Shelly’s latest compilation of poetry and ponderings called A Girl Like Me. Prepared for women to become all they were meant to be in Christ Jesus. Grab your copy.

The Pen of a Ready Writer

Shelly is a poet penning messages of hope for the hurting, a call to rise to the weary, and declaring of righteousness in the lives of God’s people. While much of her time is spent compiling writings in varying formats such as books and magazines, she still releases music as the Holy Spirit leads. Through songwriting has come heart cries from the heart of God and prophetic calls for a sleeping church to arise in this hour.

She has released three full-length albums and many music singles crossing genre boundaries simply writing what she hears from Heaven. As God moved her into a ministry of writing, she has been called upon to write poetry unique for hearts in a needy place of pain.

Shelly has been invited several times to be included in “Texas’s Best Emerging Poets” book published by Z Publishing House along with many other gifted poets. Poetry and ponderings seem to be a primary love language between her and the Lord Jesus.

Shelly is passionate about using what God has given her to advance the Kingdom. With that in mind, she publishes a print magazine, an online writing blog called The Outpourings, and other publications to be sent to hearts in need.

The last five years God placed her in her hometown to begin the work of healing and deliverance for women with broken hearts and broken lives. She has seen God transform lives, heal with miracles, and set many captives free of satanic bondage.

Shelly’s favorite saying is that, “His gentleness makes me great.”

You will find her in full-time ministry in East Texas ministering to women in her ministry headquarters and sending many Love Letters by Mail to those she hears are in need.





Spirit of Heaviness

While praying over a woman in our Dream Big Support Group the Lord gave a word of knowledge that it was a spirit of heaviness. She was immediately delivered and has been free since.

A Multiple Deliverance

We witnessed God deliver a woman from multiple demons, freeing her from her past of satanic worship and releasing her prophetic gift back to Christ Jesus. (Every devil bows at the name of Jesus)


We had begun to pray for a friend whose liver functions were elevated. She was retested, and they seemed to appear worse, and she was now having much pain. As we brought down the assignment of the enemy on her… Read more “Healing”


We were in one of our support groups when the Lord asked us to begin to pray over a heart in need. As we asked the Lord the root of her struggle, He pointed out a spirit of heaviness. As… Read more “Deliverance”

Physical Healing

We witnessed the Lord grow out a woman’s leg that was 1 inch shorter than the other her entire life. She had suffered from pain and even corrective shoes in her earlier years. She was in pain as we began… Read more “Physical Healing”


I’m excited to listen to more of the podcast episodes on the way to work today. You inspire me to be a better Christian!


These podcasts are so awesome!!!

Daughters of the King

I first met Shelly Wilson at Jacob’s Well ministries. I knew right away that I wanted what she had, a love for Christ and broken women. Her heart glowed from the inside out! I was able to not only see… Read more “Daughters of the King”

Raylean Shoemake
Jacob's Well Ministry

I love her obedience to the Lord and how she loves others

I love Shelly’s obedience to the Lord and how she loves others so deeply. I would not be where I am with the Lord if it wasn’t for Shelly and her ministry. She has poured into my life and I… Read more “I love her obedience to the Lord and how she loves others”


When Shelly Wilson came to

When Shelly Wilson came to visit us at Jacob’s Well I was still in the program and hadn’t been there very long. She came to speak about the little girl inside of all of us, me being 20 years old,… Read more “When Shelly Wilson came to”

Chasity Simmons
Jacob's Well Ministry

Shelly Wilson, a Unique and Dedicated Minister

This is Jim Wingfield. I am an Evangelist and I have been knowing Sister Shelly since late 2014 or early 15, I can’t remember. When I met Shelly, my wife and I had a Sunday morning fellowship in our home,… Read more “Shelly Wilson, a Unique and Dedicated Minister”

Jim Wingfield
Fresh Fire Evangelistic Ministries, Inc

Shelly was such a blessing

Shelly was such a blessing and inspiration to me when we first met in 2013. I used to bring a car load of girls to DQK Studio years ago. These girls gained amazing confidence by attending DQK. This helped birth… Read more “Shelly was such a blessing”

Toyia Session Jordan

The mission at First United Methodist Church in Middlefield, Ohio is “To reach out in Christ’s love offering His hope to all.” When you invite a couple of Christian singer/songwriters to your church to perform, you never know whether he… Read more “”

“Shelly Wilson and Kerri Crocker are truly anointed. Their music is great, but their testimony and their love of Jesus is what truly shines through. Your church family or organization will definitely be blessed when you invite them in.” Pastor… Read more “”


Shelly Wilson seeks Jesus in all she does. She goes to Him for every answer…and she waits. She waits for Him to reveal the plan He has for her, and that plan has been amazing. I first met Shelly (many… Read more “”

When Shelly Wilson shares a song it is not just a performance, she is singing about a relationship. The songs she writes and sings are the natural response to a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He has blessed her… Read more “”

The first time I heard Shelly Wilson sing her moving song “Anymore” it touched the depths of my spirit. This of course was also the first time I heard her sing in person, so her anointed voice alone was enough… Read more “”

When I first met Shelly I had an instant connection, like kindred spirits. She has a smile that is so inviting, welcoming and contagious. We joined Drama Queens and what I saw happening in my girls as they spent time… Read more “”

“High on the Mountain Top” An expression used often to describe a moment with God. Hi, my name is Reverend David Goodwin and I am the Senior Pastor at Falvey Memorial United Methodist Church. In today’s society often times we… Read more “”

I don’t even know if I can put into words how I feel about Shelly Wilson and her gift of speaking. I am the director of Blessed Beyond Belief Ministries and Shelly has spoken at two of our retreats. In… Read more “”

As the pastor of a small country church, I receive numerous calls from various people and organizations wishing to use the church to promote different programs or ministries. I am very cautious about who I let use the pulpit, for… Read more “”

Statement of Faith

  • We believe in the Trinity, or triune God, as expressed through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe the Bible scriptures are without error in their original manuscripts and guide us daily to become more like Christ and further His Kingdom through divine callings.
  • We believe no one comes to the Father but through Christ Jesus. Christ laid down His life for the sins of humanity so that we might be free of the penalty of sin. He paid our debt fully upon the cross on Calvary.
  • We believe salvation is a free gift offered through the shed blood of Jesus to all who are born again and not by works, lest any man boast.
  • We believe Christ came to earth as a babe. Fully man and fully God. He walked the earth without sin, was crucified on a cross, and rose again.
  • We believe Christ sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
  • We believe Christ sent the Holy Spirit to indwell the believers and help us walk out our life on earth.
  • We believe in the empowerment/enduement of power of the Holy Spirit through the baptism of the Holy Spirit with fire that gives us the supernatural power to serve Him and His people. We believe this is a subsequent happening at some point in the life of a believer.
  • We believe the spiritual gifts indeed are for and do operate today! We need words of knowledge, prophetic words from the heart of God, other tongues, interpretation of tongues, miracles, healings, etc.
  • We believe the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus has power to break strongholds and causes demons to bow.
  • We believe in every member of Christ’s church preaching the gospel to anyone who will listen, thus obeying the command to go into the entire world and preach the gospel. (The great commission)
  • We believe in a real Heaven and a real Hell.
  • We believe Christ wishes none to perish, and we labor in the fields as His hands and feet to share what He has done in our own lives to others.