A Letter to Esther
This is no time to shrink back. You will have to face the giants of the day to set your people free.
This is no time to shrink back. You will have to face the giants of the day to set your people free.
When God is ruling there will always be evidence of Him at work. Everywhere Jesus went was healing, deliverance, the blind seeing, hearts bound up, and truth being dispensed.
What is it you long for?
My heart has been travailing for deepened worship.
While in prayer the phrase came into my heart, “Casualties of War.” The Lord was showing me the many unnecessarily lamed hearts after a bout of war.
It is tempting to only praise God when we’re on the mountain and all is well. At the turn of every blessing, we rejoice. Yet when the valley is where our feet land, we disappear from the sweet honoring of our God.
Lately I’ve heard come from my own mouth the whisper of God to “Pay Attention.”
I’ve just decided, as many others have, enough is enough and it’s time to lift a voice to it. Instead of blaming and shaming people for leaving our churches, using fear tactics and unbiblical memes to guilt people perhaps we
It is a dangerous place to be if one thinks they’ve nothing left to learn.
Sometimes you really do need to leave. For far too long we’ve created a type of loyalty to titles and churches that is not in line with Jesus.