So when the ship was caught, and could not head into the wind, we let her drive. (Acts 27: 15)
There are times when you have little insight into a particular direction. In these times perhaps we must let “her” drive as the scripture says because we know indeed the Master is on duty at the helm.
The wind indeed blows where it wants…
Regardless of the shifting winds, you and I will be asked often to surrender our sails. The very instruments that keep us moving in a certain direction. The decisions of which way and when to turn must be left in the hands of the Sea Captain, Himself.
At some point, you’ll be asked to take your hands off of the sails and “let her drive.”
In my own life, have been moments where it’s simply been unclear as to what God was up to.
In all of my humanity, I’d like a good heads up to a coming shift, but He is the boss so…
Yet within the seeming destruction of the sea, we see He allows for a periodic shelter on an unforeseen island.
Acts 27:16 And running under the shelter of an island called Clauda, we secured the skiff (or lifeboat) with difficulty.
The shelter is always preplanned by our kind God, and sometimes it will appear we’ve been placed on some unexpected island, once again wondering how we got there and for how long will be our stay.
Clauda means “lame.” I think we would all say a resounding “for real” to that island description. I’ve felt lame while picking the sand out of my own teeth on many a sudden island vacation by now.
But wait!! The skiff attached to the ship is the lifeboat, and it is still secure despite all the difficulty.
Perhaps the lifeboat prophetically speaks to an underlying purpose unseen or overlooked. A way we never would have considered. A little “look-see” into a vision we didn’t yet get downloaded to us just yet.
Wait on the Lord…His timing is perfect.
Trust Him. The divine rescue has been prearranged because He has already ordered the steps of the righteous.
So here’s the bottom line…It ain’t over!
I know it’s hard. I DON’T particularly like these moments either. But I can tell you something I’ve seen many times now…
His plan has always been far grander and far more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed or imagined when I’ve finally decided to willingly surrender my sails.
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