Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)
That “thing” God has called you to will not be easy. Cast off any thought of a golden road of effortlessness.
Your promised land will require a fight.
There are still giants placed by the enemy at the gates of your property. He does not intend to slow his goal and hand you a silver-plated destiny. He will fight you to the bitter end.
Layer by layer enemy armies will approach. Some will be quite noticeable while others will be somewhat of a shock. You’ll take lots of friendly fire where others have given over their thoughts and actions to the bait of Satan.
You will have to make up your mind now to persevere. If you do not…you likely will quit prematurely.
Give up on any notion of rest during the war over your life and purpose. Satan is best at throwing blows while your weary and tired, worn and battered, sleepless, or ill.
You will need to be a warrior.
Many may tell you to give in. Rest awhile. Take a day off.
Christ says “Let us go up at once.”
Do you have the Kingdom mindset that at all costs you will possess the land He created you to dwell in? The land that cost Him the blood poured out at Calvary? Does this mean anything at all to you?
It should.
You’ll face giants of fear, unbelief, doubt, naysayers, persecution, and more.
Keep going up…
Be leary of friendly voices with good intent but merely sent by the evil one to derail your possessing of the land.
You had best be prepared to go at it alone very often. No one is responsible for your land but you. However, there are more with you than you know. Be faithful.
So where is it Christ has said, “GO?” What is it He has said, “DO?”
May you hear today the same whisper that resounds in the scriptures from Caleb, the one with a different kind of Spirit;
“…Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
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