I was walking the other night with the Lord. I heard something and turned my head to see a smoldering fire. It was a large brush fire from someone clearing land. I heard the Lord very clearly say “Danger, Danger” and I paused to receive a poetic message. May it speak to the hearts in need of hearing.
Danger Danger I heard Him say!
Fire is coming come what may
The embers kindled and simmer hot
Soon the smoke will smolder dark.
Danger Danger I heard Him say!
Christ is warning it’s underway
Check your heart “no doubt” you say?
Careful careful watch and pray…
Danger, Danger I heard Him say!
In thy closet one must stay
Or you may miss His leading now
Listen close for His safest route.
Danger, Danger I heard Him say
Does thou see Thy coming rain
Many will be deceived one day
Caught off guard as blinded prey.
Danger Danger I heard Him say!
Some ignore and dare to pray
Hear the bell ring at the door?
Open not to Satan’s lore.
July 24, 2016
I had to look up the meaning of this word to understand the context as I was uncertain when I received it. It has proved to be very interesting. The Lord is very intentional with His words.
a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.