This morning I awoke early and the Lord brought a message to my attention by Pastor Gary Wilkerson. I knew quickly the Lord was speaking and I have attached a link below for you too to hear the video sermon…as the message caused a flood of tears that resonated with my own heart cry for some weeks and months….even years…as if watching it in slow motion happening. I felt moved to send this message to as many as I could get to very quickly….and I pray we have ears to hear. I say this mercifully, but honestly, that some will choose to turn it off…as we are a generation who no longer truly desire to hear from the Lord. We have become satisfied with hearing from men well constructed orations… and have given a platform to worship that is centered around flesh heart desires and wants rather than worship that is of spirit and truth….we have become an entertaining church with no weightiness or power…and as Pastor says in this sermon…we no longer discern the difference in our congregations, nor in our leaderships. We have replaced the necessity of holiness on our stages with talent and “yes” people willing to obey man rather than the call of the Lord. Yet Christ is telling us He will hear us….when we cry….This put me on my own face weeping before a Holy God that He would search my own heart and clear the stage of all idols, self ambition, lukewarmness, and lack of holiness. That He would open my heart to His loving rebuke and correction in this hour and restore any loss of discernment…that He would scan the smallest and most hidden places of pride, self righteousness, unfinished business, and attachments in my life that are not of Him. That He would awaken us to the “giving way” to ritual and idolatry that has now arrested His church. But if we cry…..He will hear….
May we be changed ….please watch the below video sermon…