When I close my eyes, I can hear the beautiful music of a melodic waterfall. It’s as if a thousand varying notes are played all at once, yet, a recognizable tune as each drop converges into a sweet pouring until the rocks below are drenched and a pool of peace begins to swirl.
Isn’t it amazing the sights and sounds we are afforded by a glorious King who wisely crafted every detail?
When I close my eyes I can hear the night full of what seems a million crickets, then a frog, then the rush of wind passing by my ear and I smile as His majesty is ever near and can always be heard. In the kindest of moments, the wind can caress your cheek with a sweet kiss from above as a reminder of His precious love.
May I never cease to hear You, Father.
Under the blanket of the stars, I can see twinkles afar, and even closer, the dashing of fireflies come and go. The swaying of the trees gives way to the rustling of the leaves and sweet scents come to invite me to stay awhile.
Isn’t it just lovely?
As I walk into the field, I notice a bird perched above watching and waiting and he begins to fly tree to tree as if he is desiring a bit of playfulness between two of Father’s creations. The big oaks remind me of the need for deep roots and strength of the Christ, and as if a child, I feel a gleeful desire to climb that big mountain of a tree.
Soon I’m captivated by the uniqueness of each leaf within my gaze and the soaring birds higher and higher, and my eyes glisten and dance at every detail of such a landscape. There is so much to marvel at.
Suddenly, my eyes fall upon a quiet deer. Our eyes meet and we are both afraid to move. “Please let Him stay, Father. Don’t let him run.” Yet, Father brings to mind a cherished scripture, “I have set you as hinds feet in high places…but remember always child-like faith. Never find yourself leaving it behind, child.”
“Oh yes, Father… I shall remember…”
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