Do not say, “Yes” unless you mean it. There shall be no use for lukewarm Christians in this season. Fence riders will stay perched on that fence and God is taking forward only the remnant that is ready.
All manner of distraction has captured many hearts and God’s call has been moved to 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place.
Idolatry abounds in the form of family and work. “When the kids are older I’ll serve Jesus.” “When I’m retired I’ll give Him my, “Yes.” “When my husband or wife is more supportive I’ll move with Jesus.” After all, family first.
Jesus first.
Our teachings have rendered a paralyzed bride still allowing voices to supersede the will of God and His assignments.
“If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. (Matthew 10:37)
Living a life of Jesus first causes us to teach and exemplify Jesus first.
My son was little when I began meeting with Jesus in my closet. Soon he realized it was a no interruption zone. Of course, an emergency would be handled but he was at complete rest knowing Mom was with King Jesus. When his friends were over playing later in age I would tell him, “I’m going to my closet.” He would say, “Okay, Mom.” I would overhear his friend say, “Why is your mom going into her closet?” His reply, “It’s where she meets with Jesus.”
He lacked nothing in my life of Jesus first. He was not neglected under any terms. He was trained to know, Jesus comes first.
At times, Christ would begin downloading a song while I was cooking dinner. All the pans came off the stove and I got still enough to hear the rest of the melody and lyrics come. My children never starved in the least. They had to understand. When Jesus calls, you must always answer.
Many a call is going out today but many are refusing to answer because the cares of this life have now taken precedence.
Whatever you wish for, He will let you have friends. But He will not be to blame for the outcome and ramifications of your choice to put Him last.
I know we love to preach Jesus, family, then ministry. I humbly, and seriously, tell you that I’ve found no biblical grounds for this type of theology.
There is only Jesus. He handles the rest.
(Matthew 12.46-50)
While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, his mother and brothers stood outside trying to speak with him. Someone said to him, “Look, your mother and brothers are outside wanting to speak with you.” Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” He stretched out his hand toward his disciples and said, “Look, here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother, sister, and mother.”
The true gospel has costs that even our families will endure. The missionary in his or her field often has a family. The call to preach city to city requires a “Yes” that costs time, birthdays, and loss of personal commitments that must bow below the commitment to Christ. He is Master of our lives and His call is fully aware of all parties involved.
I don’t find our western behavior in the disciples of old. Their teachings look nothing like our modern-day, Jesus last, culture.
How are we raising our own families? How are they being trained to serve Jesus in this generation?
Jesus first or Jesus last?
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