There is a season where Christ will wrought a message within you. You will no longer need notes or preparation. You will carry the message in every fiber of your being.
Every moment you crawled upon your knees trying to stand back up will be a never forgotten teaching soon to pour out of your mouth and into others struggling in debilitating paralysis.
There is a transition that occurs in the wilderness. Religion slowly falls away and human effort is buried. You will feel very uncomfortable in this new life led by the Spirit. Your knees will shake. You will feel as if your landing is wobbly and yet it is simply what true freedom feels like. It is the place where the promise of the Holy Spirit to tell you what to say when you open your mouth begins to live. It’s like nothing you’ve known before. There is an “ease” to it. He speaks as you speak and He gives what you ought not know to a heart who needs a specific word.
Your Goliath season served as a tool that would strengthen your resolve, root deep your courage, and remind you of the King that lives within you. The Word of God is no longer something you just read but something you now live.
The message is now part of you. It is no longer just a text on the page. There is a weight to what you bring. It’s the revelation to others that “you have been with Christ.”
You will learn to live on “unction” which now replaces human tradition and the Spirit of God begins to erase who you once were. Transformation has occurred and you are no longer the same person. Glory to glory. Strength to strength.
Salvation was a beautiful thing but….there…. is….more….
The message of the “MORE” rains down from the Heavens and ignites a fire under the Word of God. It lives. It breathes. It changes. It divides.
You’ll wonder if you’re ready. If you’re prepared. You’ll think you are not because you are so use to human skill and effort. Then suddenly in His appointed time, the message flies out of your heart as the Spirit of God breathes. You’ll not believe your own eyes and ears as God stirs in you what was done in the long trial. You didn’t realize when you slayed that giant you would then go help others slay theirs. You didn’t know the message of compassion had to be chiseled into your heart first. You didn’t know you were walking ahead of others like Joseph in the King’s prison so that you could soon save a people.
But He knew…..all along…
So instead of giving you a message, He made you the message. No messenger delivers the heart of Christ without first living that which He preaches. The only way to authenticity is firsthand experience. You can only take people as far as you have been…
So stand O Saint of God. Let the old ways go. For He is doing a new thing and you are His messenger carrying His message. It has been deeply wrought into you. It is time you take your place. Your hands have been trained for war. You are an arrow in His quiver.
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