There once was a little piano key
Of beautiful ivory coloring
Her sound was perfectly tuned
Yet she was still sad and very blue.
She played her note so exquisitely
Yet found herself bored just listening
She wondered why her sound was so weak
Then her Maestro began his melodies.
Her breath was caught in sure bliss
As she watched Him tickle her friends
And suddenly a delightful sound
Erupted like a volcanic cloud.
The heavenly host stooped and turned
Delighted at what they then heard
The little key had learned the secret now
It took more than one key for Heaven’s sounds.
The Maestro bent to her sweet ear
And whispered softly with swelling tears
“You see little key our Father’s heart
Is that all of the keys play their part.
For if only one key is played
Many are left lost and dismayed
And chords that sing heavenly tunes
Require many “little keys” to be used.”
(NOVEMBER 7, 2015)
This is my sweet Father…:)….wanting all His little ones to become all He intended us to be..
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:16