On My Own
At some point, you’ll have to decide that “this” just isn’t working. This hurricane cycle of sweeping pain will meet you at your daily door until you open it for the King.
At some point, you’ll have to decide that “this” just isn’t working. This hurricane cycle of sweeping pain will meet you at your daily door until you open it for the King.
In prayer this morning came out the title of this writing. I found myself praying for those that might be detained by the devil and don’t even know it.
There’s a heavenly perspective happening that looks like confusion and chaos to you, but it’s wiping away an old season and preparing for the new one.
Years ago, God put me in touch with a sweet woman of God. Recently, she released a Bible Study called WANTED. The Bible Study is a beautiful look at the Song of Solomon. I knew I had to chat with
Dear Woman of God, You were never an afterthought to the LORD ALMIGHTY. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. You
While the Holy Spirit has authority and power, you can absolutely shut the door to Him. He will not be manhandled.
I’ve watched many a ministry place a warm body in an empty position without prayer. Often we are trying to force God to do what we want rather than waiting and perceiving what God actually wants.
Often God has used me when I had no idea He was doing so. Other times, there would be a moment of “aha” as I realized He had me on assignment. God desires to use you and if you’ll say,
Some of those arrows you’ve endured were for those in your own family who needed to see somebody walk for real with Jesus. At every persecution, they saw you stand back up and be willing to take one for the team.
Why are you angry at that pained soul
Perhaps it’s a heart you should get to know
Before that judgment causes grief
For one who is already needing peace.