Many times we take what God has said and add our own personal touches. We begin to weave in our own desires, or even the desires of others. We follow an “industry standard” or simply do what everyone else is doing to only find ourselves in some “work” that looks nothing like what God wanted.
I was praying when God reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago with someone. I had counseled them to “Revisit their original vision from the Lord.”
In a specific area I had done exactly the same thing. So Christ brought back to me my own words. So often we default to a secondary vision. We add to, or remove from, what God actually said in the beginning. We are so good at complicating things! It’s because we cling to what is old, familiar, or comfortable. Sometimes, we make a “half-leap” of faith rather than the whole leap and we end up repackaging that old thing and trying to pass it off as something new. Soon, we are weary and getting nowhere at all.
Sometimes we are in the wrong place. Remember when the brook dried up and God told Elijah to go somewhere else to find the provision? He had to leave where he was and go to the new place where God had prepared his provision through a widow.
For over a year we combed all of Tyler to find our ministry building until our team began having dreams about Troup, my hometown. I was looking in the wrong city because I thought it was where I should be. However, it was not where God wanted us at all. So we began to look in Troup. God directed us through dreams. It was so beautiful and He was so gracious to get us into His own heart desire rather than our own. Sometimes it makes little sense to us but He knows fully what He is doing.
So let me ask you. Have you strayed from the vision God gave you? Because that is the vision full of anointing, provision, and harvest. He doesn’t need any additions or skepticism at how it will pan out. He never misses the mark, ever.
Sit with Jesus and let Him talk with you about it.
Friends, He is doing things so unique right now and far from what we are used to. Perhaps, that is part of the problem as well. We are clinging to what was instead of walking into what He is doing on the earth now. We are bewildered because it’s not business as usual. Let Him clear the stage.
Revisit the original vision.
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