The Grief in the New
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
It’s the push and pull between the old and the new. While God is trying to bring you into the new, you have a death grip on the old. The tension of hanging onto both sides of that rope is more than you can bear.
Some of us need to leave who we were in that grave. God has raised you anew and with that burial was who YOU thought you would be. In essence, that death brought about a new name, a new focus, a new expansion, and with it new assignments.
The Lord is now removing all dead weight from your divine assignments. Those things that have kept you locked down from advancement are being removed by the hand of Christ
Poetry and Ponderings by Shelly