As I share the lessons from valley seasons, I see the nods and the tears swell. In my heart comes a whisper..”here is the fruit.” I am caught at the lunch break unable to even sit down to eat as I gaze into the heart broken eyes of one needing an ear…we are now yoke fellows. I see in her heart the words…”someone finally understands.” The Holy Spirit has come to do His work, heal the brokenhearted. In the eyes of another is almost a dance…albeit saddened…it’s still a dance…slowly I watch her listen and I see Christ is setting her free. Her pain will become her platform. The truth of “all things work for good” awakens in her heart and I see the tiniest smile slowly begin. On break I go find her knowing the Lord was working in her heart…and I ask…”tell me of your journey.” It is one of loss. She has lost virtually everyone but a few sweet friends who sit next to her at the conference. Many have failed to understand her new life with Jesus….yet she commits to follow Him anyways. For He has kept her.
As we resume the meetings, I begin to share practical lessons, heartaches, and the cost of the following Christ…through His Word and through my own life experiences. The truth I failed to understand until years into ministry with Jesus. For the Lord has asked me to prepare those now who are stepping into their callings with Him. To prepare them for what will come and how to survive the attacks of the enemy. Help them recognize various seasons and the pearls from each. Share with them the cutting away times, the confusing times, and the rainy seasons. To bring into today the reality of David and his deep songs of struggles, Elijah exhausted under the broom tree or hiding in a cave with fear, and the beautiful story of Joseph..betrayed, imprisoned, and restored. For our lives are likened to Paul’s as he was shipwrecked, beaten, and left alone in Asia. The truth is…the walk with Christ involves a cross that we each will carry. At times the burden will feel as if we are sinking under it’s weight. Yet it’s the hand of Christ molding and sculpting us into who He created us to be.
Alas, I receive a message from one I met, first, due to a desperate phone call as she was running from her boyfriend who beats her and has helped her become addicted to meth… I see the Spirit of God working with her to set her free and a note appears on my desk that she will be in rehab for a few days….. but she wants me to know she made it to counseling…her picture hangs in my office as a reminder of why I do what I do. While at times the weight seems unbearable…the heavier the cross becomes….the more of Jesus I see…. and with each glimpse and joy of Him I rise and take another step. For God’s own heart is set on people….and thus so shall mine be. Should my gaze ever lose sight of the hurting then surely death would come to my own heart…let it never be so.
Be thankful in all things dear friends…He is with you and “is there not a cause?” worthy of the pain that soon will become your platform..
Pain has a way as a deep seeded thorn
First it just pricks then festers with scorn
The weight carries roots that grow down below
Deadens your heart and dulls your sweet glow.
It’s subtle and sneaky and hidden at first
And if not so careful your love it disturbs
Used as a hindrance by Satan himself
It then can be used as a large spider web.
The senses will wane and lack the heard voice
Stifled and smothered by flesh and self noise
The needs that surround will become but a glance
And now no compassion is seen in our stance.
Yet pain can become a catalyst of sorts
Shining a light on the weary and worn
For you’ll recognize a hidden heart need
And pain now becomes an antennae for Thee.
For you will remember the intricate path
The long rainy days when there was no laughs
When all seemed so lost including yourself
Now Christ takes those days…for which you were prepared.
So go with that sorrowing new training tool
He sharpened and sharpened it uniquely for you
And now you will go and cut down Hells hold
On those now in pain needing Christ and His hope.
March 2, 2016