I know you’ve been waiting on someone to notice you. But you’ve gotta die to that dear one. This life in Christ is about obedience to Him alone. Loyalty to Him alone. He must be your first love.
He is the God who sees you.
Anointing often brings much rejection with it. Remember the life of Jesus.
If you don’t understand this now, then you’ll be deeply hurt again and again and become bitter. But let this set you free to just be His and to know that the gifts will make room for you in His perfect time. He has purposed you for a reason and a season.
There is a reason we are told do not look to the right or to the left. Keep your eyes focused on Him alone. Set your face like flint.
Your race won’t be like everyone else’s and if you begin to move into places and spaces because you’ve got an inner need to be seen rather than a calling that’s positioning you divinely you’ll die on the vine because it’ll never be enough.
There won’t be enough applause.
There won’t be enough fame.
There won’t be enough accolades.
The next church won’t be enough.
The next role won’t be enough.
The next job won’t be enough.
You’ll always end up empty, still.
Why? Because you’re looking for the acceptance of man and that dear heart may well lead you outside of God’s will for your life.
We can often make things happen ourselves when we want something bad enough.
But listen. You want the beauty of God supernaturally positioning you into those areas, locations, positions, jobs, and ministry assignments that have been marked just for you.
Search your sweet heart to check for hidden motives of why you do what you do.
Because what God has planned for you is exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever ask, think, or imagine…
Don’t settle for less.
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