s coming a wave like nothing we’ve seen Where all is exposed that’s behind the scenes Where justice is mute and the Word is misused For Christ He is coming to vindicate the abused. His heart it is righteous,
The Edge of the Pool
I can see a pool of water yet I can’t reach it. I wait earnestly for the moment the angel is sent to stir the water…. will today be my day… for healing? Will someone see me this time? Will
Silence the Whisper
There is a voice whispering in your ear, “Stand down.” Although it’s a whisper, it is very loud. It follows you into places Christ has sent you and at times you obey it. The Spirit of God grieves.
Deliver Me
Deliver me from the need for man’s approval. Deliver me from the desire for the past. Deliver me from religious chains that bind my soul. Deliver me. Deliver me from my inner self. Deliver me from demonic rails. Deliver
Where Two Seas Meet
You’ve come to a crossroads. It’s either follow Christ or go down with the ship. There is a tempest tossing you to and fro and the ship is breaking apart. It carries all that you have been, all of
The Desert
You are no longer in the desert. The streams have replenished your heart and Christ has nudged you onward. There are now fields of blooming flowers so delicate to the touch, yet each are flourishing. His Word has
A Letter to the Church
We have become a church enamored by celebrity, lost in tradition, and led by oppressive teachings. All tagged with the name of Jesus. We shake our heads at the exposed sexual abuse now coming out- all the while maintaining
A Star is Born
A Star was born When you were made Your shine does sparkle In a unique way. Do not bemoan Another’s shine Do not dare wish That “theirs is mine.” Embrace the heart Which Christ did give Equipped you
Double Portion
Resounding in my Spirit today Are words of joy and delight The Lord says He is pouring out Double for every trial. As Hannah mourned a deepened loss The Lord was watching near For what He planned for Hannah
Prophetic Sight
This morning I was pondering with the Lord the delight of seeing His girls fly with their dreams from Him. One by one I am seeing the enemy lose his grip while freedom is taking root in many hearts. There
A Bruised Heart
There’s an injury to your heart The Lord sees with His eyes Others may miss its need But never shall the Christ. He sees deeply within When we’re broken or torn to shreds And bruised is your dear heart
The Cunning Serpent
There is a hissing quietly in the background. Do you hear it? The cunning serpent has been slowly working to get you into agreement with him. It’s been subtle… but costly. So costly that you have yet to realize
A Reminder…
I have read many posts regarding the NYC abortion decision. I wish I were surprised, but I am not. This has been peeking over the horizon for some time and I admit I’m likely in deep mourning. I am
The Tempest
Dear Jonah why have you fled For nowhere can you hide I see the paths you take I never close My eyes. The wind I’ve had to stir A tempest deep and wide Until thou answers, “Yes” The storm
The Log in Our Eyes
After years in ministry, my viewpoints have changed on many things. From doctrines I no longer believe as true to the way I share Christ with others. Deception starts early and not until intimacy with Christ is built personally does
A Good Father
It’s a beautiful thing, Lord To sit and think Of your lovely and very kind ways The way you hover over my heart And drive the clouds away. Your whisper is near beckoning clear “My child, I’ll be good
Fresh Morning Rain
I awake to the pitter patter of morning rain. The scent seeps through my windowsills as if all of Heaven is stirring. The Lord is calling. The scent is fresh. There is no musty stench as I walk out the
Reclaiming the Territory
The day has come when the Deborah in me arises and The Christ presses me onward into battle. The enemy has been on my land for some 7 years. But, just like God, 7 marks the completion of a
The Gap
I see a vast gap between what we know and what we do. It is a marvelous thing to know the scriptures. Yet, it means nothing if we have yet applied them to our lives. If I bear witness
Full Force Ahead
I see a ship Sailing in the night It comes under an unexpected attack. I wince at the noise of the struggle then hear the Heavenly Father start to speak: Look up, child. He has commanded angels to guard you.
Arise O’ Dreamer
It is once you’ve endured rejection that you then will be a vessel used to embrace others. For the deep wound stirred up a compassion so that others may be heard by you. It is the heart who has felt
Cross the Border
I’ve reached the spot. The border that stands between me and the promised land. I stop paralyzed in fear as I consider the giants that have become squatters on my assigned property. “Cross the border,” I hear. “This is your
For many the wait is over You must now move your feet For time has come for the Kingdom To move into the streets. Confined you’ve been to buildings Confined too in your hearts Confined by human workings Confined
The Race
I’m tired. The race has been so long and far; Yet, I look up to see Him on the other side of the finish line. A Heavenly host joins Him and it appears to be a huge cheering section beckoning
Sin to the Surface
He has watched He has waited He has grieved At hearts deceived. Healing comes on His wings Wholeness knocks at the door Yet, sin must come to the surface Giving it no more room to speak. Honesty is
The Suffering Saint
We do people no favors when we quickly dismiss their pains. For in the outward pouring of it all shall come healing. Healing is a process very often. Do not rush God and His work. For every heart is unique
Let the Battle Rage
The enemy whispers a constant cry “You will never win.” My head it lifts with promised seed I give a big ole’ grin. For he did miss my training field Where Christ secured my heart Where weeping watered the
A Distinguished Mark
Within the body of The Christ Is a beautiful and diverse array. No two prophets are just alike Nor are pastors and teachers the exact same. … For inside of each hearts they do bleed And flow with unique, prophetic
Your Birthright
A pain is deep inside Christ’s heart For He has seen within. And just as Esau’s flesh did wince You’ve sold your birthright to men. You’ve exchanged it for the lesser things For power this earth does hold But
The Maker of the waves Does send a daunting save That speaks of ships of loss Where storms they came to toss. But underneath the sea Is the sound of Destiny That comes to call you nigh To leaves
The Hole in the Wall
In secret resides great sin Of priestly wardrobed men Thought hidden from others view But Christ Has spotted truth. Within the inner courts Is worship of gods and more A coming prophetic wind Will remove the veil to sin.
One of the most dangerous places to live…is in the “ordinary.” It’s right up there with the “natural.” It presupposes God is less than who He is. In order to go with God, you’ll have to live in the
The River
THE RIVER “its a rising” Do you hear the water swell? And where the river runs Life will soon live there. It washes well the heart of man It flourishes the vines. The fruit will grow abundantly With nourishment
When I’m Gone
I passed by a grave today I bowed my head to pray “I sure hope they knew Your love Before their life was done.” I don’t expect a big ole’ plot I’d prefer they place a cross I pray
I’ve found with Christ I must cling tight The billows they ebb and flow And often pain will sear like rain From many changing roads. You’ll have to release your own grief And sometimes you’ll walk alone So, trust
For a few days there has been a stirring of worship in me. My heart began to long for worship. To sing worship. It has been a tangible feeling of the Lord. As I talked with Him about it on
In Deborah is the Spirit calling out to me to become a mighty warrior daughter. A daughter who innately cares for the sheep and is known as a Mother to many without a Father. While she tenderly listens to each
The Rainstorm
The ground is dry. You can see the cracks begin to go deeper and deeper. We need a rainstorm. We are far past the need of a gentle shower now. In many areas death is looming. The people are
The Empty Well
I visit a well often. It’s deep and wide. I search for hours, turning to days, for comfort and love. It offers me nothing. For some unknown reason I continue to visit this well where my cries and screams echo
Blessed is the man (or woman)…
I was sitting in a revival this past week when the Lord began to speak regarding Psalm 1. The preacher spoke of the tree by the river. When I returned home I began to sit with the Lord and this
Naked Before God
I enter into His presence this morning with a request. A request for the Lord to strip me naked before Him. To uncover every hidden pattern of sin, lofty pride, spirit of jealousy, bitterness, anger, impure motives of the heart,
The Unseen
There’s a training by His Spirit To see what is unseen For much it does look good When there are hidden things. To others all looks well But Christ does send a cry “Look beyond the veil For Satan has
The Last Hour
Little children, it is the last hour Where do your affections lie? Has this dear world captured your heart More than Jesus Christ? Abide does He in your heart Does His Word leave its transforming mark Is He pleased
The Waterfall
I was late getting into my quiet place this morning. Yet, as I closed my bedroom door, came a picture of a beautiful waterfall. I began to sing to the Lord of His beauty and the gathered rain that I
There’s a Storm Coming
I had driven to go for my daily walk with the Lord but as soon as I pulled up lightening started. I made a circle and as I did I softly whispered, “There’s a Storm Coming.” It caught my attention
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4 I find we must be so careful that the enemy does not distort our view of the Lord. Many bury dreams
Beware of the Trumpet Vines
I know this is a long post but it’s necessary based on something the Lord began to show me weeks ago. So please bear with me and may this help you in your moving forward with Christ Jesus. I pulled
At Work and At Play
It has been such a gift to see the heart of Christ at play. While I take nothing away from His glorious power and strength, I find He has a playful side that melts my heart. It’s a side of
The Release
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:18 I find we often drag our feet when God calls
Do You Hide?
Do you hide yourself among the trees and sneak a peek amidst the leaves? For I do sense your playful stare as the wind rushes through my hair. Do you hide yourself within the clouds to shield us from
An Obscured Vision
OBSCURE: shrouded in or hidden by darkness standing obscure in the deepest shade not clearly seen or easily distinguished : faint When God gives a vision one must be so careful to keep it well protected. This pine tree
My Honest Request
There is still a depravity in my own soul. A wickedness unto the Lord. A place to which Christ puts His finger. It is not “they” but “we” and it is not “You” but “me.” At the highest
Broken Wings
The little starling fell hard amidst the storm and she must have been there for some time before I saw her lying almost lifeless. I gently placed her in my hands and held her close to my chest. Perhaps
Ride the Wave
I wait upon the shore until the sea pushed forward the waves and I walk towards the swell. With each step my feet got more soaked and I could not resist the inner yearning. I hear the call of
Pride keeps us, when God has released us. It has a unique way of holding us in a position that offers esteem when Christ is calling us to that which is still unseen. Pride, coupled with fear, will often cause
One Thing
One thing I do… I shall not look back Press on… One thing I do… I keep my hand to the plow Pressing on still further… One thing I do… Leaving behind successes and failures Pressing onward…
My Secret Garden…
As I walked today, I noticed the vines of blackberries beginning to bear fruit. “It’s been many seasons like this Lord that we have spent in this place together.” I slowly sat under the usual shade tree to pen my
When Christ takes you deeper into His heart He will begin to show you the hidden sin unseen in the dark recesses of your own heart. Most often it’s sin we have not realized is present. Often we rest
There’s a Place
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10 There’s a place I go when turmoil toils A place of safety and rest Where Christ does come and calm
Beside the Brook
There is a place beside the brook where Christ calls one’s heart. It will be a struggle to resist the enemy’s busy attempts to hold you from rest. Yet resist him you must. As Christ grabs your hand and you
Dear Lord…
Dear Lord… Give me your ears to hear Give me your eyes to see Give me your mouth to speak Give me your mind to think.. Give me your pain to bear Give me your heart to share
Many A Hindrance
There’s many a hindrance That Christ sees clear It’s going unnoticed But brings Him great tears. The heart of His people Are far far away From all His desires To love well today. He showed us His heart
The Jezebel Spirit
There is very little actually regarding the Jezebel spirit in the scriptures. I have often heard this referred to primarily in caution to women who are seductresses. However, this is a very narrow view of a greater concern regarding a
The Path to Promotion
Personally, I have found this little poem to be so true….and nothing has ever been so fruitful as a painful season. I would never have thought in the beginning with Jesus that pain could teach so much. Yet, it does.
The Reckoning
The heart of The Judge is sure to move on behalf of His intended Word. This morning is such a quickening in my heart that we have overlooked the pressing matters He holds dear. We are now minoring on the
The Valleys
To every man and woman of God there is a season of trial whereby God allows you to enter into a precipice of painful waves and torrential rain storms. For each of us the place of trying will be
Is Your View Distorted?
There are so many ways the enemy subtly distorts our view of Christ. He can begin to alter your mind and heart and have you operating out of a place of fear that He is no longer a good Shepherd,
The Puzzle Piece
Sitting at my computer, I heard the first few words of this poem start in my heart. I can’t say this is how I feel because there is nothing I would change about the Lord’s way with me. He simply
The Mercy of the Altar
Dare not charge God as fraud to men When sought Him not before we went. Tis’ not His job to bless our works But tis’ our job to ask Him first. When all does fail and blame we God
The Prayer of Tears
There’s a prayer that carries Power and weight Yet uttered is not a word. It’s the anguished pain That falls from one’s eyes The prayer of the voiceless heard. It’s a prayer that moves mountains And touches God’s
The Stones
For some days, I noticed the constant references to ‘stones” in the scriptures. In the back of my mind was a gentle whisper,yet, I did not know what to do with it, However, my daily reading built a log of
There is a King
There is a King To whom I’m betrothed I bear His royal blood. There is a Father To whom I adore Who created me with love. There is One only To whom I work An employer He is
When It’s My Time
When it’s my time to go on home And leave this world behind I pray I leave a legacy That’s gentle and very kind. I pray there will be many That testify of His grace Not because of what
The Tree and it’s Branches
The flock of birds flew in unison Heading to a garden of grace They had heard of a tree inviting Each one to ,”Come and taste.” The journey was long and desolate Yet strength was gained in flight And
A Brand New Day
Coming around the corner, I drove to the edge of my driveway when a sound caught my attention. A sudden gust of wind quickly stirred and it was as if an army of rattling leaves encircled me waving timelessly in
Consider the lilies And how they do grow No toiling or spinning But wrapped all aglow. They worry for nothing For Father does know Consider the lilies And how they do grow. Consider the ravens And how they
I was cleaning dishes on this particular day and I was so grateful for the way the Lord had tenderly spoken to me already. Worshiping Him this day was a sweet time and it left my heart so tender to
My Wings
What colors will my wings be, Lord, When it is time to fly? And will a sound of victory be heard When from the cocoon I rise? Oh Father, maybe yellow then A pale and meekish hue But mix
Love Sick
There is a pain deep in your heart It will not let you go You’ve tried to fill it many times Down dark and dusty roads. You’ve wandered long in lusty rooms But empty was all you found There
The Bruised Reed
If never a bruised reed you are Then Christ and His heart may be far For brokenness does bring a sweet scent That multiplies Christ while He sifts. When needs come to sudden manifest In people who perhaps are
The Stripping
There is a season of stripping that Joseph must endure. From the prophetic dreams of the Lord’s heart comes a wilderness season of training. It is the only way to prophetic fulfillment. Joy resides with a dream Of future
When Love Left
Remember….. When once thine eyes were full Of faith and great delight When love deep in your heart Brought others to The Christ. When faith it filled your lungs And joy was fresh and full Think of those dear
I Shall Remember
When I close my eyes, I can hear the beautiful music of a melodic waterfall. It’s as if a thousand varying notes are played all at once, yet, a recognizable tune as each drop converges into a sweet pouring until
Piece by Piece
There is an emptying of thy soul in light of a great wait. Teachings are ones of endurance and patience. Travailing and persisting in prayer are likened to heavy legs scouring a deep ocean. It is where a wresting with
Awaken O’ Sleeper
Awaken O Sleeper Thy Father bids It’s time for you to rise. I’m sending rain For many who thirst In need of heavenly sunshine. Do stretch thy leaves That they may link Others now side by side.
Do You Hear the Music?
There is an alluring of melodies drawing one’s heart to a love greater than imagined and more than a human mind can comprehend. The music is not quite the same arrangement for some as others. Perhaps one hears the
That which is Gold
Gold is found in many gems That often steals the heart of men For it is found a precious thing Yet gold is good and bad it seems. See gold was found in temple courts Intertwined with extravagant cords
When He Exhales
I received a call from Ireland. It caught me a little by surprise considering I reside in Texas. I have never ministered in Ireland or visited there, nor do I know anyone from there. Yet months ago the Lord gave
The Birthing
There has been a wait in the live’s of many of Gods people. For some the Wait has been years of agonizing praying. Great travail has been taught during this season and nothing will be wasted. Every hill and valley
What Might Have Been
There comes a moment in history When Christ before us stands When all the past is but a glimpse The judgement now of men. When all is laid before His feet The life lived now to reminisce Perhaps He’ll merely
While We Sit in the Pews
I received this poem after hearing of another young girl allured by the wickedness of child sex trafficking. I wondered if this was my own emotion so initially I deleted my first attempt of posting this message. However, I felt
What is Holding You?
There is something holding you my friend. Often there are bars of a prison that are quite invisible. The enemy at some point bound you in some area. Likely it will be the place of your greatest victory. But the
Come Out of the Shadows
Boy did this ever stir in my heart as I sat down today to read the Word. I heard the Lord say “come out of the shadows” and I began to ask Him for an example in His Word. David
The Eagles Are Coming
I was catching the end of a movie the other day and a phrase captured me. “The eagles are coming…” It seemed I could hear the whisper of the Lord ringing underneath these words. For some time as in the
His Essence
Essence: ..the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character. I was praying this morning and felt the dearest visit from the Lord. I even said out loud, “aww Lord it feels like you
The Wait
There is an incredible tactic of the enemy to push you into a place prematurely. You will be bombarded by feelings of being left out, the thought that Jesus passed you by, and at times you will be drastically misunderstood.
Love That Pours
I spent a few days visiting with hurting people. There is an incredible pressing of the heart when Christ allows you to help even a little in carrying another’s burden. To somehow bring a little sunshine to a rainy day.
The Withered Hand
There was a man with a withered hand To which dear Jesus drew nigh. And in the religious synagogue Were the pharisees and the scribes. They watched to see His every move To see if He would heal Upon the
I bear the marks of a Savior Whose path led to Calvary Where He was stripped and scourged for hours And hung there on a tree. With His life in me came a death Of a woman whose now long
Uncharted Territory
For a couple of days I kept hearing these two words, “uncharted territory.” I thought it so interesting but just waiting to see what the Lord might do with it. “Uncharted Territory” There is a path that some
Help Me
I can not deny the difficulties of following Jesus. If I did, I would not give a clear picture of what it means to endure. Clearly, Christ, as well as Paul and the others knew the rugged terrain you and
A Dance with the Devil
There is such confusion in the world today. I’m afraid much is due to the state of the Church. Clearly, God is moving and working in areas, but Satan has taken now much ground. Our words say one thing, yet
A reed is easily broken Shredded by brutal winds And so it goes the human heart So tender it is my friends. It’s made up of years of experience Some good and some too bad And if never properly
Your Time…
It is so easy to look around and see others progressing in their callings and become anxious as to what perhaps you could be doing wrong. Many feel like failures simply because we do not understand God’s ways. We all
A Word in Season…
I received a message yesterday from a sweet little sister struggling. Her season consists of school, raising a son as a single parent, working full-time, etc. She was simply asking for prayer to maneuver this season of her life. There
A Little Dab…
If a little dab will do ya Then tis all you shall have But don’t you wonder what you’ll miss If all you wants a dab? For Christ has depths of mysteries still He longs to now unfold But
There’s Still A Word In Play
Just because your circumstance does not look as if The Word He gave you is still active….believe that He will accomplish it because His eyes watch over His word that it may accomplish that which it was sent for:) “There’s
The Harvest
“The Harvest” ~Shelly Wilson~ A wisping wind is blowing in He whispers, “It is near…” A time to see the seedlings grow From years of watered tears. The waiting has been hard He knows But secure His promise is A
The Road to Freedom
There is a road that’s paved with souls Waiting for thy voice. So now prepared He has thy way A map of the Spirits choice. As soon as comfort settles in The Lord does say then “go.” Left you are
En Route
“En Route” -on or along the way- You never know what lies ahead very often. Yet you are “en route” to a destination. I surely never thought my route would have so many twists and turns and quite so many
Help Me to Hear…
There is a tangible sound when Christ arrives on the scene. Its often not “sound” as we know it but in the Spirit you know it when it comes. It’s merely Him getting your attention. He says often in His
Teach Me
Teach me not to be the first But pleased to be the least. I care not for position Lord Only tenderly to tend Thy sheep. Teach me O Lord to offer blessings Upon those who give scorn To open doors
Seek First
Seek First His kingdom and righteousness And destiny will be added unto you. Seek First His kingdom and righteousness And provision will be added unto you. Seek First His kingdom and righteousness And healing will be added unto you. Seek
Cleanse Me
Cleanse me Lord of all iniquities That I may hear You well. Cleanse me Lord of self righteous unrighteousness Where pride in me does swell. Cleanse me Lord of every transgression That I may with You dwell. Cleanse me
Wave the Flag
I see in my minds eye an interesting scene The flying of a flag A bunker where my soul does rest My sweat does soak thick rags. My fighting it seems I thought so well Yet now I see in
Go the Distance
A moment comes to call it quits When Satan deploys his hoards. When all seems lost as voices ring Just “hang it up” of course. When weariness does seep down deep And bones and muscles ache. You’ll have to fight
Draw Back the Curtain
This poem the Lord stirred after sitting with a precious one seeking answers about Jesus and His ways. It came rather quickly of this one’s “experience with the church.” She found little love in the body of Christ as a
Your Kindest of Ways
I had the privilege of sitting with a few broken hearts this past week. Each time I felt complete inadequacy to help them so I would whisper, “Lord, help me help them..” There were moments when my knowledge would want
The Rise
I have witnessed such harshness on social media lately. Brethren turning on other brethren, questioning every word they say, etc. I am one for truth no doubt; however, I also know where I came from and how easily we can
The Door
I spent the day being reminded of my first calling…”seek first His Kingdom and righteousness….then ALL will be added…” I have been looking for a door….The Door. The Lord kept nudging me about a door. It may seem odd but
A “Motherless” Generation
There is a paramount need That Christ does surely see A many without a home Who suffer life alone. But centuries long ago Deborah, a mother, arose To tend the needy hearts Of Israels little flock. Where now are Mothers
The Sound of Worship
When lost in His presence there’s a sound. It arises from one’s heart in deep resound. When tears drop a melodic crystal that crown Then His heart inside of you begins to pound. It’s a beckoning of a princess to
Running from the Rain
There is nothing more hindering than a religious spirit and this is why the scriptures tell us that “the traditions of man cause the Word to be of no effect.” There are areas in our lives we must allow Christ
Pull the Pin
The Lord gave me a vision today in prayer as the thunder and rain started to fall …He then gave me a beautiful song called “Fall Like Rain” as I saw a cloud distinctly break open on individual hearts. The
The Chosen Tool
There is a tool you must embrace As you draw near to Christ. A tool that leaves a crimson stain A piercing of one’s side. For as He molds your precious life To reflect more of His face You will
It’s Time To Breathe Again
Dear Christ in all His tenderness Does come on weighted winds To nudge His sorrowed little lambs It’s time to breathe again… For long it’s been to find thyself And much,oh much, was lost But now the God of Recompense
A Moment with Jesus
I was praying this morning and asked the Lord to give me His heart and mind….I honestly placed before Him a fear of moving in my own agenda more often than in His. I carefully poured out a heart
We walk through our days with heads somewhat buried in the sand at that which the enemy has become so successful at. We live as if every person present in time is sent by the Lord when in all actuality
A Moment with Jesus…
As I sit in my wilderness closet I find peace among the birds singing ever so uniquely. There must be many lifting up their voices all at once, yet with a distinct sound all their own. As I decided to
The Tiny Hindrances
There is a moment with Christ when He enlightens your heart to the grief of your own sin. We likely blanket our praying with a simple prayer of repentance when Christ is desiring you to face them one by one.
Loving Deeply With Jesus
It’s always difficult for a mercy heart as we walk this journey with Jesus. For we love so very deeply and often get wounded much. I’ve spent countless hours with the Lord on this very topic as I hear many
Chase the Lion
I have pondered for weeks a passage of scripture. My Sunday school class received the outpouring of all God had placed in my heart…chase the lion. I have written on this a bit and still it is deeply stirring in
Butterfly, Butterfly
Butterfly, butterfly spread your wings It’s time that you shall fly. The pain of your birth and the length of the wait Is now to you behind. Keep now My pace and look just ahead For desires of your heart
Captive is this heart To obey Thy Word’s commands Oh, help me Spirit of God Crucify this fleshly man. For love it must pour out In a way that aligns just so For every Word of Truth Arouses a slumbering
Will You Weep
I was driving to church when I heard the Lord say, “will you weep?” Soon a melody followed with some verses….I had been praying about His heart for outreach and the needs of people….and how we could reach more…I believe
Do you have left any “wonder” At the majestic King of Kings The way He speaks to humans And is so mindful of everything? Do you still gaze at stars in the night time And praise Him for beauties
A Soft Rain
I spent the morning on my back porch today. It was a beautiful morning to move my prayer closet outside and listen in a new place. Soon I looked up to see a most gentle and soft rain falling. It
The Uprising
There’s coming a mighty uprising One seen in the days of old When Christ was performing His miracles And mocked by the men in robes. When knowledge was merely knowledge And the text was read unto death When Christ
The Threshing Floor
Have you found yourself on the threshing floor? Bruised and battered and sore? For the Potter has placed His hand on you Preparing you now with His sword. Before you will become a great leader He will take you
I’m Still Here
Every warrior of Christ faces adversity. The enemy does not allow you a breath between battles. Yet, when faith does arise in one’s heart strings you’ll declare… I’m still here… You may barely rise from the ashes When another tsunami
His Presence
Some may run after power And others for positions of wealth Many who desire notoriety And a few just simply for self. The world may honor some diplomas And the church may well do the same But Christ is
When God Calls
When God calls you not everyone will believe, celebrate, or support you. There will be times you desire affirmations from people, yet most often you will meet fierce opposition. This is where the enemy will pull out all the stops
Keep Your Crown On
There are times when you might be tempted to forget who you are in Christ. The enemy will try every avenue that is dearest to your heart to cause you to forfeit your royal inheritance and God given destiny…yet whether
Rise Up To The Challenge of Your Rival
“This time…I’m coming for you…” There is a moment in every believers life when either we lie down and die or get back up and train again for the fight. I remember growing up and watching Rocky training against all
The Language of Teardrops
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 There must be a special sound That’s heard by Heavens throne A delicate
A Unique Heart Connection…
Today I awoke with a stirring in my heart so I thought I’d go ponder with the Lord on a walk. Often I am caught off guard when He has something on His heart that was unsuspecting to my own.
Ever Felt Like Jonah?
This is just a little reminder when sometimes we are left confused about whether we truly heard from the Lord or not. This can actually happen often as we walk out this journey with Christ. Certainly none of us get
Tell Me About This Hug Lord?
I have found there must be a particular and sweet anointing on some who hug. I have felt it in very few over my life with Christ …yet it is so very tangible and healing. There is an incredible power
The Stirring
Often there is a restlessness when the Lord is preparing for a move or a new work. May times it is a signal the eagle is stirring His nest. It’s as if one minute you are settled and suddenly a
A Wave of Fury
The Lord is so merciful and full of grace, yet He is still righteous and holy. He is also a perfect judge. While we are righteous by His blood sacrifice, we are also called to obedience to His Word. Obedience
The Source
There’s a river running anew Filled with hidden cords A fountain that’s wells are deep That bubbles the Living Sword. Ripples of lovingkindness A word that’s hard to describe For such a word is covered By the loving kindness of
Something to Ponder About Perfect Love…
Something to Ponder I love deeply I do..I really do. Those closest to me know me well. It takes very little to break this heart of mine. I always pray to keep a tender heart, even though I know there
Seduced By Another Voice
Seduced By Another Voice There’s a rage sweeping the nations Particularly the USA. A casualness towards God Almighty Indifference of His ways. This too it happened to David When seduced by the enemy’s voice. Taking a casual census Where pride
There is a God
There is a God There is a God I’ve come to know Whose gripped me from my head to toes Who walks with me with daily bread Who steers me well with whispers said. A God whose heard by those
The Honest Heart
There’s the moment when the honest heart Pours out all it’s grief. The anger, pain, and tears For God does honor these. Do understand His heart For He is for honesty And though we tantrum well He starts to mend
Do you arise to find yourself Surrounded at every pass? Unable to see a way out From the terror of Satan’s wrath? Poor Elisha was yet the same When an army stood on the hill Yet He saw the mighty
The Release
There’s a moment when in prayer That you suddenly realize The Lord has let you go And released you for your flight. When pains of the past bow low Even when they still reside For freedom does now ring And
The First Rain Drop
Echoes do resound And vibrate in the hills Warring angels roam Waiting for His seal Many now sent out Warnings now proclaimed Few with ears to hear Of coming judgement days. Did Noah grieve of heart For his ridicule? Zealously
The Door is Closing
As I was walking today with the Lord I rounded the corner and He allowed me to see a concrete door..much like a floodgate…not a regular door. It was lowering and cutting of the waters that poured behind it. The
The Daughters
It was a beautiful day for a walk today and as I rounded the bend I heard the Lord begin to speak to me. I sat down in the middle of our sweet cemetery to focus..and soon He sent a
Nevertheless..At Your Word…
I was taken with Luke 5 today as I was preparing for this coming weekend of ministry. My pondering ended up once again on paper in my time with Him. Take some time to go look at this story in
Ponder the Path of Thy Feet
Ponder the path of thy feet Where do they taketh thee? To places so dark Or thoughts of deceit Ponder the path of thy feet. Ponder the path of thy feet Are they ever slow to obey Thee? Do they
The Water Lilies
I was journaling this morning my week before the Lord talking to Him about things on my heart. As I wrote my thoughts I began to write “I’m still not sure what the Lord is doing but I seem to
The Power of Position
I was reading a book not too long ago from a great evangelist from many years ago. There were many good points to his book but one that I probably highlighted, underlined, and drew an oversized heart beside was something
A Talk Between The Father and His Daughter….
For years I have dared to run ahead zealous to complete that which I would see. Countless times I would venture on starving for your moves, anticipating your steps, running in faith. Yet, today, I am satisfied to tarry and
The Escape Route
What if the Heaven’s shut up Solomon ponders so… A question worthy of thought Today as storm clouds blow. For Christ has given a path One of safety and escape But we will have to choose This path that we
Let His Glory Fall
There’s a kind of Glory that falls Where shackles are then unbound Where professionalism is lost And men no longer proud Where one may lay prostrate While others with lifted hands No program…no routine When Glory falls on man. There’s
In the Cleft
There is a place one must go Where stones are cut so deep A hidden place where darkness rests Within a rocky scene. A place where Moses dared to go To watch the Lord pass by A place alone just
If These Keep Silent
He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” Luke 19:40 “If These Keep Silent” If you had known what was left yours The peaceful hearts, the joy filled tours The safety yours
The Spirit of Christmas by Shelly Wilson
A warmth in my heart arises a notch As Christmas is near and winter does knock With cinnamon smells and baked apple scents Foaming hot joe and cider to sip. When music does soar and leaps in the air Jingle
His Power Seen and Heard
At times you’ll close your eyes And listen really close You’ll hear the Father call The wind from its dear home. A rush of sound is heard From the rustling of the leaves And in an instant know His power
Take Thee at Thy Word
Take Thee at Thy Word What troubles thee dear child For have you not yet heard Thy promise is secure Do take Thee at Thy Word For covered up is sin A hidden unbelief Masked by darkened cloaks Dare to
“Enlarge The Place of Your Tent”
Isaiah 54:2-3 2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; (hold back) Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. 3 For you shall expand to the right and
Into the Wind
It’s not around that I shall go For Father is in the midst. For veering from the dark storm cloud Resists My Father’s kiss. My strength in Him will anchor deep As storms they ebb and flow. Roots never learn
The King’s Heart
What shall I need you ask? For all I need is here One I am with Christ My Father gave me to Him. For nothing is in lack All needs are met in Him For He calls forth the sun
Let Me Not Lose…
Let me not lose thy presence Lord For lesser and easier ways Let me not veer from holiness Lord No matter where this world strays. Let me not find some solice Lord In any thing, person, or place Other than
The Almond Blossoms
I woke to see an almond tree with blossoms sweetly pink So beautiful indeed it was It made me stop and think. For Christ has cause for such a thing To send a message with And when we look to
The Captivity of Sorrow
As I finished my morning devotionals, one had something in it that stirred my heart so.. The word “captive.” In essence the captivity to that which Christ calls us. I pondered sorrow..and it’s captivity. I’ve wondered often as valley seasons
When Vultures Circle
I was in prayer when I saw many vultures circling above…and I asked the Lord for His heart. This poem followed. We need His eyes to discern the spirits in this hour. “When Vultures Circle” I see many a vulture
Priceless Jewels
Be careful when settling it the will of God When Satan has robbed from thee. For we do let go of precious of things When fighting would be His heart plea. We give up too soon the goodness of God
The Sweeping
A sweeping has come upon the land Into agreement with evils chagrin A hidden dark veil covering eyes The precious elect are now compromised. Winnowing now must soon commence Dismissed are prophets of coming pits Resisted their words, a famine
Waiting the Wind
If you listened to this week’s radio program, the Lord had me share about eagles and what it is about them that we are to be like. He has continued to teach me more and more about the Eagle and
Domestic Abuse
A pastor friend of mine shared an article about abuse on Facebook and I had to agree with the fact that the church must begin talking about domestic abuse rather than staying clear of such a topic. It’s likened to
Let Faith Arise
Let Faith Arise to believe again In Christ the hope and Kingdom plans To see Him as Commander in Chief Calling for stones and slingshot belief! Let Faith Arise and hold your post For He will come in royal clothes
Brace Yourself
Daniel 5-24 “Then from his presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. 25 And this is the writing that was inscribed: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Upharsin. 26 This is the interpretation of the matter: Mene, God has numbered the days
A God Aimed Arrow…
For several days Lord has been speaking to me on many fronts. Today He gave me 2 poems to which I had to pay very close attention. May He speak to you as He has me through them. A God
Bait & Switch
We have entered into a time in history when deception is the norm. The surrender to the call of Christ at all cost has gone out the window and we have given ourselves over to the world…yet Christ calls us
One Voice
I have but one owned voice To Thee I give thine all. To harken on the course To build a righteous wall. To set upon thine watch And see with holy eyes Not lending to thine own But merely Father’s
A Pierced Heart
There’s a moment of naivity When all seems safe and well Then in one second draws The enemy’s arrow from Hell. And when your head is turned He sets his aim just so The target is your heart And deadly
Hold Steady
Stray not from Thine own words Dare not look right or left No matter what the cost Hold Steady to My crest. Fear not thy coming doom Revival soon will bloom Yet when My Spirit comes I’ll crush deceptive rungs.
Quiet Thy Soul
Quiet thy soul Father says wait For He is working plans. To give thy child Her heart’s delight Be calm O’ little lamb. Take heed thy warn To just be still Lest fleshly choices taunt. Father’s good pleasure Is the
When the Son Shines Through
Was a beautiful evening for a little walk and talk…as I rounded a corner I was blinded by the sunlight that pierced through much forest and trees…and at once…darkness fled… “When the Son Shines Through” When the Son Shines through
I was driving to a doctor’s appointment when a sign caught my attention…it simply said “wildflowers grow here..” The word just grabbed my heart! So beautiful when this happens…it’s like the Lord exhales into your very soul:) I knew a
Weep For Jerusalem
“Weep” He said for grieved am I The tears they stream with burning tides My stomach sick from broken ruins “Weep my child for Jerusalem.” Father, please, it’s much to see The broken hearts now lost at sea The love
At Thy Bidding
The word of the Lord came….then Elijah went. The word of the Lord came..then Jeremiah went…. and so it shall be with us today. There is a moment when Christ sends a divine call. It may come through a dream,
Weeping Willow
I will never forget the evening I was praying with a group of women and tears began to flood me. There was a puddle at my feet when the prayer ended. However, the Lord had shown me something for a
The King’s Treasury
The Lord often has to remind me of His promises. I imagine I grieve Him often with unbelief. For we may know what the Word says, yet when between a rock and a hard place we forget that which He
A Smoke Screen
The body of Christ is in great need of discernment in this hour… Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the children of the captivity builded the temple unto the Lord God of Israel; 2 Then they came
The False Prophet
I found this to be a very good read..and so very true. I am gravely concerned for the body of Christ…we have little depth to our walks with Christ. We have settled on shallow topics and desire mainly a feel
The Ivory Tower
There’s an ivory tower where we dare come low Where all it seems perfect and never soiled clothes The place at the well where a woman awaits Needing forgiveness some mercy and grace. A place where the leper is touched
When the Lord Speaks..
This morning I awoke early and the Lord brought a message to my attention by Pastor Gary Wilkerson. I knew quickly the Lord was speaking and I have attached a link below for you too to hear the video sermon…as
Take Off the Shroud
Many times we fail to see that which hinders us. When I heard the Lord say “take off the shroud,” my mind immediately went to that which blinds us. So often we never even know when truth is hidden and
Calling the Wailing Women
Call for the wailing women! The Lord does bid us come. The land is in desperation And filled with deceitful tongues. Skillful is what Christ is calling For those who know now His heart Who break now knowing His heartache
His Garden
I was driving through Mississippi to a ministry time when the rain began to pour. Not particularly fond of driving in the rain, I complained…and asked the Lord to stay the rain. Very quickly I heard these words..”do not despise
To Suffer His Will
When Christ does give a blessed lot That divides sweet friends and has great cost When time it takes all day and night To give to those in need of Christ. When all seems lost and prison pales When crucified
Learn to Reign
There’s an endless supply of power divine Waiting your royal decree and reply For Christ has invited you utterly beside To learn to reign with Heaven’s might. Yet time and again thou forfeits thy lot Removes thy ring with signet
Unseen Treasury
We must understand our roles in Christ. For the roles He has given to us in His kingdom declare a certain path. If we do not understand this…frustration sets in as others have visible success and are able to employ
I Want to Be
Not too long ago a friend had received a burden for my safety. Needless to say, it’s been an interesting season. I did not think much of it at the time until something caused me to send a message for
I was walking the other night with the Lord. I heard something and turned my head to see a smoldering fire. It was a large brush fire from someone clearing land. I heard the Lord very clearly say “Danger, Danger”
The Touch of God…
Whether coming to Christ for the first time or as you go from glory to glory….His touch will be accompanied by tears… Cry out your anger, cry out your bitterness, cry out your loneliness, cry out your loss. Cry out
Get Out On A Limb
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24 Get out on a limb I heard Him say Risk My Name and pray. Ask
A Diamond In His Hand…
Twas a melancholy day Where storms they woo and sway So I left for a walk with Thee I needed to speak to The King. As I walked around the bend I noticed a feathery twig… First one ..then another
Worship While You Wait
Worship While You Wait Upon thy bended knee I cast my every care Awaiting the voice I need To come and rest right there. Yet in the quiet calm I hear the faintest sound “Worship while you wait” So I
When Satan Uses Your Heart..
We struggle so with how to handle certain situations. I have come to understand that Christ does desire freedom. We are to love fully while setting healthy boundaries. It is okay to say no and okay to refrain from situations
To Write Upon My Heart…
I was worshiping this morning before the Lord when a song came on that mentioned “to write upon my heart..” This phrase wouldn’t leave me and I began to ponder and ask the Lord about what that might look like.
The heavens declare…
Saturday morning after returning from several days of ministry in Louisiana and Mississippi I woke up as I heard these words: The heavens declare the glory of the Lord… I could not remember where this passage was in the Word
This Daughter
As I sit in a hotel room on a week of beautiful ministry, my heart turns to my Father…”Lord, I need to not think of what you will do tomorrow night or what even you did last night..but tonight Lord…”this
Show Me Your Scars
I have had the beautiful grace of God to witness my scars bring life to others. I remember the first time I heard Beth Moore share her scars many years ago before she really became well known. Because of her
Fully Engaged
I spent countless years waiting for the weekend wasting days that could have been used for the Kingdom of God. It is telling when the Lord says in His word when He comes like a thief many will be going
I Wanna Be A Big Tree
I wanna be a big tree Lord But I always seem too small. Would you grow inside of me Lord And help me grow up tall. I wanna be like an oak Lord With roots no wind can sway. I
The Waiting Spirit
“The Waiting Spirit” Oh wretched soul of mine That dare not quiet noise Where flesh it wrestles rest Too loud to hear the Lord. An inner struggle raised For solace in the night To empty all the day And silence
Summer Showers
Awakened by gentle droplets I hear My Father’s cry “Come see Thy blessed showers That waken souls so dry. My people need refreshing For death has but crept in Slowly smothering goodness And slowly allowing sin. I’ll send the rain
To Wink at Sin
We wink at sin with each sunrise Little regard for holy lives Desiring grace and Heaven’s way Yet refusing to lay each hindering weight. We orate well Thy Word and “love” Yet hold at bay sanctifying tugs If truth be
Such a fascinating word, “derailed.” I heard it a few weeks ago and failed to sit and ask the Lord about it until this morning. The enemy comes with you in mind For what he sees is Christ inside He
The God of Recompense
I have spent time learning God’s names over the years. I found a great reference source with Tony Evans on his study guide of the names of God after the Lord gave me this poem. I was walking through the
His Arrows
It would be so inaccurate to consider yourself not valuable to the Kingdom work. For you and I are His hands and feet. If we carry the Lord within us….how then can we take lightly our role in His plan.
Imprints of Love..
Let me tell you of 2 stories of 2 women who have forever left imprints on my heart. The first precious one I have had the pleasure of shadowing many times. She is wise and precious woman of God who
The Lambs Are Down
May we see and hear His heart…for He is weeping over His sheep… The Lambs are down I heard Him cry A piercing sound from Heaven’s might A clash of thunder with lightning speed A righteous anger from deepened grief.
There’s a Sound…
There’s a sound of Heavenly pouring Like a rain so tender and frail It’s more than words or mere lyrics Or a voice that’s singing a scale. You know it when once you do hear it And it causes hard
Pull The Stakes
I was talking with the Lord when I saw a quick picture of a hot air balloon…The balloon was not the focal point of this picture, however…it was the numerous stakes that tied down the balloon. It was evident the
I have been so thrilled to get back outside with the Lord walking. I am finding it more difficult to sit still these days and it’s a constant battle to protect my time with Him. However, when we walk I
Thy Field
Take me where you need me Lord Let my feet not go till then For there’s a place of open fields Where We can refresh men. Let me not rush before Thy walks But pace in tune behind For You
The Water’s Edge
Psalm 107 23 They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; 24 These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. “The Water’s Edge” What does one see beyond
A Wayside Well
Dare to step off the road of activity my friends..lest you miss the place of rest.. “A Wayside Well” There’s a stop along a lengthy road Where Christ has placed His calm A place of sweetened healing love A
It’s serene, yet a deep darkness But I swim towards the light It seems such a long way “I hope I have enough air in my lungs” There are few sounds now Yet life moves all around But a tunnel
It’s a Long Walk to the Cross…
It’s a long walk to the cross So close thine eyes and breathe Now gently bow thy head And slowly bow thy knees. For Christ in the garden did plead Father take this cup from Me Yet, Thy will, not
The Art of Letting Go
I heard this little title early this am but I didn’t really get the poem until later today. I certainly felt it in my heart as soon as it came. It kind of came with a surge of familiar anguish.
Loose the Colt…
And it came to pass, when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, Saying, Go ye into the village over against you; in the which
There are some days…
I find the life with Jesus so beautiful yet the reality of hardships and afflictions are nigh. I have encountered extreme joy and adventure, while also suffering great losses. I am sure many reading today are in some sort of
Love is patient Love is kind Love is faithful Love is time Love is wreckless Love is long Love it suffers Many wrongs. Love is active Love is near Love encourages Love never fears Love is freedom Love is flight
Is There Not A Cause?
Is there not a cause to fight Is there not a cause to love Is there not a cause to grieve The lost and lonely Christ speaks of… Is there not a cause to dance Is there not a cause
The Gate…a story of the heart
Please give me grace this am and think not too critical of my writing today:) It’s just a little story of my heart. I am sure much theologically could be inaccurate..likely this story would be filed under “fiction” in the
…and with this I fall head over heels again……………………..:) A sweet message for the women at church today that God is a restorer of the little girls who are now big girls. Keep dreaming with Him and rejoice in Him….enjoy
a heart pondering…
I sat in a meeting and looked around the room….I often ponder subtle things as God shows me His heart…. and inside I smiled. Whoever expected a ministry meeting to include 2 of the staff holding little babes recently born
Pain is a Platform
As I share the lessons from valley seasons, I see the nods and the tears swell. In my heart comes a whisper..”here is the fruit.” I am caught at the lunch break unable to even sit down to eat as
In a moment of sudden pressure His presence falls as rain And suddenly rendered silent I’m gripped as I whisper His name. For He’s come to reveal His heart now With direction and clarity clear And soon I find myself
Love Grows Cold
It starts in loving less our friends Even hiding little heart sins It moves to where compassion wanes Now we see love begins to fade. From passion and zeal for our fellow man To distance that grows with each demand
There’s pearls and diamonds And royal gems Strings of beads And beaded trims Lace that’s lots And lots of lace Rubies and emeralds And amethysts made. There’s crowns that dazzle And scepters that shine Shiny fabrics with embroidered twine There’s
Quiet Strength
There’s a beautiful peace in knowing Christ sees your heart and circumstances and He has tenderly reassured you of His presence and path for you. When fervent prayer has preceded answers…an inner peace causes you to be immovable regardless of
Winter Nights
It’s winter nights That draw thee near As wind’s blow thru That pierce as sheers. But in the chill A warmth ignites The Father’s love Does run from high. And when thy child Is near His fire Tells He does
I was getting a little antsy with the Lord as the Night at the Well event drew near. The Lord had only given me one word….literally. No scripture…nothing else. I have learned I am just not interested in a message
Until It First Rains..
The rainbow can’t come Until it first rains Dandelions, tulips And lilies refrain The seed in the dirt Will be a dead weight And nothing shall grow Until it first rains. A dream it lays dormant Until it first rains
When Strength Comes
When Strength Comes Your head starts to lift Christ has begun Restoring again. When strength comes Renewed is thy heart Passions restored Love is His mark. When strength comes Fear you’ll resist Press to the mark With true faithfulness. When
Your Ship’s About To Sail….
“You’re ship is about to sail” I heard the shipmaster say It’s time to get on board The wind is blowing today. As a sailboat sails oceans deep It’s propelled by delicate winds. But should the wind cease to blow
Sunshine and Rainbows…
Sunshine and rainbows Sweet daffodils Roses and tulips Beaded lace frills A field full of dandelions Waiting a blow A flock of His birds Digging in snow. Watermelons so red It drips of such taste Willows that weep With purple
When the King Calls
When the King Calls A choice you will make To follow His voice And lose all the waste. When the King calls Persistent He’ll be Don’t think for a minute He gives up easily. When the King calls A newness
The Covering
A covering will protect you Without your being choked. Its gentle as a blanket When you are down and low. It encourages to God’s best And nudges you ahead It never let’s you rest assured That more can not be
The Swallow
For a few days the Lord was giving me this sweet little picture. It was so clear and detailed of a bird cage with the door left open. I noticed the little bird in the cage walk towards the open
And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not
Unwrap The Gift
it is not a vain thing to desire to be used in your divine calling. It is the will of the Father that you do…actually the scriptures say “desire earnestly..” for it is how He designed you to bring Him
The Horse
The horse he is ready Yet his gallop’s restrained His shoes dig the dirt With a warring proclaim. Unbearable delays The shoot closes in Eyes fixed on the gate Oh!!!….to run with the wind!!! The bridle it is snug The
Dandelions Again….
There’s a sign of great significance Which Christ has made so dear It signals coming wind’s soon That lift you high and clear. It’s the breath of God preparing To blow a dainty weed Again here comes the dandelion He’s
When the Wind Blows
When the wind blows The heart is stirred Restless and anxious A divine coming surge. When the wind blows The air becomes crisp Quickens the heart There’s coming a drift. When the wind blows The Father He speaks Hearts on
It’s the moment you notice a thing In the quickness of a glance Almost like a slow motion It’s Holy Spirit showing a man. It’s mostly no grand production Just a knowing that’s often dismissed But what you do with
Reach Back
Remember where thou hast been In despair blown by strong winds And when the storm does clear Reach back for others, dear. When journeying onward still Be mindful all around Keep eyes and hearts so keen Reach back for others
I remember vividly the Holy Spirit lovingly convicting me of an unknown sin. Honestly, it was something I thought clearly right at the time. Yet the Lord began to show me the deep damage I had caused. It seemed very
Throw a Rope
Oh if we could see the imprisoned hearts around us… there are days where weariness withholds my own vision. It’s not that Christ isn’t trying to show them to me…it’s merely that I refuse to see. I may be overwhelmed
Don’t Rush Me
My favorite place to worship is at the altar…The Lord tends to beckon me there should one be available. Of course, we can create an altar anywhere and I have by faith done so in my closet, in the midst
Love is an unexpected gift Of time with a long lost friend Love is softened stains As one wipes the tears and tends. Love is a gentle squeeze When your strength is all but gone Love it perseveres To ensure
Won’t You Run
I was driving when this song began stirring in my heart. In the next morning, the Lord finished it and I have fallen in love with His melody and heart in it. We soon will bring it together for others
There is the reading of the scripture That leaves still no effect Perhaps but a mere habit We need Rema..God’s “NOW” breath. A shouting of yes’s and agreed with “amen!” Yet never realizing the death deep within. When stories recounted
Dry Bones
Do dry bones know when their dry? For they are now void of life Hearing is dull and scarce Vision has gone and left. For only when Christ wakens these And the Holy Spirit pervades the dead leaves Will breath
There is a deep deep problem in the Kingdom Unseen by the natural eye But a hardness of heart of God’s people For others who are different than thine. Where hatred may not be so evident Yet a prejudice so
When Love Fails
When love fails the heart is hope deferred A repetitious cycle of lost-ness occurs When one pours out yet comes up short You may have to release all to the Lord. One can grow weary of waiting a heart To
Be cautious my friends of what and whom you allow into your life, homes, or ministries. Not everything, nor everyone, is as they seem. We must now more than ever be very wise. There is a very real spiritual world
The Time of Restoration
There comes a time of restoration When the ancient ways will be again When prophets arise in a moment From a wilderness designed by God’s hand. No eloquence or worldly esteem , no.. They’ll be the smallest of the clan
A Pondering of Preparation
For several days I had felt the Lord impress upon me to take communion during our time together. Usually in this I am reading the passage of the breaking of bread, etc. Yet, today something just arose in me. We
The Poisoned Arrows
The Poisoned Arrow Some arrows from Satan are meant just to graze Or even to fly by to cause fear to raise But deadly are others he sets in his sights Laced with a poison to slowly take life. The
The Little Peacock
There once was a beautiful peacock Whose feathers were frayed and torn Her tail it drug behind her Swollen from rocks and thorns. Her colors had dulled and now dingy Covered in soot and debris And missing were many her