I was praying this morning and asked the Lord to give me His heart and mind….I honestly placed before Him a fear of moving in my own agenda more often than in His.
I carefully poured out a heart desire to have a heart that could also be pricked, poked, and pierced yet still wholly love Him and also wholly love people. There is a callousness that grows in Gods people today and I want no part of it.
I see often His kind eyes staring locked at Peter….”I have prayed for you…that when you return you will strengthen the brethren.” I imagine Peter never once forgot the silent language exchanged in a mere glance as Christ was being carried away.
As I was walking, the sun began to have such power that I said “Lord, I cannot stay in this heat… would you bring shade…and His sweet, yet haunting, whisper responds…” Shelly, you must get use to the heat…. There will be little shade in the coming days.” Certainly not what one wants to hear….yet, ’tis so true in this hour.
“The Rise of the Tender Warrior”
We often sit awhile as Christ says “dust off your feet…” for in our modern day world this is not seen as kind. Yet, as Christ restores His Church there will be much “dusting off of ones feet” for few will hear the voices crying in the wilderness now.
If we signed up only for the perks of salvation we will be sorely wounded and likely betray as Peter did. Yet, if we spent time exchanging our life for His… well, we will dust the feet quickly to get to the next assignment… back to Biblical examples to which we are now far from.
Christ also suffered only a few into the room to heal the young girl of her death bed… not all will go with us each on individual journeys. He is now raising up many who encountered a “crises of faith.” This is typical of many testimonies of saints that have pioneered for the Kingdom. Likely, as John the Baptist and others you will go alone in at least a season. This is a very important part of our training.
I realize by this worlds standards we ought to have a fair amount of followers, a long list of accomplishments, and a fan base that pushes our success. We would be hard pressed to find the masses following the prophets and disciples of old. Rather they were shunned, pursued, and executed…. for following Christ. Isn’t it a far cry from what we hear from our pulpits today? Are we ready for this kind of “heat” friends?
To be a Deborah of any sort we must judge righteously as indicated by her palm tree courtroom smack dab in the middle of the seat of idolatry(Ramah) and the House of God…(Bethel). You will also have to be a judge of Bible magnitude that leads the people into war…the plight of every judge recorded in the scriptures. These were not just mouthpieces for the Lord but “deliverers.” Each raised up to deliver Gods people from idolatry and following other gods….each called to pull down the altars of the Baals and protect the sheep… turning them back to Christ… in this “the land found rest.” Yet, when Deborah arose we also see a mothering heart meant to tend and mend…
Now we shall see who the true worshipers are in a great separation that is occurring…they will go when called, speak when all else remain quiet, and they will lay down worldly pleasures to advance the Kingdom. They will provoke songs of victory after a battle win and delegate people into their battle positions. Comfort will be no place for these…
The fruit of loss will also be as Deborah, the mighty “honey bee.” Surely her name is worthy of a glance. We know honey is well known to be sweet and laced with healing properties. The fruit of loss in the warriors life will be as such…. Christ is pouring Himself out through such losses and His fruit thereof will touch hearts with a kindness and gentleness that is laced with healing for hurting hearts. The clanging symbols will soon be silenced by the mighty hand of Christ Himself, for many have turned away due to harshness that has proven unkind.
So get use to the “heat” dear warrior… but do press into Christ for His Spiritual fruit….Keeping a fierceness that portrays gentleness. A righteousness that portrays realness, and a courage that has a heart to “deliver others.”
It’s time to be battle ready…dare not betray Him…and do not delay Him…. simply obey Him…and love well…
Love Much,
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