The Sharp Shooters

You know, some of us can't hit "like" on a post because the truth of it scares us to death. It's just more comfortable to keep on scrolling and pretend we didn't see it. Kind of like when we're reading

Jesus Lives

Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.   There have certainly been seasons where I thought I might not make it

Don’t Settle

I know you’ve been waiting on someone to notice you. But you’ve gotta die to that dear one. This life in Christ is about obedience to Him alone. Loyalty to Him alone. He must be your first love.   He

Partnering with Injustice

When you partner with injustices you become a recipient of it’s fruit and it’s just judgement.   Reaping and sowing is a very real biblical principle. God takes much time to tell us in advance.   Often we are unaware

A Flame of Fire

I ran into a scripture yesterday in the Psalm that peaked my interest. However, I soon forgot about it until I ran into it again this morning except I was in Hebrews.   I’ve learned not to miss such a

The Help Bringer

For when he arrived in Rome, he searched and searched for me until he found out where I was being held, so that he could minister to me. (2 Timothy 1:17) This passage in 2 Timothy wrecked me this morning.


Captivity often looks normal if it’s all you’ve ever known. It’s not always evident until you’re freed from that bondage. You’ll also likely not see when the enemy is at work if you’re unwise to the devil’s schemes.   Captivity

A Song on My Heart (Video)

Sometimes you praise your way through and it’s been a long time since God pulled this song out of my heart. I hope it ministers to you as well today. Click to listen/watch the video.

Seal the Door

I think very often God’s heart is broken at the unnecessary pain inflicted on His children. The never-ending wounding in His name that resembles nothing of His nature. Love is kind after all. Not cruel. Sometimes God will have you

Life Lessons with Melinda Gibbs

Melinda has a book on its way! As we’ve watched her bloom in her writing it was clear Christ was using her day to day trials and tests to speak to her. We’ve enjoyed so much here hearing her stories

What Does It Matter

This phrase sang out of my heart during worship this morning and I knew that our sweet Jesus wanted to speak into this tender place for some wondering hearts…   What does it matter If you’re rejected by men You’ve

I Still Believe

Listen. Don’t give up on redemption. God can still change things. He is still redeeming lives and lifting up the least likely into royal positions. Don’t become callous to grace. It’s important to remember where you came from lest you