Let us not think that our gifts, once given over to the world, will be honored by God. Success can easily be a facade of the enemy.
If God has gifted you in writing, music, photography, production, or anything else it was loaned to you for Kingdom purposes.
I see a lot of prostituting the gifts of God today. Taking that which was meant to be lovely and holy and thinking by some stretch of the imagination it is God blessing it.
This is where we are mistaken. Satan will gladly launch any career when he gets the glory. Remember what he said to Jesus in the wilderness? “I’ll give you all the kingdoms of the world….if you’ll worship me.”
I wouldn’t be doing anyone any favors by quietly pondering in my heart this major disconnect in the body of Christ. Eventually, sin will require us to pay up and the cost will be far worse than we imagine.
It will cost us intimacy with Christ, the power of His Spirit, and even stunt the true God-given destiny of a believer formed by His own hands.
If you are a poet. Write unto the Lord Jesus! Let Him breathe into your heart words others need to hear that offer them hope. If you are a musician, choose that which honors Christ rather than feeding into the darkness going into little ears.
If you desire to make movies or become a photographer, the holiness of God is not something you can set aside with your gift. It is meant to be part of your gift. Being set apart is the call of every born again believer. Don’t follow the trends….follow Jesus.
I admit …you will likely never see a book written by a true prophet hit the bestsellers list. Some music and written words calling us to repentance may be rejected by radio stations or publishers because they don’t sell. Regardless, our mission is the same.
So the question becomes: What is your desire? The world? Or The Christ?
Because the truth is….we can’t serve two masters.
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