When Christ takes you deeper into His heart He will begin to show you the hidden sin unseen in the dark recesses of your own heart. Most often it’s sin we have not realized is present.
Often we rest assured of our goodness until He peels away the layers and shines a light on that which grieves Him.
He will wreck our theology and call to account any participation with the enemy. Wherever you have partnered with Satan to demean or oppress others, Christ will rest His finger.
Very often it will be the place of your hindrance. The answer to your prayerful cries, “Why, Lord, am I unable to move forward.” This certainly is not true of every instance, but has been at times true in my own life. Should you lack in offering Godly sorrow for careless behavior that wounds, Christ will kneed ever tenderly your heart until you finally give way to His call of reconciliation. He is mindful of the smallest of details that keep us from being molded into His image.
He will begin to share misunderstandings with you where Satan has ushered in violence and abuse for generations. For every racial slur, every twisted scripture that led people back into bondage, every murdered heart at the weapon of our own tongues, and for every injustice you dare not to contend with…..He watches and waits.
To reach the depths of His heart you may find yourself knee deep in the school of the wilderness whereby pain serves as a precious tool chiseling away at prejudices, bias opinions, and partiality that is not His heart. Our lessons must first come to our own front doors before we consider a better way. The lessons likely will allow a stinging never to be forgotten as you are re-positioned to the true ways of Christ.
This is the classroom of the most wonderful making of His servants. Where your eyes see that uniqueness is beautiful and the gifts in men and women are needed hand in hand to accomplish His work. It’s the place where grief overcomes you at the mistreatment of His own people. Mistreatment that is applauded as “in His name” and often upheld as lawful to a Church gone astray. It is where you will hear your brother’s blood cry out from murder and imprisonment. The cries of the Abel’s will keep you up at night as you intercede for Christ to pierce the darkness with His light.
Yet, He gives you courage to turn the tables of what has become the den of thieves and call to question pressing issues no longer challenged. Satan has robbed the body of Christ of much freedom and truth. But the Lord is soon to raise His hand swiftly towards injustice. His jealously for His people runs deep and He will rise as a great defender.
In the depths of His heart comes clarity and gentle attention to the needs of His sheep that cause your own heart to bleed from the cries you hear of pain. You will begin to see hidden gifts covered by sorrow and Christ will call you to tend the garden of the wounded seeds that they might soon be free to fly again.
What a lovely place within the inner chambers of His heart. No matter how hard you try you come to understand truly there are “unsearchable” things you do not know.
What an honor for Him to open His heart to you and trust you to then run with it to hurting people. It is exhilarating and painful all at the same time.
Yet this is the life that follows Christ.
Onward Christian soldier…. onward…
We mustn’t stop in the outer layers of His heart but press on into the unknown places where His gentleness and His kindness consumes your rage and hatred. We must keep moving closer and closer to Him ever leaning into the beating of His heart.
Can you hear it?
Then day by day we wake up mindful there is another day and another journey into the hidden passages of His soul whereby He delights in supping with mortal men and the sheer adventure of Him unfolding more of Himself to His loved creations.
Who are we that He is mindful of us?
What a journey this is… and what a great King we serve. May He unfold Himself to us as a delicate flower waking to a new day. And may we in turn learn to hear His heart beat more fully. For He has much He would like to share with us if we dare to go deeper…
Love Much,
April 19, 2018
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