You know, some of us can’t hit “like” on a post because the truth of it scares us to death. It’s just more comfortable to keep on scrolling and pretend we didn’t see it. Kind of like when we’re reading the scriptures. We take what we want and dismiss what we don’t.
There’s a little something in us that loves Jesus but when the fire gets a little too hot, we will back right on up.
It’s easy to shun the messengers bringing the swift sword who let the mic drop moments come to sharpen us but many will just choose to keep ourselves in safe, and shallow, waters.
That’s never been the message of the gospel best I can tell. Some of us will be just like the disciples who fled when they came to arrest Jesus. It was cool hanging out with Him when miracles were flowing…but when it was about to really cost some kind of personal thing…gone they were.
It’s not much different than when Christ says if you shrink back He won’t be pleased.
Hebrews 10:38
But My righteous one will live by faith; and if he shrinks back, I will take no pleasure in him.
I suppose it’s hard to align with the truth at times when the lie or deceptions that are upheld live fully within your own circles of influence.
But this isn’t really the time to mince words is it? We’re either gonna die for the cause of Christ in every way or live in some kind of self-proclaimed righteousness where we look and talk like we follow Jesus but we seem to have an unspoken limit to our obedience.
We keep our world so peaceful that frankly we fight for nothing. Yet, here we are in a real war for souls.
It is a life and death matter and most often Heaven versus Hell.
Some of my most unpopular posts are uncovering the assault on women within marriage and church where one of the very things Christ hates is often excused or covered up.
Our hands aren’t clean honestly just because we remain silent in the midst of atrocities. The fruit is telling the truth again and our silence has once again chosen a side. Jesus, dear friend, does see.
There are many other topics that are similar in nature as well.
Many of us need to pick a side because we’ve become professional fence riders on issues that Christ cares about. They are real-life modern-day moments that Christ is fully checking our faithfulness on. These areas show whether we really know the author of the word or just the text.
Let me ask you this: what does loving mercy and doing justice look like to you?
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Because it sure seems we have a very different definition than the author of that mandate.
Jesus is raising up voices in this hour who aren’t paid off by the institution or influenced by notoriety. They beat to only one drum and march under one headship. They may seek wisdom from the multitude of counselors but they will answer to only one voice.
They will die to admiration and not flinch at mockery. They will stand watch and be vigilant despite the sponge soaked in vinegar.
They don’t rely on social media kudos to obey Christ and if it all goes away then so be it. It’ll never shut down the true church of Jesus Christ.
Their allegiance is sure and won’t waiver based on applause.
They sit under a palm tree judging fairly with no partiality to economic status, gender, background, race, denomination, or education.
To be honest, they are the sharp shooters who won’t mind locking targets on self-righteousness, hidden holes in the wall, and religious piety that murders mankind.
Their aim is precise and their movement in the Kingdom is stealth. They’ve been trained in battle by the King and they will remove every obstacle between Him and those He died for. Their work in the Spirit is unseen by many but seen by all of Heaven and all of Hell. They don’t need the limelight because they have the light of Christ and all His glory.
Cleaning house will be their specialty and they can do it in love while also repositioning the bride for the bridegroom. This is part of “her making herself ready.”
Their arrows of truth will hit hard and prayerfully be loaded with Holy Ghost conviction that is followed by godly repentance and sorrow and therefore changed lives.
They will stand between Hell and the people and gladly give up their comforts to pull people from pits and prisons.
Demons will fear them because their authority and faithfulness is eternally known in the heavenlies and their full surrenders were seen in the anguish of the secret place.
May we have ears to hear what, and who, God is sending to “shoot us straight” in this hour.
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