Jump Faith requires you to jump Off the ground to arms of trust If on the ground you do remain Then on the ground you’ll always stay. Come as children, hunger and thirst Tossed in air till laughter bursts Bring
Jump Faith requires you to jump Off the ground to arms of trust If on the ground you do remain Then on the ground you’ll always stay. Come as children, hunger and thirst Tossed in air till laughter bursts Bring
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Harken O’ saints Of unknown reknown Christ is preparing His trumpet to sound. Voices they come to cry in the night Billows they roll with thundering cries. Tune now thine ears to those never heard Men showing forth as John
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Open the door dare not leave it shut For power awaits, do answer Thy touch. Strength it has left many a limbs Workings of flesh and strivings of men. Open the door to that I desire The Giver of gifts
I was washing dishes when I heard the first line of this poem begin. Honestly, I wasn’t contemplating anything or pondering with the Lord at this time. I find He is able to interrupt our daily lives in the mundane
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Have We Drank? Have we Drank from His cup truly Have we tasted His blood unto death Have we given Him all our possessions And counted them as loss instead. Have we wept over the broken Do we have His
God has no boundaries when He wants to get a message out, link hearts together, and encourage His people. “In This Hour” is a poem I had written sometime back…our good friends abroad (in Denmark) placed it in a beautiful
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Be careful who’s shoes you do use For where they’ve walked you’ll walk too Mire and muck will cause thee stuck Sin that seeps and darkness tucked. Shoes may need to stay behind Press on new, no clinging vines Cut
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Blow O Wind.. Blow O wind strong as you must But in my Father I do trust My strength is growing with the rain See, my roots go deep in strain. Come you may so cold and wet But warm
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Laughter is good But so are tears Do not cover thy pain and thy fears. CHRIST is the rock who sets thee firm Give ALL thy valleys and struggles.. not SOME. Give Him all that pierces and shakes Pour out
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
This came out of no where yesterday. I have pondered this word “silence” many times over the past years. It seems Christ is not finished speaking to it. Silence is why our children can no longer pray in schools..silence is