For when he arrived in Rome, he searched and searched for me until he found out where I was being held, so that he could minister to me. (2 Timothy 1:17)
This passage in 2 Timothy wrecked me this morning. For it is a picture of great love for a suffering brother.
Prior to this statement Paul shares how Phygelus, Hermogenes, and all of Asia deserted him because of his imprisonment.
Yet one brought refreshing to Paul. Onesiphorus, whose name means “help bringer” or “one who brings profit.”
There have been times in my life with Christ that I heard of a heart in dire need. Sometimes God called me to drive for hours to bring refreshing to someone in the middle of a sudden trial.
Other times when I knew of a lonely soul after God called them away God would send me to remind them that they were loved dearly. A familiar face can really help a hurting heart.
Which type of person are we today?
Deserters or help bringers?
If Christ is living in us then surely we must feel His often unction to go bring refreshment to the weary?
It will take effort, yes. This man had to “search and search” for Paul to find out where he was being held. But the love of Christ compelled him to keep searching.
We often give up too soon, want it to require little to no effort, or we are so focused on our own-selves and our own lives that we become more like deserters than help bringers. When people need us the most we cannot be found. It reminds me of Jesus when he was arrested. Those he spent so much time with, loving well, left him to fend for himself. How heartbreaking for Him.
Sometimes you’ll have to learn to just drop what you’re doing and “Go.”
Run to the imprisoned.
Imprisonment can look like many things you know?
It can look like loneliness, depression, sickness, a heart in a valley season, or even a stranger in an unfamiliar land.
But what kind of follower are we if we are not yet a “help bringer?”
I want to be like Onesiphorus. Known as one who is willing to search and search to bring help to an imprisoned heart. A “profit bearer” indeed.
Today, let us ask the Lord to open our eyes and our hearts to how we can become a better “help bringer” in this season. For many you will be an answer to prayer for the imprisoned.
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