For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
I believe it is due time to clear up a myth that has been used in the name of Jesus but certainly not of Jesus.
Particularly for women, is the idea that silence is golden, meekness is weakness, and remaining quiet is the lady-like thing to do.
This teaching has often undergirded abuse and hidden sin. We often see a wrong being done but let it pass. It happens in many environments, including the church.
Listen, we are to help each other towards righteousness in Jesus. Perhaps, if we spoke up more often, some behaviors would change. If we are honest, we don’t want to risk being ostracized, ridiculed, rejected, or being marked in some negative way. But what does Christ expect of us as His followers?
He expects us to bring the truth in love. Grace never overlooks another being bullied. Grace speaks. Grace engages for the sake of truth.
When we speak up with the truth of the word or even the truth of a situation, we are exposing darkness to light. At this moment, the light of Christ can work, heal, and change a heart.
Have you ever been around someone that is always being hateful to other people but no one ever says anything? That person likely stays hateful because there were never consequences to his/her behavior. No one was brave enough to simply be honest. I often wonder how many damaged hearts still need healing due to these situations.
The same can be true in leadership. We’ve been taught often never to question authority of any kind. This includes church, job, or other authority. However, you and I are royal priests. Co-heirs with Christ. Christ operates in absolute truth. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. Think about that for one long minute.
It is our responsibility to know the truth, seek the truth, and speak up when the truth is lacking.
The Lord is very opposed to the oppression of others. He is a justice fighter always on the side of the oppressed. If He were to take a daily inventory of our lives and opportunities, whose side would He find us on?
Do we see a spirit of control and domination in a place and stay quiet? This can be dangerous and harm others. You must be Esther in these moments. Always rightly dividing the Word of God. Standing for those who are oppressed, overlooked, marginalized. It is your Kingdom duty as a follower of Jesus.
Do you prefer to not get involved in things that bring confrontation?
If so, you will likely never engage in the gospel sharing of Christ. For much is at risk in such a moment. As you are reading this, someone is being tortured for following Christ. Someone is being murdered for uttering His name.
Esther was in a situation that is not preferred. She had been told it was up to her to save her people. If she didn’t speak up, her people would be destroyed. Her speaking up actually was a threat to her own life. No one was allowed to come to the King without being called. Yet, she went. (If you haven’t already, go read the entire book of Esther. It is so rich!)
Not only did God protect her, but He also saved her people, and the enemy was stopped.
So in what situation are you being called to be an Esther?
I learned a valuable lesson from a counselor once. I was afraid to speak up in a certain situation because I didn’t want to dishonor anyone. She said this, “Shelly, you never dishonor someone by telling the truth.” I’ve never forgotten those words. I’ve remembered it every time I’ve had to counsel a wife who was scared of dishonoring her abusive husband so she suffered in silence for years. The enemy has a certain playground in the silence. He loves to steal someone’s voice.
Truth must be fought for in our world today. You must become a soldier in this battle.
Christ is calling for bravery.
Will you report for duty?
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