A Discussion on Divorce and Abuse
We have seen the Church misrepresent the heart of Christ regarding Divorce for way too long. Many women have been abused and rescued by God due to abuse. Abuse is not a marital issue but a sin issue and a
We have seen the Church misrepresent the heart of Christ regarding Divorce for way too long. Many women have been abused and rescued by God due to abuse. Abuse is not a marital issue but a sin issue and a
Join us in our birthday month fun around here! In lieu of our annual Facebook fundraiser, we’ve enabled campaigns on our donor site to simply things nicely. We thank yall so much for always being moved by compassion in just
The trauma didn’t trap you, it tried you. Now it has proved you. It took you higher into the place of the Spirit of God where hinds feet in higher places was becoming your portion.
Within your own wilderness has come a well of wisdom. Who knew pain could carry promise and valleys could birth life changing legacy.
You are never too old with Jesus to grow. I’m so thankful for this truth. Over the past few years God has been restoring worship to me. However, it has not been the same as before.
In all of my “unlearning” with the Lord this topic has been one of the most heartbreaking. In my church upbringing was often quoted, “God hates divorce.” When God began to take me through all of the scriptures regarding divorce
There are times when God walks you right back to the place of pain. You’ve likely run from it trying hard to get away from it.
You have not been forgotten or forsaken. As I look across the field, I see you.
In worship this morning I began to sing, “Precious is the one.” I knew it was the Lord sharing His heart with me. In a world where audiences are preferred, Jesus says, “Precious is the one.”
The Lord began to speak to me about Matthew 6:6 where it speaks of how He honors openly those who pray privately and I believe for some He is specifically calling you out of the caves very soon. As I