Seduced By Another Voice There's a rage sweeping the nations Particularly the USA. A casualness towards God Almighty Indifference of His ways. This too it happened to David When seduced by the enemy's voice. Taking a casual census Where pride did cause a great storm. It started as just a little whisper Then spiritual pride slowly grew Ignoring the warnings of his servant Voicing concern of coming doom. It's now in our history a mocking It's filtered down through the elect Robbed of dignified reverence As if God would not recompense. Even now the "strong" have been allured For many are now lulled to sleep The voice that's caught their attention Has smiled with the enemy's teeth. "Despised" is the word God used with David Meaning simply "to not take seriously" The ways of God and His holiness Now signs and wonders deceive. Be cautious when we're at the pinnacle Of what does look like success Dare not think we are exempt now From the deception of Satan's breath. For straying just even a morsel From truth from beginning to end Discern the heart of the Master Before Satan raises his head. March 23, 2017
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