I ran into a scripture yesterday in the Psalm that peaked my interest. However, I soon forgot about it until I ran into it again this morning except I was in Hebrews.
I’ve learned not to miss such a moment of hearing God’s voice. I love a good chasing down of Christ Jesus.
Psalm 104:4
Who makes His angels spirits,
His ministers a flame of fire.
Hebrews 1:7
And of the angels he saith,Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
That word “ministers” points to servants, priests, military laborers, servants of a king, ones busied with holy things, a worshipper of God, or a benefactor.
This is me, and this is you if you’re in Christ.
We were meant to be fiery flames burning brightly for the King and Kingdom.
That word “flame” means to be ablaze.
Are you burning ablaze today for the things of God and His dear will for your life or has this world stolen away your affections for Him?
We might think those strange who spend their days in service to the Lord, yet it is the normal way of life in Jesus for every single royal priest of His.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing you’re on call for the King to be a constant flame of fire of His love.
Days are defined by Him alone as He wrote them all in His book in advance for you. Is it His will you’re following or your own?
Are we tepid in all honesty not really on fire but like a small, barely lit, pilot light?
We get by with as little service as possible. We spend more time with others than with Him. We’ve allowed natural activities and natural relationships to become greater than Him.
We choose to be where He is not learning less and less about Him and His kingdom ways. We’ve grown cold in our love for Him.
But oh when the glory comes and the room is full of ministers who truly have been lit as flames of fire…there are beautiful lasting effects of His coming.
Healing, deliverance, salvation, and power.
Miracles are manifest and His presence joins you. Every agenda is tossed out the window to grab hold of the very Hem of His garment.
You’ll not wonder was He there or make up in your mind some lesser coming of Him…you shall know Jesus was in the house. It will be indisputable.
That same flame of fire will burn up all things that are unkind in you. It will impart gentleness and long-suffering. It will put power on your mouth and give you a holy self-control that honors Him well. You will have a love for others that supersedes love for yourself.
His heart will be what you submit and surrender to. Your deep love for Him will desire to please Him.
All lukewarmness will go in Jesus name and consume all that is not at all like Him.
I believe God is indeed raising up those who are His flames of fire in this era.
They’ve shunned the world and its ways yet developed a heart for those in desperate need of grace.
They’ve removed the clothes of religion and been mantled by God Himself to do great exploits.
The work of the kingdom of darkness is no match for them as Jesus has taken His rightful place and space in their heart and lives. His authority has been given to them.
Soon you’ll see coming over that mountain very real flames of fire. The unknown, the mocked, the rejected.
They were purged in the wilderness and now have been set ablaze by the King of Glory.
Hallelujah to the lamb!
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