The Next Chapter
Listen. I do have an education. A bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a MBA with a specialty in Health Services but the Lord warned me about using my old methods in the Kingdom once I stepped into running a ministry.
Listen. I do have an education. A bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and a MBA with a specialty in Health Services but the Lord warned me about using my old methods in the Kingdom once I stepped into running a ministry.
We talked last night about how often we are called upon by people to “fill a spot” or “meet a need” but the truth is God never called us to it. So we sit empty in it while nothing of God actually happens. It’s all human will and strength.
What are you willing to do for His presence? Let go of all the formality, the agenda, and just let Him have the room?
When Jesus moves you on there are usually mixed emotions. There can be excitement in the NEW while still having a grief in the move.
I’ve spent a fair amount of time over my years injuring my shoulders while barreling into closed doors.
While I was worshiping this morning I saw an open Bible begin to transform into Christ the person. All the scriptures formed His frame and His body inside and out. It was like watching an animation come to life.
I can’t make anyone a minister. God does the choosing. There’s no shiny positions in real Kingdom work and honestly God is the only one who anoints and appoints. I’m only called to see in hearts what God
Though pain and sorrow come near, the skylark remains a most cheerful songbird. In circular motions the little lark ascends towards Heaven and is one of the rare birds that sings while it flies. You would never know
When I began in ministry, I was terrified to speak in front of anyone, so I made sure my music tracks ran right together with no pause. It sounded like a good plan but the motive was fear and insecurity.
It’ll be at the edge of reason that you find God’s higher ways. That place where you can no longer explain what He just did or make any natural sense of it all.