The Longing
What is it you long for?
My heart has been travailing for deepened worship.
What is it you long for?
My heart has been travailing for deepened worship.
You are never too old with Jesus to grow. I’m so thankful for this truth. Over the past few years God has been restoring worship to me. However, it has not been the same as before.
Cathy Burner and Shelly will be joining worshippers in a 12 hour prayer and worship event. Their time of worship is scheduled for 3 pm and will be a time of spontaneous worship. The public is welcome.
A few days ago in prayer I saw these words highlighted: “Heavens Cry.” I have asked for days what it meant. Today, I feel I have received His answer.
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
As I sit in my wilderness closet I find peace among the birds singing ever so uniquely. There must be many lifting up their voices all at once, yet with a distinct sound all their own. As I decided to