What a beautiful weekend we had at the first Women of Influence Retreat in Navasota, TX. Mere words can not describe the beauty of Jesus and the depth of His love for us this past weekend. Stephanie Miller and I had simply been burdened to get women together and let the Lord lead the retreat. This can be quite challenging for an OCD type personality:) But thankfully I am teachable! So Friday we got there with no plan, no agenda…..just us girls and Jesus. No leading worship here, speak here, no meet at this time…etc. We allowed Him to choose the roommates and all the content based on what occurred, what was said, the burden on a heart. He even surprised us with a new sister who braved the retreat all alone not knowing anyone. But she was desperate for Jesus….and that is all that mattered to her. See, she came for Him and Him alone..
I saw Jesus in the safe place of a room for 3 days where there was no plan or agenda….where the Holy Spirit was given freedom to be the leader and teacher…I saw Him in the safety of women truly bearing one another’s burdens….in the deep sobbing of a head buried into another’s chest…in the first dance of freedom…in the healing of body and heart..in the letting go of the past…in the grace of one another as Jesus set free a vessel preparing for her use…in the “no rush” pouring of hearts…in the genuine ministry of ALL the gifts of the Spirit in beauty and truth…no glamour..no loudness..no fan fare…just quiet beauty..gentle praying..authoritative praying with confidence in God not spectacle of man…time was not important….Jesus is patient and taught us to forget the clocks, the time, how late it was, how long it had been…He may take 10 minutes or half a day as He was setting one free…no matter…..He waits…God is a God of order yes…but when He is in charge..there is a beautiful order that flows from His throne…not from man made plans. I watched as women gave each other personal items they wore…because God nudged them to…..I watched cheering for one another as God delivered miracles according to need…there was no need for jealousy..we are sisters….I watched a room full of women go home with a room full of best friends….we laughed..we cried…we learned..we worshiped and sang as He called it into being. I did not lead worship…we merely entered into His presence. He chose the songs fluidly…I had no idea what was next. But His whisper was tangible. Songs I did not sing but were sung by other artists….it made no difference whether I was singing them or not..it was not about me. It was about what He wanted to sing in that moment. It did not matter what we wore. I did not have to dress to impress. I was just one of the group…just another sister..and it was absolutely ENOUGH! We could see and embrace the uniqueness and giftings in one another. We each had a STORY…a Story the world is waiting to hear.. Stephanie, a powerfully gifted teacher, and I were simply there to facilitate..but Jesus had the reigns! We moved and flowed with Him. It’s amazing how rested I was. I never got tired although we rarely slept before midnight. I said Saturday morning..”Jesus I don’t feel like I have really done anything..” He said ” because you haven’t I did it all…” 🙂 I realized the times of exhaustion were due to me operating in my own strength..rather than His strength. We have been conditioned to schedules, agendas, time slots. We talk a lot about freedom without giving Jesus the time it takes to set someone free. We refrain from a 2 night retreat because we do not have the time to give…maybe we would go if it was only 1 night. Yet we have a life time of bondage to rid ourselves of that will take time to lay down at the feet of Jesus. In the next breath we make our reservations for a week vacation, a weekend for sports playoffs, etc. Let’s face it..it’s all about priorities… until we are desperate enough, until we have no where else to turn, until we hunger for Him more than anything else..we will run from Him rather than to Him.
We not only saw Jesus this past weekend…we were with Him. I felt the tangible anointing fall as one spoke a Word over my life. He is supernatural. We must not throw out the baby with the bath water. Yes there is abuse in this world and terribly in the church..false prophets, false teachers, spirits that are not of the Lord, people who say they have gifts who do not, people who force gifts on others that is not according to the scriptures..but we will never see Jesus in His fullness until we accept ALL He is according to His Word. I watched women gifted in healing stand to pray over one needing to be healed. I saw His power in that moment. I watched one at the feet of another with a deep servant’s heart weep and pray over another’s pain. I wept as I remembered the picture of the woman at the feet of Jesus….weeping and washing His feet with her hair.. this one..my new sister was in her place in the Kingdom weeping and praying over another sister in need… We stepped up as our gift was called into need…all the members of the body working together. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in all my 11 years in ministry.
What joy as we broke bread together! Remembering what Jesus did for us! My new sisters! For life and for all eternity! My heart leapt as I saw one dance down the isle to be crowned with a plastic tiara..for she is the daughter of THE KING! A royal priesthood! Seated in the heavenlies. She is valuable! She is priceless! The embrace as one thanked me as I placed her crown on her head knowing the whole time I was the blessed one for the honor of crowning them EACH! The tears as one said “no one ever told me I was a princess…” but she was a bride for the bridegroom and the delight in the heart of Jesus as He told her Himself!! Friday night was not over before they asked “when can we do this again!” I said “Jesus I know I get it..this is where you are! This is what your girls need! A safe place of FREEDOM! Not what is talked about..but a place where you are given freedom of time to heal. Where we truly walk away different..changed! We stood in the gap for a baby in need of healing! We did not just talk about it…we took Him to Jesus! God has called us to action…Word in Action! To get out of the way and let Him heal us emotionally, physically, spiritually! To die to self and the games we play in the church, in Christian industry, and in this world. Time is short..Jesus is coming..I am overjoyed…exhilarated…and at rest in Him alone:)
Thank you Father for allowing us to see you as you reveal yourself as Adonai, El Shaddai, Elohim, El Roi, Jehovah Rapha…. you once again have stolen my heart. There is no need you can not and will not meet when we seek you with whole hearts! When we are desperate enough to call your name with authenticity.. When we surrender to your will rather than our own. Forgive us for all we have made it….have your way….have your way…
Love MUCH!
Shelly, that was so beautiful. God told me once that He is not on a time clock. When we ladies have our bible/prayer study, when we just let God do what He wants, we see awesome, beautiful things happen. We just had our open house for our business’ new location today, friends and family came to dedicate our business to our Most Wonderful Saviour. There is nothing that can’t be done through His strength. Thank you for sharing.
You are amazing! God has truly touched you so others feel God’s love in all you do, say and sing! I am so very blessed to have been a part of this week end and can’t wait to be with my new sisters again. God was truly moving and touching all of us. My new season of dance has just begun…though the power of Jesus I am able to do His will in my life.
Love you sweet Shelly!