My life has proven to be a mystery to me still, very often. Chasing Jesus has brought about an exhilarating rush of wind while, often, deep caverns of unexpected pains that can surprise me around every bend.
You breathe a breath of fresh air before diving under the weightiest of all tidal waves, and find yourself wondering if this one might carry you away.
The Sea Captain, Himself, is always throwing me the life preserver at exactly the right time and I emerge drenched but still alive.
Some seasons have hidden me in a furnace of hot coals and as the smoke would singe my hair, I would spot a man calling for me to come to sing in resilient praise. Shortly after, with lungs preparing to inhale smoke, the door is opened, and I find I am met by Heaven’s pure oxygen and not one hair on my head was burned beyond repair.
Climbing cliffs has become a daily routine to practice the skill of hind’s feet and Father lets me know it’s the grandest heights that will allow me to catch a glimpse of an eagle perched on a mountain top.
Adventures wave another go and off we are again to seize new land and boot the devil off the King’s property.
I can catch myself mesmerized at times at how Christ opens Heaven to me and lets me see through a divine lens.
His classroom has been a hard course, but rewarding. It’s full of even gardening tips on growing seeds and flowers that are uniquely designed. Every detail was perfectly chosen and positioned like the artwork of a master artist.
I watch as He blows gently on those who seem sad, and I giggle as I watch Him pour out sparking surprises on unsuspecting hearts.
Sometimes I’m just a shadow in training as He teaches me His Kingdom ways.
He shows me how to wield the power of gentleness and how a broken heart can mend beautifully with such a tool when used carefully, and wisely.
At times, I’m shocked when He directs me to command a devil to leave a heart in torment and how quickly He has victory over such wickedness.
Wooo! Good one JESUS.
Sometimes I find He has to correct the way I hold His sword. If I’m not careful, I can misuse it and wound an already distressed soul. But if I use it as He has instructed, then even when the blade is sharp, it brings a powerful healing oil that binds up wounds that bleed.
I’ve noticed I take a lot of notes in class, and sometimes I’m as lost as I was in the beginning, but He lets me stay after for tutorials.
He is the best teacher. Patient and kind.
His classroom is one you never graduate from because there’s always more to learn from Him, and about Him.
If I had to pick my favorite class with Him, it would be the one that taught me how to let Him hug others with my own arms.
It’s a class worth taking when you’ve stared into pained eyes and often lacked words.
Tomorrow brings new lesson plans, I’m certain.
May we be good and faithful students, always willing to show up for His classroom with ears that hear and eyes that see.
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