Assigned Seating
Prayer is my hardest work and that which I labor in most. It is the drawing near to Christ and walking in the Spirit. Prayer brings divine direction so that you know when and where to, “Go.”
Prayer is my hardest work and that which I labor in most. It is the drawing near to Christ and walking in the Spirit. Prayer brings divine direction so that you know when and where to, “Go.”
Sitting at my computer this morning came the words, “The End.” There has been a Kingdom shift whereby an END to things is occurring.
We often scurry around creating new plans when things are not going as expected. We try a new method or marketing scheme in hopes we will see a shift.
The function of pastoring, or shepherding, means simply to tend and mend. It’s a call to care for the sheep in the way they need. To mirror the Good Shepherd in how He loved well, tended the sick, equipped the disciples, and delivered the captives.
Gen 3:8 – And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
While divine separations do occur, so do demonic divisions. In the end, both can happen simultaneously for God to get you where you need to be. He wastes no time to turn the tide when the enemy comes in like a flood.
Relationships take investing in. The more you invest the closer your relationships become. When you stop investing, the relationship ceases to exist.
If I’ve learned anything at all from Christ Jesus it is the way of gentleness. It was never my preaching or singing that would make me great.
If you listen closely, you may actually hear the sounds of His weighted wings as He covers you with His feathers.
While some seasons seem to be a “suddenly season” in many ways, I’ve more times than not had seasons of going the long way around.