I think very often God’s heart is broken at the unnecessary pain inflicted on His children. The never-ending wounding in His name that resembles nothing of His nature.
Love is kind after all. Not cruel.
Sometimes God will have you seal a door shut to preserve you. For He knows where the devil has been at play with your heart and life and he knows you deserved better.
It was never His will. He is sorely grieved.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, yes? We often bypass the Bible 101 for what seems like more spiritual answers don’t we?
What sadness of God to watch a wreckage that could and should have been so different. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We cannot blame God for that which is not His fault, or desire.
Sometimes we just sit back on our heels and just let the enemy have it all. We don’t fight for justice. We don’t stay in line with the scriptures. We just do what we want to do regardless of the effects on others. This puts us at odds with God, Himself, because how we handle other’s hearts is a very significant thing for Him. It is central to the gospel and the evidence of Christ in us.
When a “thing” carries on for too long and it is still full of destruction, it may well be time to seal that door shut.
No more slight openings in case things change. They haven’t.
No more hoping for a turnaround. God lovingly and gently says, “It is done now. Remove your hands from it.”
Repentance has always preceded reconciliation. When there is not one there will not be the other. It is the way to life abundant and all things God, and good. The instruction manual is clear.
There comes a time where He raises His standard between you and the enemy and says, “That will be now enough.”
It’s time to give it all to Christ and remove yourself from the equation.
But you do have a decision to make. A responsibility that is still up to you. It’s part of your free will choice.
Stay in the pattern of pain continuing to allow the enemy access he shouldn’t have or humbly seal the door shut and go become all Christ designed you to be.
If you’re brave enough for this finality then you will heal in the arms of Jesus.
You have no further responsibility in this matter. God has spoken His final verdict and He has seen there’s been no heart change. The devil still holds the reins.
You have His permission to choose life rather than death.
Give no more place to the devil…
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