There is a place for you at the Kings table. It is an assigned seat really. It never is given away because it was designed before the foundations of the world just for you. You were made to fill the seat.
It was well thought out by your Creator and no matter who denies your place, tries to take your place, or counterfeits your place…that seat will always be yours and yours alone.
There will not be another who can fill the seat. It is uniquely formed to only fit your exact puzzle piece. Good works were stored up for you to accomplish before you were even “in the know.”
The enemy will work hard to make you think you have to work for your seat, compete for your seat, or even promote for your seat. None of this is true.
Christ simply unfolds it. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…and all these things will be added. As His heart unfolds to you, the assignments given to your specific seat will unfold as well.
Through your circumstances, through your quiet time, through the Word of God you will see Him,and hear Him, nudge you one way or another. I find often I begin to see a “common” word or phrase-scripture. Other times, the Spirit of God will simply drop a nugget in my heart that would never be something I would consider….so I then take it to prayer and move in faith.
You don’t have to network until your exhausted, be seen at every event in the area, or spend money you don’t have on promotion.
God, alone, gives the promotion.
Fear will always try to rob you of your seat.
Christ has the final word. It is His plan. None of those above ideas are bad, or wrong, but they are not always His heart and plan for you.
The thing we must understand is our seat will not be taken if we are seeking Christ and His plan. The only way the enemy can rob you of your seat is if you willingly let him have it.
Letting him have it means you at some point decided to believe someone’s lie. That you weren’t worthy, couldn’t belong, or that you are not enough. So you vacated your seat.
The thing is that your seat carries a message no one else carries to unique hearts in need.
You will have to guard your seat, protect your vision, and reject every voice who spews negativity. You will have to discern truth behind smoke screens, see thru pre-tend advocates, and stay.. on ..your ..wall.
And no matter what kind of Hell breaks loose, when the circumstances seem utterly opposite what God says, and even when you seem to be standing alone….your seat….is ….still…..marked….
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