The Grief in the New
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
For those waking today with heavy hearts because you’re in a season of grief, it’s ok to not want to celebrate like the rest of the world. Jesus knows full well that you are grateful, but your heart is broken.
It is my birthday today and I wanted a good long time with Christ this morning. This year has been full of beautifully running the race and watching Him love one heart after another to wholeness. As I’ve been
Your pain is embedded so deep that your cries to the Lord can’t even be heard by onlookers. Your voice has been stifled and the anguish has kept you silent to the outside world.
As I share my heart with Him, and we discuss what I feel He is leading in this season, I ever so gently feel Him watch as a deep grief suddenly passes quietly through my heart.
Today, I have on my heart the many ministers who enter into their day serving others while carrying their own pain of grief and loss. Not everyone will, and can, understand that significant burden.
If you want to know how to help people, check in on them.
There have been seasons of my life that to this day are not at all understood.
I didn’t want to walk “There.” That path was not my choosing. I wouldn’t dare accept it for some years. Then I watched as God brought me heart after heart in need and somehow I had an insight I never
Grief is complex. One minute it’s there and the next minute it’s gone hiding. You’ll think you’re home free until it opens the door and walks in when you least expect it. Other times it’s like a shadow