Uncharted Territory
For a couple of days I kept hearing these two words, “uncharted territory.” I thought it so interesting but just waiting to see what the Lord might do with it. “Uncharted Territory” There is a path that some
For a couple of days I kept hearing these two words, “uncharted territory.” I thought it so interesting but just waiting to see what the Lord might do with it. “Uncharted Territory” There is a path that some
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
I can not deny the difficulties of following Jesus. If I did, I would not give a clear picture of what it means to endure. Clearly, Christ, as well as Paul and the others knew the rugged terrain you and
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
There is such confusion in the world today. I’m afraid much is due to the state of the Church. Clearly, God is moving and working in areas, but Satan has taken now much ground. Our words say one thing, yet
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
A reed is easily broken Shredded by brutal winds And so it goes the human heart So tender it is my friends. It’s made up of years of experience Some good and some too bad And if never properly
Butterfly, butterfly spread your wings It’s time that you shall fly. The pain of your birth and the length of the wait Is now to you behind. Keep now My pace and look just ahead For desires of your heart
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Captive is this heart To obey Thy Word’s commands Oh, help me Spirit of God Crucify this fleshly man. For love it must pour out In a way that aligns just so For every Word of Truth Arouses a slumbering
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Do you have left any “wonder” At the majestic King of Kings The way He speaks to humans And is so mindful of everything? Do you still gaze at stars in the night time And praise Him for beauties
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
I spent the morning on my back porch today. It was a beautiful morning to move my prayer closet outside and listen in a new place. Soon I looked up to see a most gentle and soft rain falling. It
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
There’s coming a mighty uprising One seen in the days of old When Christ was performing His miracles And mocked by the men in robes. When knowledge was merely knowledge And the text was read unto death When Christ
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly
Have you found yourself on the threshing floor? Bruised and battered and sore? For the Potter has placed His hand on you Preparing you now with His sword. Before you will become a great leader He will take you