No More Formulas
There is no magic formula to moving the hand of God. We must simply submit to Him and yield as He leads. He listens and He has a timing appointed to everything under the sun. (Eccl. 3)
There is no magic formula to moving the hand of God. We must simply submit to Him and yield as He leads. He listens and He has a timing appointed to everything under the sun. (Eccl. 3)
The gospel is a risky business. The problem, today, is the western church is no longer willing to risk herself for the sake of Christ.
I believe one of the most heartbreaking things for the LORD is to see a child of His turn down their blood bought legacy.
I see a woman who feels forgotten. Your breath is muffled and tears sting, but you are unable to just let them fall.
Seasons come where you are thrown quickly into a new work with Christ and you are rendered once again much like a new student in a new class for a new realm. It can be challenging but exhilarating.
Until you’ve walked through a deep heart grief, you’ll likely not understand the decisions some must make in order to stay on the healing path with Christ.
It takes a deepened commitment to longevity and a constant fierce battle to stay the course with Christ Jesus.
Satan is really good at painting a glamorous, yet counterfeit, landscape of false promises on the other side of that betrayal agreement.
Much like the story of the sons of Eli, we have a hidden sin issue within leadership circles. The Bible is very clear on the weight of leadership. It is not to be taken lightly.
In prayer this morning I heard the words, “Some are building their own kingdoms.”