There comes a time when we are at “a border”..the border of something new on the horizon with Christ. The border of that which He has been preparing us for all our lives! There are always new battles… I have such glorious stories of life with Jesus. He is a delight!!!! He is ever present! Personally connected! He is my friend. Yet, He is still my Lord…and Master. If I love Him I will obey Him…that is the standard or measurement for our expression or love for Him. It doesn’t mean we do not mess up and fail. We do daily….but there comes a time in each of our lives..and honestly it’s a daily thing…of taking an honest look at hindrances in our lives. Hindrances that serve as roadblocks to our crossing over. Hindrances that keep His power at bay, hindrances that keep us from walking in freedom and fullness, and hindrances that honestly affect our testimony to a world in need. We can very much become stumbling blocks for others that need to see Jesus…..authentically. It can come in the form of attitude, omission, arrogance, pride, complacency, or participating in things that Christ has set us apart from. We tend to make many excuses for ourselves…I am guilty too… The truth is regardless of what our personality is, our makeup, our behavior patterns…we were called to put off that old man. Yet we seem to be pleased to keep a bit of the old…while claiming to be new. It can also manifest in our inability to be teachable. The truth is Christ says He will show us “unsearchable” things we do not know.
not searchable; not lending itself to research or exploration; not to be understood by searching; hidden; unfathomable; mysterious
“other translations say great and mighty things or hidden things”
This is actually one of the greatest stumbling blocks because we interpret much in light of our own experience. Our background has much influence over how we read the scriptures. We forget we serve a supernatural God who talked to Moses through a burning bush, gave Paul visions about where to go next, lifted up Elijah into the sky, poured out His Spirit on a people who began to speak another tongue and prophecy. We act as if that was yesterday and this is today. We read the scriptural text just as we read any other book and forget it is sharper than any two edge sword..dividing with power. We also forget that the Word tells us that “the traditions of man make the word of no effect.” There is something there that ought to be pondered deeply before the Lord. The Bible is not just another book….each word gives LIFE! It goes in and does a Word supernaturally that cannot be explained! There are things we will never understand on this side of glory..but we sure keep trying to explain it I am sure Noah had a time explaining the command to build an ark:) I am certain it was ludicrous to most onlookers.
The point is..sin is sin is sin. We tend to easily point out a few sins that are obvious to us and never see that which is not. Many times that which is the greater hindrance to us crossing the border with Christ. He will not force Himself on us when we are not flexible. If we remain close minded to our sins…and we become a people of hard hearts…He may very well turn us over to our sin.
So while I love my life with Christ in His joy in little girls and tiaras…His gentleness as my loving Father and me His “little lamb.” I love how He paints me pictures in the sky and leaves me love letters that make my eyes sparkle…but friends…..I love Him most for His willingness to show me gently where I need to change to be more like Him. My areas of weakness will be different from yours…but nonetheless there is need of change in us all. Remain teachable and humble..humility and meekness are merely hearts willing to bow under His headship in all areas. Let’s keep crossing the borders into new lands….and allowing Him to remove every hindrance, setting aside every weight. May He graciously show each of us sin after sin after sin so we may move out and move in…possessing the land.
The Border
I can talk about tiaras
And talk about bling
Pull out the boas,
Feathers, and things
I can bring up our destiny
And each promised land
Share all my joys
And offer my hand.
I can tell of His rainbows
And tell of His grace
Tell of His love
And all that He gave
Talk of His mercy
And blessings that pour
And many do listen
And want to hear more.
But when I must bring
To light which He sees
The sin and the darkness
Which causes Him grief
Few seem attentive
And hear not His plea
Yet tis’ only truth
That sets us all free.
What if we saw thru
His longing eyes
The chains and the bondage
In each of our lives
What if the border is
Where you are at
But there is a hindrance
An unseen large trap.
Wouldn’t you want
To know of a love
That rescues from harm
And weeps up above
Or Are we content with temporal glee
For sin brings destruction eventually.
September 17, 2015