I have been so thrilled to get back outside with the Lord walking. I am finding it more difficult to sit still these days and it’s a constant battle to protect my time with Him. However, when we walk I can focus in on Him much better. I found myself gazing at all the beauty around me and it easily washed any discouragement from life away. Isn’t it marvelous to see His creator heart…the colors He paints, the seeds that grow into lush meadows, and the blooms that captivate the soul…
Some are blue and some are red
Some are for the bees to rest
Some are bright and some are dull
All are simply beautiful. …
Some are Itty bitty frail
And fall if touched with fingernails
But some have thorns protecting these
Careful they may biteth thee;-)
Some just make me want to dance
With playful tunes of trumpet stems
Some remind of purity
For lilies do preach this to me.
Some we call mistakenly
Weeds that mess up lawns and things
Yet Christ inside did place in these
Healing juice that’s white like He.
Some do bloom in heat of day
While others come at night to play
Some do grow with few rain drops
And some do best with lots and lots!!!
Some do taste so sweet with smells
While others might cause inwards swells (yikes)
Some start yellow then fur balls
O’ dandelions make me sing.. now yall! (Love)
Some look as a strange paintbrush
Watercolors and faded blush
Pansies now are bright and bold
Yellow, purple, and even gold!
Jasmine blooms with Heaven’s scent
Runs the vines and never quits
Wonder if she longs for home
And climbs and climbs with yearning moans.
Many seem to have a flare
Yet some are but a humble wear
But each cry out His Majesty
April 21, 2106