This morning while in worship the Lord and I were talking about this coming season. I’ve felt a shift for many months and while much breakthrough has already happened this past Monday evening I could see more of God’s movement, as well as the enemy’s.
As I’ve pondered the evening with the Lord and the observations I made in the Spirit, these words came into my heart:
“The hard is getting harder.”
New levels surely do bring new devils and we have broken through to another depth with Christ. His authority is showing itself and He is coming into our rooms with delight, blessing, and power.
Somewhere the enemy has lost a few battles. We’re stepping into something new with Christ.
Today, I’m mindful of the “hard” that the Lord is sharing with me.
Whereby the battle armor must remain intact and the secret place must remain priority.
It’s a place of readiness… from eating the Bread of Life daily and drinking in the living water. A place of being able to hear His voice for direction and then obeying His commands.
This is no time to sit back on your heels, saints of God. If you take your position in the Kingdom lightly, the Lord will need to deal with your heart.
I see God repositioning many in this next season. New teams are being formed. New ranks are being assembled. God is being very strategic with His movements in His Kingdom.
The watchmen must get on your watchtowers and listen for what He will say to you. The prophets must convey His heart and mind to straighten the crooked places and the shepherd’s must be tending carefully the wounded. The teachers must be teaching the authentic Word of God with a pure marriage between the scriptures and the Spirit. The apostles must cast the visions and build.
The fullness of His body must come into full and effective operation.
Our hospitals will be full of wounded warriors. You’ll preach while applying bandages. If it was a mere stage that our hearts wanted, it will soon be exposed.
Selfish ambitions and tribal camaraderie rooted in spotlights will not endure this season well. This season is calling for ministers who don’t mind a battle with Hell, losing their own lives, or being persecuted for righteousness.
This hard season will require contending with demons holding people hostage and a willingness to love people back to health and wholeness.
We’re not in some fairytale with Casper the ghost but real life spiritual beings who come to steal, kill, and destroy.
It’s about to get harder, folks.
We will need the power of the Holy Ghost.
But the true church of Jesus Christ will shine like a beacon of light and hope shunning compromise and taking on fights for justice and mercy that overturn agendas meant to lead us to a perversity of God’s Word.
Those oppressed by “Legions” will come to be set free. Those with no hope left will wander into our meetings looking for some kind of relief.
God is letting us know to expect the hard to get harder. But the spoils of war will be like a treasure of hearts now turning to life in Christ.
If you can’t die to yourself for the sake of others you’re likely not living for them either.
All man made efforts will cease under the light of Jesus and be exposed for what it really is. Every wolf in sheep’s clothing will soon be found naked before a holy God. Every mocker might be found like Saul on the Damascus Road suddenly realizing their error.
The hard is getting harder, yes, but the light of Christ will be shining brighter than ever. So let’s advance the Kingdom, soldiers, no matter how hard the hard gets.
2 Timothy 2:3-4
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
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