Isn’t it our human nature that holds onto the temporal things in life. Till one day we realize Christ is calling us to move…yet moving is refused by our anchored hearts. There will be a season of our lives when we realize we are in a new place with Jesus. He has repositioned us…He is different with us now in many ways. For He has prepared us for a new work. Yet, the familiar place is rooted so deep into our hearts we suddenly see the ownership of that which was never meant to be a long term assignment. In this moment is a decision….
See, you have been praying for God to “expand your borders..enlarge your territory..” but it never occurred to you the effects of such a wonderful and zealous prayer. It never set into your heart that to expand your territory meant you might have to let go of one trapeze to grab the next one. You never considered there would be a pasture that would be fresh and new. One you have never stepped into before. One void of the familiar. Such a frightening thought isn’t it? Yet, this is what He has been working out of you in the long months and years. It’s harvest time…the place of promise where your gifts and talents come together in a field of need. It’s the crossroads where your mind toys with the fear of the unknown. Oh, but you’ve prayed for so long. The wilderness lessons that have been burning in your heart are nearing time of delivery..and if you do not follow the voice of the ONE calling you..well…much goes undone in the Father’s heart.
We look at Paul in the Word..His heart was so torn between the churches he longed to fellowship with verses the call on his life to go town to town winning souls. He had to surrender his affections on the altar….and obey the Lord. He had to die to his own desires…to fulfill the desires of Jesus for a lost and dying world. He knew the importance of fulfilling the call God placed on his life. Have you considered the importance of the call placed on yours? If there are any affections more important to us than the call of Christ…we must surrender them each…earthly relationships, material possessions, dreams not planted by Christ, and sin that has become a cherished pastime. There must be a love for Him that is so deep we are compelled to “grab and go” when He calls.. He never promised seasons to be short or long…assignments will come and assignments will go…a look into the scriptures sees many roving disciples abandoned to all who obeyed as soon as “the Word of the Lord came..” They were always traveling from Glory to Glory…
What is it now that holds thy heart
Keeping snares from teachings taught
Is the love of men held high
Far above this heart of Mine?
When I formed you in thy womb
Way before temporal pursuits
In thy heart I set My love
Planted deep, yet from above.
You must choose where loyalty lies
Eternal depths, eternal heights
Leaving all you’ve known behind
Like Abraham obeying wise.
Obey me now avoid deep pain
lest you choose to play in rain
Your journey will now require much faith
Trust in me as you pray.
Child, so long you’ve roamed out there
Running from the looks and stares
Knowing “home” has yet been found
Once again you must move towns.
Idols come in disguised forms
Sometimes affections bring on scorn
For I must cut the deep soul ties
Freeing affections that cover Mine.