I sat and asked the girls in DQK Club..what does “New” mean to you? Define it? We talked about how God says many times..”sing a new song..” “I am doing a new thing.” I came to the conclusion most of us do not understand what NEW actually could mean.Here is what God gave me one morning about “New..”
There is a “new” thou hast not seen.
Not borrowed, stolen, but “new” from thee.
Something thine ear has not yet heard
Nor thine eye has ever rehearsed.
The “new” that comes from something void
Non-existent…pure to form.
That which comes from but one hand
The Master Creator…the God of man.
The breath yet breathed but by His choice
A melody, a lyric, even a poem.
A rare delight to fickle men
Who dare to seek thy anointed scent.
Open thine heart for all He has,
The things unseen, the unheard laughs
Of heavenly sounds and blessings much
Thy “new” He pours..with divine touch.
When God gave me Ephesians 3:20 years ago..[pullquote_left]He will do immeasurably more than you could ever think or imagine..according to the power that worketh in us[/pullquote_left]little did I truly understand about this passage of scripture. Seems awesome on the surface yet it would be years before I could grasp the deep revelation of God’s heart on this. For example…more than I could think or imagine? Meaning I probably have never considered it:) Uhhh…publishing a magazine, writing songs, opening a studio for girls, etc. He literally meant what He said. More than I could think or imagine..
Also, “according to the power that worketh in us..” What does this mean? I would need to be walking it out with Him for years (and still in the process) as to what His power entailed. There are seasons and appointed times for His revelations. He knows when we are ready for more:) I would also have to seek His Word and His presence to learn eventually the “power” offered to me…as He lives within me. Not until I “believed” all the Word said…little by little..trial by trial..have I moved from glory to glory with Him. Over the years I have seen God peel back layer after layer of bondage to religious ritual, traditional teachings although not bad..not biblical (somethings are permitted but not profitable), a mindset excluding the fullness of the workings of the Holy Spirit in one’s life based on experience and even a human rationalization based on man made assumptions, and even the subtle, yet unintended, denial of the supernatural power of God simply because I had yet to experience Him move in certain ways. I can assure you that even in this year alone I have experienced “new” moments with Jesus that have increased the “power working in me” simply because faith has now replaced unbelief. Jesus could not perform miracles in His own home town due to unbelief…so why do we think His power can fully manifest if we live in and around “unbelief..” If it affected and hindered the work of the son of God…would it not also affect and hinder us as well? For I am learning we will have His power only as much as WE desire it..then our unbelief will stall us out on the rest of His glory. Let us never be satisfied with this..
There is something I can see within the body of believers that is truly heart breaking. There is an absolute contentment with God’s presence..and power in our lives, as well as in our churches. We lack the hunger to ask for “the more”.. Even when we ask for more…we will only accept what comes within our own definition of “more.” Similar to asking for “Revival”..we want it but only if it comes how we think it should come:) Truth is..we have not given full authority to God to move how He chooses, in the time frame He chooses….we have not yielded the floor. We actually have maintained control of the floor in many cases. We have subconciously chosen how “order” looks, who the messengers are to be, and formed our “wants” around these parameters.
Thus we shall never arrive at the full promise of Ephesians 3:20 or The “New..” Because we have left no room for it in our lives with Christ. We hang our hats on things comfortable and familiar…while holding fast to our own demands or ideas of how things ought to be. Not until we open the hand and the heart and allow Him to teach us will we understand the meaning of “power within us..” Yes we still have Jesus living in us…but we have cut off the great promise sent through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even in that we may operate in a little power..rather than the MUCH power He has prepared for us.
Let me ask you? Have you settled for less? Are you living in a place called “unbelief?” You may believe in Christ and walk with Him..but have you boxed Him in? Have you painted a picture of Him that is inaccurate according to the Holy Scriptures? Have you in effect refused or denied Him as Peter did? Peter still loved and followed Jesus…yet still denied Him. Something to ponder…
Lord..give us full truth of who you are. Expose lies that corrupt our hearts from generations gone before us. For we were born into many lies which we have yet to feel burdened to uncover and expose in our own lives. Let us not be a satisfied church….for it’s why many have left. Pour your love into us to not overlook the one in need for the sake of exploits. For the one is Your exploit. Forgive us for missed opportunities that now you have taken from us due to unfaithfulness. Give us a hunger for more of You..Your presence in our lives…and a revelation to the power within us you speak of in Ephesians 3:20…for truly we have only as much as we desire…God forbid that we would never ask for all you meant for us..
Love Much,
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