Embers shine
O Fan thy flame
Soon the light will be a haze
Bright we must shine in this hour
Letting not the dark devour.
Dying is the fire fast
Lost is faith and Holy paths
Christ will soon come take His bride
First will come a shaking wide.
Embers we must keep them lit
For many still await His gift
Slow are now His people’s feet
Weights with sin and unbelief.
O Embers…shake thy hearts anew!
Dimly lit will soon be cool
Pray My Spirit’s Holy blaze
Stokes the fire with fiery rays.
Embers simmer awaiting flames
Fanned by speaking of His Name
Saving power flows thru His breath
“Proclaim My people!!. …Come and rest!!”
Trials spring forth in Thy stead
Gathering all His soldiers dead.
Blowing life in nostrils fair
Bones attach and sinews paired.
Resurrect all that is dead
Burn thy embers hot and red
Stir thy cinders, sparks shall fly
Prepare thy oil O’ bride of Christ.
2 Timothy 1:6
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands…KJV
(Embers- burning ashes of a dying fire; dying but not extinguished remains of a great love or passion..small piece of burning wood or coal.)
1 Timothy 4: 14
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.
(Shelly Wilson, April 8, 2015)