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Dream Big Workshop- The Writer’s Circle

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

This is our quarterly gathering for writers. If you're a writer needing help with self-publishing, and author looking for a fellowship to toss around ideas or problems, or a blogger just needing some encouragement in your gift you are welcome

Supper Club

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

A private gathering hosted by SWMI by invitation only.

The Healing Support Group

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

The Healing Support Group is an intimate monthly group of women working through various pains of the heart. Every room is confidential and we often utilize the power of prayer inviting in the Holy Spirit to do what He does

Boundaries Class

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

Our Boundaries Class now meets monthly due to the huge need we've seen for women to be free to be who Christ desires them to be. We learn healthy boundaries in relationships often discussing boundaries within family, marriage, friendships, and

Est. Her-In the Garden- A Collaborative Conference For Creatives

The Gathering Ministry 302 N. Pearl St. Big Sandy, Texas 302 N. Pearl St.;, Big Sandy, TX, United States

Hosted by The Gathering Ministry & Kingdom Creative To register: Email Jessie Garmon at for your ticket and payment instructions. (Or see attached graphic)

Boundaries Class

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

Our Boundaries Class now meets monthly due to the huge need we've seen for women to be free to be who Christ desires them to be. We learn healthy boundaries in relationships often discussing boundaries within family, marriage, friendships, and

Women’s Conference-Freestone Cowboy Church

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

Shelly will be ministering through word and song to the women of Freestone Cowboy Church.

The Healing Support Group

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

The Healing Support Group is an intimate monthly group of women working through various pains of the heart. Every room is confidential and we often utilize the power of prayer inviting in the Holy Spirit to do what He does

The Healing Support Group

Shelly Wilson Ministries 105 West Duval, Troup, TX, United States

The Healing Support Group is an intimate monthly group of women working through various pains of the heart. Every room is confidential and we often utilize the power of prayer inviting in the Holy Spirit to do what He does