For some there is coming wreckage. You will think it is the enemy wreaking havoc but it is you colliding head on with your divine destiny.
You’ve run far like Jonah. Paid the ticket to get on that ship but the Almighty still had His eye on you.
There is a destiny in your DNA as eternity yearns for you to seek and find your purpose in Jesus Christ.
The wreckage is intense. There is loss of life. Lots of collateral damage. Yet, something beautiful is stirring which remains unseen to the natural eye.
He has ordered your steps and even your mistakes and detours He worked with to bring you back to His heart. His plan for you.
His goodness and mercy has been on your heels. You were unable to hide. Wherever you’ve made your bed, He has been there.
He has watched as you rise in the morning and lie down in the evening. His eye has been quietly watching the performance of His Word and Heaven has been preparing for your return to the call.
The wreckage has left a limp much like Jacob wrestling with the angel of the Lord. You are bruised and battered. The suffering has gone deep into your heart and you’ve wondered if life is worth living. For a moment you’ve felt the heart cry of Elijah under the broom tree. His fatigue was speaking.
The Lord has tenderly been pulling the pieces together. All the broken parts. The broken places. The hope deferred.
Through death we follow Him into life. You are out of options. It’s Jesus or nothing. You’re weary. There is no fight left in you. You’re eyes close with tears falling on your pillow. He is catching each one for His bottle. You are not alone.
On His Wings comes your healing. The wreckage was a winnowing. A call to complete surrender. It must be His way….not your way-or man’s way.
The clash was horrific to your heart. But necessary also. It is the making of a warrior to enter into a wilderness.
But soon you will see. Just like Christ Jesus… will come out with power…
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