This morning I have something trying to “stand up” in me. Perhaps, someone. (Christ)
This is not a season to be surrounded by people who are unable to run with you. Those who are always talking you out of your calling, tossing negative remarks to oppose God’s heart unfolding in you, and casually offering to spiritually abort the baby you’re carrying.
Not everyone appreciates a surrendered heart because it stirs up Holy Ghost conviction.
It just seems to be “a little too much for them.” And soon you, yourself, become “a little too much for them.”
If you’re a dreamer with Jesus He will occasionally need to cull your circle. Because dreamers stir up holy strife and expose complacency in hearts not really willing to pick up their cross.
People who are lukewarm will likely ask you to, “Tone it down.” When in all honesty, they need to crank it up and get all in or all out.
Not everyone is going where you are going. Sometimes it’s because they simply were not appointed to go with you any further. At other times, it’s honestly that they can’t because they won’t.
They won’t get “all in.”
They won’t honor what God has given you.
They aren’t against you but maybe not really for you.
They lack growth in Christ and won’t make efforts to go deeper.
Like the story of Moses, they disregard the authority God has entrusted to you and rebel against what God has said.
They only stay with you in case God does something “big.” (Whew, that’s a hard one to hear)
In these times, God will make a pruning pass. Whatever branches aren’t bearing fruit, He will cut.
My Mom was a beautician for many years. So I learned that sometimes when you cut your hair it actually grows faster and healthier.
You and I need people who are hollering, “Don’t you dare quit now!” “You are fully equipped for this new work!”
Yet often we are encircled by naysayers and professional sighers. “Here she goes again.” You can almost hear the eye rolling in the room, yes?😂
Ministry always seems to be a burden to them rather than a divine invitation of God to be a part of a beautiful blessing.
There must have been some kind of tale-tale sign that Satan was speaking through Peter. Jesus didn’t have any hesitation in a quick turning around to say plainly, “Satan, get thee behind me.”
We must be so careful at voices always pushing back on God’s desired advancement in and through us.
Often it’s even well intended out of protection. But Jesus never called us to play it safe. He only said, “Follow me.”
I believe, today, God is removing those who knowingly or unknowingly oppose His will in your life. God is quite jealous over His people and His plan.
Some branches will be severed in this season and others pruned.
He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful. John 15:2
While that passage pertains to that which is “in” us please do remember the baby in your spiritual womb. Whatever threatens that which is God’s will need to be removed as well.
Whatever, or whoever, the enemy is using to sabotage your victory in Jesus, will soon be going.
Be sure you do not beg them back once they depart. This is for your good and theirs.
You and I need those who will firmly drop-kick us into destiny and wont allow us to wallow in self pity, take the easy way out, or shrink back from the call on our lives.
You need people who know how to pray you through that fiery trial. Those who jump into the battle with you. Not those often found on the sidelines.
Warriors are the ones God will now bring alongside you. There is coming a changing of the guards.
Today’s prayer is that Christ would remove all ungodly alignments, all Antichrist opposition, and all lukewarm battle buddies.
We are no longer on a playground but a battleground.
May He position generals who know how to fight, saints who don’t mind hard work, and those who will lay down their lives for the King and Kingdom.
There is coming a shift that will include many an exit.
Let it be as He has said in this hour so you can run the race set before you.
New teams are being developed. Seasoned saints who keep growing in Christ are being positioned together to wade this war. The “I’m in it when it’s convenient for me Christian’s” will be reassigned.
Don’t resist the pruning pass. It will yield healthier fruit and a more bountiful harvest.
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings So closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…
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