For a few days I’ve had it on my heart about another kind of working out of humility.
Lately, humility is a focus for the Lord it seems.
It’s the humility required of us when a season is ending.
Often we fight the end of a thing even though we know our passion has gone for it and we are yearning for something else.
It takes humility to be honest with ourselves and others. To take an inner inventory and say, “I’m just not feeling the same about this anymore.”
When this time arises it is best for us to cut the cord before the Lord has to do it for us.
It is so much easier to agree to a necessary ending rather than continuing on without the grace of God for it.
The truth is that we often know full well when our heart is no longer in a thing.
When you stay too long after God has ended a season you’re giving the enemy an open door to cause wounding, frustration, and unnecessary warfare. After all, it is disobedience.
Holding onto a passing season does nothing for us but also nothing for those we serve. A new land is being prepared for you so you need to go ahead and, “go.”
We often delay our own advancement with Christ when we do not humble ourselves in a needed ending. Meaning, we wonder “Why God isn’t doin this,” or “Why God is silent.”
Yet, He is waiting on us to humble ourselves and surrender to the ending.
We all love new beginnings but not so much when it comes to endings. However it is usually an ending of a thing that brings about the beautiful new beginning.
Take an inventory of your life in this season with an honest heart.
Do I really have passion for what I am currently doing or am I just going through the motions?
Do I put my whole heart into “this” working as unto the Lord or feel like it’s become a burden when I have to do it?
Perhaps it’s just no longer a priority to us and if it is so let us be willing to see the truth of the matter.
When it turns from a blessing to a burden, it’s time for it to end.
God is removing us from these spaces in this season to free us for the “next.”
Be honest with God and with others so that you are able to exemplify humility in every necessary ending.
Maturity moves with Christ so let’s don’t drag our feet any longer.
Ecclesiastes 7:8: “The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.
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